Yes, most likely you're right. But It took time and the desire of people to make it so. Who prevents us to use what we have? The jurisprudence of many examples where consumers have successfully defended their rights. So far, so these examples more. The Law on Protection of Consumers' Rights is changing and gives consumers more and more opportunities to assert their rights. Courts in most cases are on the side of consumers. So what prevents us? So, we give an example what do you do if the goods are suddenly broken.
Example 1. Consumers bought, say, a washing machine, the warranty period on which the 2 years. A year later, machine broke down. Consumer has been cautious and has preserved not only checks and warranty card. Although, if he had not kept a check mark in the warranty card would be sufficient to confirm the purchase. However, our consumer does not know very well the laws. Therefore, ordering a "Gazelle", took his washing machine in the service center specified in the warranty card.
The consumer was wrong! The seller must itself ensure delivery for the repair of the goods weighing more than 5 kg (p.7 Art. 18 of the Law "On Protection of Author Posted on Categories General