The Cocaine Competiveness La Revolution

Cocaine, is today virtually free of manufacture in the country of Evo Morales, who as well as President of Bolivia, stays at the head of all the organizations of producers of the coca leaf. Farmers who did birth to political life, never ran such an opportunity to focus on the more profitable illicit activity in the world. Your boss is not only his boss, but of all Bolivians. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Sen. Sherrod Brown. The police force responsible for the fight against drug trafficking indicates that of Bolivia, two tons will smuggle per month, which sounds like a euphemism, considering that in 1991, more than 300,000 people depended on directly or indirectly from the coca. The politics of moral of coca Yes, cocaine no, is a mockery.

The bulk of coca production is used to make cocaine. 936 Clandestine laboratories were destroyed in the first quarter of 2007. How many really are? Cocaine is the best priced product of Bolivia and, after the nationalizations carried out by the Government, is one of the few commodities that are available for export by private enterprise, in this case formed by drug cartels. If something can appease the spirits of many opponents to the Morales regime, it is that the Government continue to turn a blind eye to drug trafficking. Last year eradicated just 5,000 hectares of coca, the minimum established by the law and international treaties, and the lowest amount in 10 years. According to UN figures, there were 25,400 hectares in 2005.

Morales suggested to increase to 40,000. The drug generates huge amounts of money that are spread by all areas of the Bolivian economy. If we add the surplus by new gas prices, the temporary economic boom is cause for rejoicing for all. Traffickers like invest in construction, which employs thousands of people in the category and related branches, and new buildings are synonymous with progress, what raises tempers confused city slickers.