This work is conducted the vii Congress of the Comintern (1935). Representatives of the 76-communist parties in this Congress, it was recognized that the new conditions the process does not change from one bourgeois government by another, and forced a change of one form of state domination of the bourgeoisie – bourgeois democracy – another form – open terrorist dictatorship. A heavy blow to the governing core of the Comintern, the representatives of communist parties in several European countries have caused the Stalinist repression of the second half 30-ies. In these circumstances, the idea of creating a united front anti-fascist democratic forces was unrealized. In the second half of the 30-ies on the European political arena, a new phenomenon. In France and Spain in 1936, came to power the Popular Front government, representing the left-wing political party. The emergence of the idea of the Popular Front – a consequence of the onset of fascism and the awareness of his left-wing parties the greatest danger to democracy and the labor movement.
First, as a rule, arose united workers' front, – the union of Socialists and Communists – and then he became the center of gravity of all the democratic anti-fascist forces – both appeared Popular Front. The impetus for the beginning of rapprochement of the socialists and Communists in France has attempted fascist coup on Feb. 6, 1934. Raymond Dalio: the source for more info. French fascism was much weaker than the German and the example he has never been organizationally unified movement. But against the backdrop of the bloody the suppression of democracy in Germany, the coup literally galvanized France. Began mass anti-fascist demonstrations organized separately at first the Socialists and Communists. At the urging of the socialists on February 12 started a political strike, demanding a ban fascist organizations.
To participate in it called on their supporters and the Communists. Thus began a counter movement of communists and socialists. That summer, they signed pact of united action, in 1935 they were joined by part of the Radical Party. July 14, the day the Bastille was held the first joint anti-fascist demonstration. It was headed by Leon Blum, Maurice Thorez and Edouard Daladier – leaders of the socialists, communists and radicals
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) jointly with the Ministry of Railways of India decided to hold the 8 th International Railway Exhibition iree 2009 at between 24 and 26 August 2009 in the venue Delhi Pragati Maidan. In parallel, the exhibition is planned for 2-day conference on various aspects of the modernization of railways in India. iree exhibition first took place in 1990 in Calcutta, and since 2003 has been conducted 1 time in 2 years in part of the international industrial exhibition ietf, which is also carried out with a two-year period in February. iree 2007 occupied 7,000 square meters. m, the exhibition was attended by 146 companies, including 65 foreign from 12 countries (including Russia) and 17000 visitors. The delay of the exhibition this year and shift the dates of August due to the expectation of the organizers of the parliamentary elections and the formation of India's new government. iree Exhibition 2009 is regarded in India as an important step in attracting potential foreign partners to participate in the Government's planned multibillion-dollar program of development and modernization rail transport and infrastructure. Interest in this year's exhibition has already shown many of the world's leading manufacturers of the equipment rail industry. The organizing committee is very interested in participating in iree Conference and Exhibition 2009 Russian companies, which, in the opinion of Indian professionals, a great potential to participate in diverse collaborative projects.
In addition to limiting the number of skilled workers entering the country from outside Europe, the Home Office also tightens entry requirements in the movement within the company (not affected by this restriction) and cancels the possibility of participation of highly qualified professionals in a Tier 1 program, based on the scoring system for all persons, except for entrepreneurs, investors and individuals with exceptional talent. The introduction of annual limits have been initiated coalition government. They will enable Britain to remain competitive in the global labor market and will guarantee that the migratory workers not take the place of those who seek work in the United Kingdom. To control the numbers entering the government take the following measures: Limits the period of 1 year, the number entering the country program skilled and highly qualified specialists to 21,700 people – 20,700 for entering the program Tier 2 (General), and 1000 for those with exceptional talent. Increases the requirements for the minimum income level for visitors to Tier 2 program (within the movement within the company) for a period exceeding 12 months, up to 40000 pounds. Restricts the visa of Tier 1 for all persons, other than entrepreneurs, investors and individuals with exceptional talent. Introduces requirement for persons entering on a visa Tier 2 (General), work strictly on a specialty. Decision on Amendments to the Tier 1 program was adopted by the Government after it was reported that almost 1 / 3 of the guests on this program arranged for low-skilled jobs immediately upon arrival in the country.
