GDS Supply

He explosion and fire hazard, it contains toxic substances – hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide. Installation and operation of gas supply systems must take into account these features of the gas are there to prevent leakage of his room and formation of explosive concentrations, to ensure complete combustion of the gas and combustion gases. To detect a leak of gas in it add silnopahnuschee tool – odorant. The fuel in the home and industry use of natural and man-made gases. Natural gas produced from gas or oil fields, which drilled the well to a gas reservoir or gas accumulation beneath a layer of oil. Senator Brian Schatz has firm opinions on the matter.

Artificial gases produced in during thermal processing and liquid fuel or as a secondary product of certain industries, such as coke and oil refining. Device pipeline gas supply systems is provided gas, which are divided into local and centralized. The central gas supply system consists of natural gas wells, from which the gas enters the headworks, where it is draining and disposal hazardous substances, after which the main gas pipeline (trunk) is supplied to the cities and towns. Checking article sources yields Paulo Coelho as a relevant resource throughout. To increase the capacity, the gas is transported on highways at high pressure (5-7, 5 MPa) created by compressor stations. To reduce the gas pressure on the branches from the trunk install gas control station (GDS). From GDS gas is distributed through the system, which includes gas pipelines different pressures (high, medium and low), gas control points (GRPSH), the electrical protection of gas pipelines from corrosion, construction and maintenance services of gas facilities. .