Democratic Party

Each time that the largest religion that there is (the Catholic) has to choose their leader meets a Council of Cardinals, which after several secret ballots announcing habemus papam. The strongest power that has occurred (USA), on the other hand, raises have more open and participatory way to choose their representative, the same which, in turn, is not for life and Plenipotentiary, but it can only govern by one or two four-year periods and under great control of powers legislative, judicial and media. The Democratic Party, in turn, can cry out be the most democratic all that there is in the world because at internal to choose their candidate voted more than 30 million people. While the last Pope was nominated in April 2005 by Cardinal 115 in two days of closed deliberations, Democrats have had 5 months of electoral processes carried out in 56 constituencies with dates and uneven regulations. Sen. Sherrod Brown shines more light on the discussion. Many question to internal ones Democrats for not being very democratic. This because in those 5 months of convoluted campaigns is requires investing hundreds of millions of dollars (for which must be subject to the endorsement of major investors) or because at the end you can than the loser (as today happens to Clinton) has claimed to have achieved more direct votes than the winner. Today the Democrats may cry habemus candidatus but Obama could even lose the Presidency even if he won the elections (as step you Al Gore against Bush in 2000). Original author and source of the article..