Sociological Jurisprudence

The right is a requirement of the state life: ubi homo, ibi societas; ubi societas, ibi jus. The legal doctrine had a great one occasions of development when it passed to be treated as a technological knowledge, as they recognize Ricasns Siches; C. Perelman, Alf Ross. Swarmed by offers, Amazon is currently assessing future choices. The expression legal technique if divulged between the jurists, since its use for Savigny, Ihering, Geny. Was transferred to consider it the legal knowledge as directed, a teleologic knowledge.

On the legal knowledge, it says this last one: ' ' I have supported that princpko of the pureness of science is not violated whenever if puts of manifesto that this part of the legal politics is not of scientific nature. In the practical this it means that the directive ones must be presented not as scientific conclusions, dressed of authority, as laws scientifically discovered, but as an advice, one recomendao.' ' Eugen Ehrlich, corifeu of the School of the Free Right (Rechschule Brakes), me of the most svanadas legal philosophies, already it warned that what if traditionally calls Science the Right, Dogmtica Jurtdica, does not have to be qualified as science, and yes as an Applied Science. Three workmanships its, Contribution for the theory of the sources of the right, Sociology of the right, legal Logic, had caused great impact in the legal thought, as well as in the thought of followers, as Sitelmann, Kantorowicz, Fuchs, all treating the coincident legal knowledge with our exposition. Roscoe Pound initiated in the United States a new vision of the Right, that was known as School of the Sociological Jurisprudence. Its vision is perfectly to cmpar above with the characteristics, of the technological knowledge, directed. For this School, the logic of the jurist is a logic in reason of the consequences of the application of the law, which, even so only probable, constitute the true center of gravity of the legal logic.

Vienna Celebration

Vienna is giving a surprise with the incredible boom in its scope of young people.Wild concerts clubs, hot, day-long festivities in the street, an entire island to live life and a profusion of cafes and places to hang out today form the vibrant, youthful face of the Danube metropolis venerable. The classic rhythm for fans of Vienna, the site of the accident was and remains the triangle around St. Ruprecht’s Church in the old town.The bars are of fashion here, as well as full of life and zest of pubs such as the first floor and Krah Krah, Ma Pitom, Kaktus or Soda rum against. Spittelberg Biedermeier revitalized the area in which Donau Bar, Brau Plutzer and green are just two of the sites frequented by many fashion that surround the Amerlinghaus events Center.Spittelberg is always in season: in winter, when a sweet and sticky scent of eggnog hot fleet in the air and the Christmas market is filled with life, and when summer arrives, in when the first warm breezes can deviate by Rails and cafeterias that arise to mark the beginning of several months of vibrant street life. When the sun shines in the Copa Cagrana, the strip of retaining wall on the Danube near the Reichsbrucke bridge is a small world in itself.The bars and restaurants, cafes and clubs of beach make this the ideal place for cold drinks and hot flirtations from May to September.The Cagrana Copa represents the life of high, the style of Vienna, which enjoy plenty of others apart from the many that take the day off to go to swim, take the Sun, wind-surfing, bicycling and skating on the Danube Island. In summer, the young people in Vienna is the best place to be is away from home.It is time to join the others along the sweating with the Vienna City Marathon which runs through the heart of the city. Events in the city, as the music festival of film on the front of the City Hall attract visitors with its combination of warm nights in summer and the big screen projections by legends like Karajan and Bernstein opera performances and concerts.In this case, artistic enjoyment goes hand in hand with the culinary pleasures, when one’s taste buds go on a journey through the world of countless food stalls. In the Tanzquartier Wien in the Museumsquartier dance performances now have their permanent home.Local and international programmes are interpreted and shown in new productions every two weeks.In addition, the Impuls festival has become a window on the latest developments of dance from around the world.The finest ensembles, soloists and newcomers from the world of dance presents a variety of fashion styles, such as contemporary dance, improvisation, hip-hop, break – dance and dance. An error will be assume that Vienna is only about the giants of the music of past centuries, as Mozart and Schubert is very far from the beam.The city has quickly become a superpower in electronic music and has produced stars DJ today, along with the sampling and remixing of gods such as Kruder & Dorfmeister, Pulsinger and Tunakan, and DSL. Vienna youth scene is booming as never before.Entire neighborhoods of the city seems as if the hills had never been alive with the sound of music and the Viennese had never heard of a waltz.The motto is youth is to exit, in tune, cut loose, relax and dance.

