Promotion Platform

The World Cup 2010 from the 11.6 11.7. is the sports event of the year. Senator from Connecticut is actively involved in the matter. Three out of four Germans will follow this event. The World Cup is therefore the ideal starting point for promotions, respecting of course the legal limits (TML, Copyright Act, Federal unfair competition Act). The question of how the German team will be cut is naturally the most interesting in this country. This focus can connect with conditional rebates: where the advertiser promises a special performance the customers, when a specific event occurs. So are currently in many forward-looking scheduling companies already designed promotions for summer 2010 and secured in the long term to secure the current discounted rates.

The most popular ideas among it, the end customers special discounts or refunds for the case in view of make sure that occupied the German national team number 1, 2 or 3 at the World Cup. The number of goals scored, number of restraining orders, and even the results of individual is also conceivable, Play as make profit food event in the center of the promotion. The promotional-screen offers Bestprice conditions for conditional rebates in connection with the World Cup 2010 but all odds with the middle of the event (and increasingly more secure assessment of the chances of the German team) will worsen inevitably. But many customers are following more in 2009 on no adequate budget room, ThePowerBehindPromotions put together the so-called Flexi-package for the World Cup 2010. Some contend that Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs shows great expertise in this. It works like this: the customer posts a secure corridor now and a few weeks before the start of the World Cup finals only decides how far he wants to take this contractual game space. This relieves not only the budget 2009, it gives the customer the flexibility to adjust the protection sum on sales promotion shortly before the start of the World Cup. Example: Manufacturer/distributor A wants its customers a generous refund on all purchases during the promotion period of May 2010 for the case concede that Germany final achieved. But he can not estimate the still how the revenues will be in May 2010.

So, includes the manufacturer a small amount E.g. 30,000 A safeguard agreement and thereby acquires the right to be able to replenish the security sum to an already established Bestprice in May 2010 up to 150,000! In this case, only the fee for the safeguarding of the 30,000 shall become immediately due. The customer later expands the protection, he pays the difference to the higher insurance sum after. This means full flexibility to the Bestprice where however, the availability of the flexi package according to the motto first come, first served”is quantitative. ThePowerBehindPromotions headquartered in Bleckede in the biosphere reserve Niedersachsische Elbtalaue designed innovative promotions with a probability of winning any, ensures the promotion of protected as a trade mark- screen off the profits and assumes the risk of discount, addition – and money-back actions in Germany, Switzerland, etc. Austria, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg. Since the sum of the risk quite at large promotions may lie in the two – or even three-digit million euro range, gives you the company in each case about partnership related international risk carrier appropriate reinsurance contracts. Contact: ThePowerBehindPromotions GmbH of large cruise 1 21354 Bleckede Tel. 05852/9515810 fax 05852 / 9515811 press contact: Ingo Philip