Legitimate Salvador Helena

The face of a brown peach had same the imperceptible fuzz of the fruit of that it took off cor.’ ‘ ; (pag.14) Estcio carries out the romance to the side of Helena and presumption brother of Helena; ‘ ‘ it had 27 years and he was formed in mathematics. The council member tries encarreira it in the politics, later in the diplomacy; but none of these projects had had start of execuo.’ ‘ (pag.7) the SECONDARY PERSONAGES ARE: rsula owner, sister of the Advising deceased; Dr.Camargo, doctor of the family, father of Eugnia and friend of the Council member; Eugnia, son of Dr. Camargo and gotten passionate by Estcio; Melchior priest was friend of the Council member and insider of the family; Advising Valley adoptive father of Helena (Which it leaves the inheritance); Mendona, Friend of Estcio; ngela, Mother of Helena; Legitimate Salvador father of Helena. The narrator is absent of history and the space is in Rio De Janeiro, in a small farm in the city of Andara. The author describes the workmanship with many details, for example: when it treats to describe each personage and its facts. The duration of the romance is little more than one year. the psychological time if remains the life all, therefore in elapsing of history the life of Helena goes since the union of its parents, its birth, infancy, its arrival the Andara, its loving disillusion and finally until the moment of its death. In this romance, the reader finds a pretty young woman, decorated for the innocence, in an surrounding bourgeois of its time.

Beautiful mysterious, Helena enchants to all, awakes the love of Estcio. The probability of the Helena workmanship, the heroine if makes to pass for sister of Estcio, in order to receive party to inheritante; but it is gotten passionate for the false brother and is corresponded; in the end, debtor to confess its lie, not to pass for an adventurer, leaves itself to die. From literary Analise I understand that not to be enough to only read, we have that to know to analyze in objective way, interpreting and observing what the author describes in its romance and what portraies. In the Helena workmanship the reader, finds a pretty young woman, mysterious beautiful and, and that he enchants to all, despertando good and strong feelings in Estcio, tormenting the life of this illing-inform. Simple, loaded tram of sentimentalismos.