Venice Paris

I already expelled several from my poems to kicks and I do not want to return them to see in my future books. To publish nonsiginifica to lose the control on the own thing. I never mention the title of my first book with the hope which nobody remembers that it exists. I know that Antonio Sarabia walks in looks for, for two decades, of unit that remains of their first published book, that is accidentally a poemario, to burn them without mercy. To publish is an act that can bring joys, but I assure to you that the majority is ephemeral. I have that to thank for to my first poemarios much to him. Thanks to them, for example, they invited to me for the first time to an encounter of writers in Europe.

That one was wonderful, because I did not have money to thus make a trip by my account. The trip lasted three weeks: Vienna Graz-Venice Paris, and nevertheless when returning town nothing had changed. I had changed a little perhaps, but it seems to me that nobody realized. I understood that it did not write to communicate to me with the world. Many people, including my parents said, me that she had to dedicate me to another thing, or to resign to me to die of hunger, but did not matter to me. I wrote because she felt to me single and the life in solitude is very hard. He wrote to fill an emptiness that accompanied to me as a mark by birth. For months I read to you.

It did not know that you were 19 years old, thought a little to you greater. I like what beams, you have much talent. And me honour tenerte between my readers. Doubt does not fit to me that someday you will also publish. When it watches your book in the shelves I will ask myself if to publish it is had developing for you like the most important fact of your life. I wait for that no. sincerely That you will live many experiences more transcendental than that one. In this letter I have left a handful you of personal experiences, I imagine that they will serve to you as very little. In order to say it with one it mills done: each writer is a world. Only I have left agradecerte that you have written to me, I will try to feel a whole, a piece in the historical genius, as you say to me, but do not know I will obtain if it. Nonpassage of being a Colombian writer of province that now has the luck to live in Lisbon. Warmly, Lauren Mendinueta ShareThis Original author and source of the article.

Rota Beach

I do not mean to pontificate about the death or the brevity of life, only today I was reminded of my father. Let’s see, I remember actually my father quite often, I want to say that I remembered a scene that we live long ago. It was summer, we were on a beach in Rota, I have not returned there since then, so I guess that the wild beach at the foot of a ravine, nothing remains that would recognize. I don’t know why you say, but that day walked along the beach early, very early, alone he, my brother and I, that we rastreabamos the Bank discovering strange algae, or peculiar shells. With lungs full of sea air, we went and we had been asking my father about this or that. The tide was low, so the Bank was a real bonanza of treasures. We removiamos the sand to try to pick up coquinas, we husmeabamos in the holes that appeared to be collected the wave to see if we pillabamos a knife looked to one side and was the sea, which seemed infinite, looked at each other and a wall of stone and Earth Yellow which encroached roots, made us tilt the neck backwards to see the tops of the trees that surmounting it. If you are not convinced, visit Richard Blumenthal.

Suddenly, I remember, my father asked us something that seemed to me one of the best ideas I had heard. Something as simple as typing the year in sand and fill the shape with small stones. He wrote a few numbers of the size of his foot and we were filling them with Chinese small and shells that the tide had left behind on the shore. When we were about to complete the task (my brother and I began to be somewhat tired of that), I realized that our work would disappear soon. Pope, but as soon as the tide rises, the Chinese will take and will not be nothing said. Of course, for that we do. I didn’t know why but when we left the beach I felt sad, distressed, turning the head constantly to look at the number that would never again see, because in a short time I was going to fall apart, and that he was safe. For the first time I met the certainty of the end something, inability to recover something lost.

