Search Engine Work

Two by two, the navigator could determine not only what you want but also its quality. For example, window 1: com / blog; window 2: on / Quevedo, window 3: Critical / recent. More information is housed here: Jim Donovan Goldman. And all this by establishing in advance that while the search is not specified does not have to be language, despite being written in Castilian. This intelligent search not only save us time and take away from view many pages full of unwanted information, but also give us access to pages in the traditional method can not even imagine. Introducing Quevedo is blog about recent criticism on Google today, it is highly unlikely to find a page written in Russian by a specialist in the field on Quevedo. With the new method, why not?, Surely. (Similarly see: Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs).

Furthermore, why can not be precisely that page we are looking for? The lack of imagination in the search engines began to be irritating, especially as most known them, the number of researchers working on their computers, and the huge amount of dollars they get as get benefits. To quote Jean Baudrillard, in fatal strategies:? Front of a delirious world, there is only the ultimatum of realism. That means that if we want to escape the madness of the world, there are also sacrificing its charm?. As the contents are increasing day by day, as the information is stored in huge virtual memory, "virtual reality" due to their vulgar pragmatism idealism, always putting some things in front of others, not according to their but his real affinity settlement in search engines. Quite a few years ago I had the idea to create a library of unpublished in a small provincial town. The idea was to collect all those writings that people kept in a drawer and never be published.

At that time, I thought, this was the only solution to establish a democratic model of literary creation. The idea was criticized as absurd. Years later came the Internet and its space was filled with unpublished unpublished million taken from millions of lonely drawers. The drawers have grown, also the shelves, the rooms containing them. But access corridors remain the same. Those who control the corridors are not interested in reforming the building. In any case, and on the horizon, only peek restrictions. The large rooms also threatened to absorb all the small rooms adjoining. Soon it will be more likely to happen that a stranger comes into our house and read a manuscript lodged in the drawer of our nightstand you will find it among billions of drawers installed in the network. Meanwhile, let's give the reason that stupid TV ad, that deep voice and convincing cone ends by saying (to announce a car): "In all the lists there is always a first, despite knowing for certain that the list Internet is actually a huge area in continuous expansion.