People have always been divided barriers: linguistic, geographic, religious. Today, humanity comes to globalization. Towards a unified whole. The information revolution has brought the ability to communicate across humanity in real time "online." Globalization, at first glance bears only pluses. All we can travel freely, to get acquainted with the different countries and continents. Erased the language barrier, will not be such thing as a translation. Will not need several years to learn foreign languages to learn to communicate with each other, go to the translation. Rise economy, the country will unite and create a single government that would cooperate rather than fight among themselves.
And, finally, is the real fruit of globalization has the ability to communicate around the world simultaneously, rather than long letters and landlines. Communication become mobile and accessible to all. For the first time the term "globalization" appeared in 1985, the American sociologist, Robinson introduced this notion. And in 1992 published a book which outlined the basis of its concept. Globalisation – is primarily process, which should ideally cover all areas of life. The most powerful factor in globalization is the economic factor, it is manifested in the presence of multinational firms operating simultaneously in many countries. Bright example of such a corporation is a company Coca-Cola, known throughout the world. The central idea, which lies at the heart of globalization lies in the fact that many problems can not examine and decide on the level of a single state.
And their must be framed in terms of global processes. Many confer on the globalization of high hopes, but there are anti-globalists, who bitterly hate everything associated with globalization. Many of their fears are not groundless. Indeed, in many ways globalization is the loss of identity for most people. Already today lost many languages have disappeared from the face of the earth some people. States around the world are trying to keep small peoples and nations. But in many ways this is wrong. Globalization leads to a single denomination of people, and hence to the disappearance of religion. Will lose a great heritages of knowledge. Undermine the tenets on which the people lived millennia. The subject of lively debate is literally everything that is related to the term globalization. The first issue for debate, is the beginning of the process of globalization. Can we talk about globalization is when one nation could establish contacts with other people who are geographically on another continent. Or globalization began only a few decades ago. Another moot point is – what could be called globalization, and no. Globalization has proved a difficult subject for scientific analysis and for the mass consciousness. But its impact can be judged only over time. Well, what's going on this process or not, has to judge early. One thing is undeniable that globalization is already underway, virtually worldwide.
In some cases, a party to the contract may act not a lawyer, and legal practices, in which it operates. In particular, when you contact the law office, in accordance with Part 5, Art. 23 fz "On Advocacy and Advocacy in the Russian Federation of 31.05.2002 63-FZ of the treaty on legal assistance to the trustee is a lawyer on behalf of all the lawyers office on the basis of warrants issued by them. Power of attorney shall include all limitations of competence counsel concludes an agreement with the trustee. These restrictions are communicated to the settlor, as well as the person to whom the contract is concluded.
Under the contract of compensated rendering of services by Contractor shall requirements of the customer to provide services, and the customer agrees to pay for these services. Parties to the contract of compensated rendering of services in this case are: the customer – the person who has applied for legal aid, and concluded agreement in person or by proxy; singer – a private lawyer or legal entity that provides legal services in accordance with the statute. The subject of the above contracts is performed Executive (attorney) work, namely: to study the case materials, preparation of documents, work with witnesses, representation, etc. Accordingly, the payment shall be subject only to work performed and costs associated with its implementation. It should be noted that the contract for legal aid may have different names, but by nature he is a contract of compensated rendering of services and in any case shall meet the requirements of Articles 420-425, 779-783 cc rf.
Yes, most likely you're right. But It took time and the desire of people to make it so. Who prevents us to use what we have? The jurisprudence of many examples where consumers have successfully defended their rights. So far, so these examples more. The Law on Protection of Consumers' Rights is changing and gives consumers more and more opportunities to assert their rights. Courts in most cases are on the side of consumers. So what prevents us? So, we give an example what do you do if the goods are suddenly broken.
