Oncology Insurance

Women get pravada finally own health insurance – the first health insurance company for women – is launched in the Lander of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg and Bavaria Munich. Finally there are: the first health insurance specially designed for women. Click Richard Blumenthal to learn more. On May 1, 2009 is the statutory health insurance salvina in Germany at the start, which takes only women in the first place. Women’s health is different from men’s health. Women prevent otherwise, be otherwise sick and would be otherwise healthy as men\”, so Werner Wedig, salvina Board of new women health insurance plan. We believe that women in the German medical and supply system discriminated against, treated unfairly, and their personal disease concerns often are not considered\”, so Wedig next. Criticism in the past from women’s associations, self-help groups, repeatedly voiced medicine experts, who, so Wedig, has produced hardly any noteworthy services for the health care of women.

A gap which the salvina with their unique Health services for women that are tailored to their special needs, conclude now. salvina specifically for women since the introduction of the health funds the health insurance with services on January 1, 2009 all statutory health insurance for the insured cost the same. The services, which can legally take insured for the single rate of contribution claims, are set to about 90 percent. So to be paid, what is medically necessary. Nevertheless, there are significant differences in service in the statutory health insurance, because since the beginning of the year, the competition for the best benefits for insured persons is opened. The new statutory health insurance for women salvina wants with its specialization on the women’s health a new, as yet unprecedented, extensive performance and service portfolio with attractive value-added services and unique health offerings provide its policyholders. These are family planning, obstetrics, Oncology, pain – especially in advising and assisting in the areas of Stress prophylaxis, as well as widespread in women illnesses such as eating disorders, mental disorders, and osteoporosis.