1979. That was the year that took the tide. Year and a half later my father died. Until today, even today, I see how the years and people, and what they learned in the lesson of that day only have to apply it immediately necessary to remind us that nothing withheld here and the work we do must be done with the utmost delicacy, even knowing that the tide will take it.

Compassion And Generosity

I have put the title of compassion and generosity, but also could have been solidarity and empathy, or human being and prove it. Sen. Sherrod Brown wanted to know more. Because I’m going to refer to the situation that we are living at the global level, in which we find many people begging, without daring to say so or shouting in the street with his plaintive gesture and his sonrojada gaze fleeing to the ground, and his hand extended, shaky and ashamed. We see them dressed his poverty and his misfortune, carrying in tow, like a cross, his bad luck or the few opportunities that has given them life with his past full of empty and griefs, their present indigent, and a future that does not dare to present view of what to expect next to these people. See them humiliated, showing his misfortune and his penury, with fear in their eyes, almost asking for apologies for not being at the height of the rest, which if won or at least so we believe it and aparentamos-, teaching us his failure with hard rawness. Many times I have elucubrado about what has to feel a person who decides that the next day it will be unveiled, be placed in a corner, and, perhaps kneeling, extend the supplicant hand. What must feel each second that passes asking. How many looks of contempt will receive and what few of love or solace. Will feel abandoned by God, and repudiated by the friendly target?, think of their parents and loved ones who no doubt will suffer for it, or think only in what it has could be put herself or her children?, will conclude with the thought, atrocious and tremendous, but perhaps real, that does not owe anything to life? Many times we learned that there are people malviviendo, needing care and food, and we are left without doing anything except support, brief and slightly, a bit of pity, and ask our God to never see you in that situation. .

Classic Women

List of women's accessories, which should be in every woman's wardrobe (Michael Kors (Michael Kors)): 1. String of pearls Pearl is a classic, no matter the size. Pearls not only looks great, it gives a person a natural shine, which is akin to making a woman unique. 2. Diamonds' Wear largest diamonds, which can afford – says Kors.

– And if you can not afford the real thing, wear artificial. " Cloves of fine complement the jeans and t-shirt, little black dress, suitable for adolescents and older women. "Few things modest and luxurious at the same time, but the perfect pair of studs is one of them" – said Kors. 3. Glasses "Aviator" These glasses will give you much, create a sense of intrigue, danger, or mystery.

"They automatically turn you into a star – says the designer. – This is the thing which has no age or gender. " 4. Large These wrist-watch hours, functional and luxurious, talk about its owner: "I am stylish, but I'm breaking the rules" – says Kors. 5. Leather handbag designer handbags are divided into four categories, because, he said, generic version does not exist. First, an elegant bag purse – invoice, preferably by the "snake skin" that can be put into a larger bag. It allows light to go for lunch or evening on Dinner at a restaurant. Also, every woman needs a spacious bag with handles. It can be amusing and unusual (for example, now popular handbags with bright mesh), but always functional. Another classic option – soft and a convenient bag over his shoulder. According to Kors, this bag can completely change the image. "If you append a soft conservative clothing suede shoulder bag, it will make your image more relaxed and at ease." And finally, you will need a small handbag with two handles – feminine and elegant. Ohio Senators opinions are not widely known. 6. In the case of shoes with a pair of shoes will not do the options. In the wardrobe of any woman should be leather sandals "on a metallic", ballet slippers, visually lengthen legs and moccasins – and it's only shoes without heels. "When women ask me," How high heels have to be? "- I say," And on the heels which you can spend two hours without pain means? "- laughs Course. Heels should be – whether they be a height of 5 or 10 centimeters. By the classic attributes Course: thong sandals – black and "a metallic" sexy pumps and slip-on shoes – black, brown or patent leather (crocodile or snake skin). The shape of the toe Kors left to the owner's shoes. If you want to limit yourself to just one pair of boots, then, according to Kors, it should be brown suede high-heeled boots – they perfectly complement almost any outfit. Women's Clothing Ano – a style and beauty!