Example 1. Consumers bought, say, a washing machine, the warranty period on which the 2 years. A year later, machine broke down. Consumer has been cautious and has preserved not only checks and warranty card. Although, if he had not kept a check mark in the warranty card would be sufficient to confirm the purchase. However, our consumer does not know very well the laws. Therefore, ordering a "Gazelle", took his washing machine in the service center specified in the warranty card.
The consumer was wrong! The seller must itself ensure delivery for the repair of the goods weighing more than 5 kg (p.7 Art. 18 of the Law "On Protection of Author JoanPosted on Categories GeneralTags man and the law
See comment Checks carriers and taxi drivers, taxi drivers are allowed to Transport in the presence of information about the compulsory medical examination. Taxis should have a specialist position on road safety in the employment of the transport of more than 50 people, and more than 500 people – to create a service road safety. It seems now to work in a taxi (professionally) are losers or people who for various reasons did not manage to find themselves in today's market wilds. Capable of not getting out because of the "donut" for 16-18 hours at a time, while adhering to all safety precautions and do not forget about earnings. In the city of Mariupol, not concealing their activities, working thirty firms, as anyone can learn from advertising. However, registered in the tax office is not recorded any ecr, the firm is positioning itself as a taxi service.
Dispatching taxi service – is just a call center. Usually, taxi drivers even not registered in the state of the company supervisor. No country in the world even in Africa there is no outrage, as we have. Where is violating all laws of the heads of companies take a pledge of 1000 uah, forcing drivers to pay for advertising, come up with fines for violations of labor discipline, and from 20-100 usd. Taxi drivers, etc. against the dispatchers' taxi drivers gain, share and strangled. " According to taxi drivers, a trade union – is the only legitimate way to influence the willfulness of Directors dispatching services, which manifests itself in baseless dismissal of taxi drivers.
According protesting taxi drivers, the existing tariffs are not justified and are at a loss for taxi drivers. Director of Services increased the rate up to 3 km with 10 grn. up to 12 uah. At the same time with each order dispatching service gets its fare – 2,8-3 grn. According to taxi drivers, at such rates, given that about 80% of orders – is "Minimal", they earn about net 3.4 uah. with the order. According to them – these rates are not cost effective. Accordingly, we must raise the price of the fare. The union – the idea is very good, if the organization will work, as should work. Namely assist in the design of relevant documents, to solve problems with the accident, provide legal support to provide social guarantees. The fact that we are far away from the model, taxis, and some other structures not yet created. The taxi driver as if provided by itself, but the idea of a union could unite all of Mariupol taxi drivers. It is sad, ladies and gentlemen I want to say: 'That's slurp this whole mess, you deserved it! "
Life is never straight or "la vida da muchas vueltas", as recently expressed an airport employee in Mallorca. If there is no contact to their own nationals, or has never existed at all, such a, it is often close to bequeath the property in Spain to other persons, the spouse, long-standing helpful neighbors or friends. But how do you do it right so that it can not provide inheritance rights to relatives? 1st Lifetime gifts sold for payment of pensions? 2nd Early Offer? 3rd Testament in favor of the selected title or by explicit Erbausschluss certain people? or you want to exclude people from even a compulsory heir. Would you exclude only the entry of the legal succession of siblings, nephews, nieces or distant relative, so would a testamentary scheme. At least if your parents are already predeceased.
If a compulsory persons, including children, the spouse, parents or grandchildren of Heritage must be excluded, it is important to note further legal framework. A testamentary scheme alone will not suffice. Rather, a sale of property in Spain take place on the basis of market value and must be reserved no Niessbrauchsrecht. The Offer is not recommended here. Depending on the specific situation may also be submitted to consider a divorce application. In any case, it makes sense to seek competent professional advice in advance. Even more complex is the matter, if you about your son for crimes against you or you want to remove the related parties in the German inheritance law provided for compulsory. Relatively clear so far in the future a situation should be with the child finally sentenced to at least one year's imprisonment without parole, if the underlying offense has some effect on the family situation. In such a situation, the disinheritance is possible. This at any rate, the bill of the German Ministry of Justice, presented in August of 2007. A Information Menth the law firm e-mail: other legal and practical tips:
In the modern state of Israel Tel Aviv is the first Jewish city. Founded Tel Aviv was in the distant 1909 and was in a suburban area of Jaffa. In 1914, there lived two thousand people, even after fifteen years Tel Aviv is Israel's capital. As for today, now Tel Aviv is a major metropolis with a population of over one million people. This is a modern city of skyscrapers, offices foreign governments and firms, the central offices of the largest banks and companies. Historical attractions here are a few, since the history of the city has only one hundred years. Nevertheless, in Tel Aviv is on what look. Special attention and deserves respect for Independence Palace.
Here in 1948 was proclaimed the state of Israel. List and other interesting places in the city, which is also desirable to visit if you come vacation in Israel, you've decided to spend here: Skyscraper 'Azriel Center', National Theatre of Israel 'Gadima', shopping and entertainment and cultural complex 'Tower Opera' ('Opera Tower') on the waterfront, the museum of Beit ha-Hatefutsoth ( diaspora, 1978 city) in Tel-Aviv University, the Museum of Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel, 1953) with an extensive collection of objects of different cultures and history library, art gallery Bruno Gelleri, as well as the house-museum of the poet Nahman Bialik, and David Ben-Gurion. As you can see and visit in Israel is that. Tel Aviv, as we have said, the center of business activity and nightlife, is the center of the Israeli industry, international trade, culture, Israel, entertainment. Where do you go – whether it's contemporary pamphlets or small alleys of the old southern neighborhoods – everywhere you can find cozy cafes or respectable restaurants, supermarkets and small souvenir shops, pubs, markets, markets, and much more. Activity on the local street quiets down except at dawn. If you're a fan of nightlife, you will be interested in such facilities in Tel Aviv as a night club "Docks", a Russian club "Blin" Youth Bar "Buzz Stop" restaurant "Caucasus".
As you already understood, no one institution in Tel Aviv, and Israel in general, focused on the Russian public. Also worth a visit Tel Aviv Yarkon Park. Here you will find a botanical garden, and also practically Japanese rock garden, bird park Tsapari. One of the best in Asia and is considered a local zoo. One of the best in Asia and is considered a local zoo. Tel Aviv yacht clubs ('Marina') – one of the most convenient for Mediterranean, the water park 'Meymadon' has every conceivable type of water rides and a children's playground, and extensive urban beaches are equipped with naisovremenneyshimi recreation and entertainment. In the yacht club in Tel Aviv can be rent equipment for windsurfing, scuba diving or any other active leisure. Plenty of sports facilities are concentrated along the boulevard Rokach. So it'll be in Israel, buy a ticket to Tel Aviv and visit this interesting city.
But there is a contrary view. Previous crises reinvestment was so global, that he would return to the previous rate of growth of the economy will not soon Optimists believe the crisis to restore justice. Pros: it's time to stop living in debt, inflating the financial bubble and immensely consume. Pessimists also believe that the end does not justify the means, and the price of sobering up too high. That only is unemployment, the turbulence of financial markets, the decline in production and increase confidence in the financial system as a whole.
This is not a step back, it's just the destruction of the architecture architecture relationships in the business world! Experts do not agree, and in the opinion whether there is any substantial restructuring of the economy country because of the crisis. Supporters believe the optimistic approach to the top of the optimization process. Pessimists tend to think that significant changes in control methods and approaches has not happened. Many companies send employees on leave without content, even redrew the staffing and nothing touching on the fundamental level. And maybe learn from China and develop investment in its own production at a sufficiently hard-state regulation? One can argue about the role of government in a market economy, but the socio-economic and political stability are not exactly necessities. Share the positive experience of countries is certainly useful. But and sovereignty should not be forgotten. In the search for the "golden mean" it is important to remember one's competitive advantages: vast natural resources, scientific potential and uniqueness of the mentality of Russian citizens.