Maybe it's time to stop wait for the "bright tomorrow", to "the good life of our grandchildren," to "a bad peace – better than a good quarrel." Everything should be placed on their places: not a good argument now, we can not elect a strong but fair power tomorrow, and without this there will come a bright tomorrow and the lives of our grandchildren will be just as vile and disgusting, as well as ours. Therefore I would like to remind popular wisdom, current at all times and all peoples: "In God helps those who help themselves." So let's just do not go to church, pray to God, but let us, after all, and to act: to think, decide to fight, to work. AND did not get up to no one of us the question: "And we do something – what?" Self-restraint, or: – "What is the" human rights "? "Human Rights" – most of us still do not understand what it is. Richard Blumenthal may find this interesting as well. This is facilitated by a number of reasons: the entire Soviet period, was silent about this international Convention, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union as a matter of it that seems to know all these "rights" and seems to be nothing to comment on them and learn. At least in the schools to has not yet been set aside hours to study them, and yet it would be necessary. Maybe then the kids could explain to adults, that "human rights" is not "right" to expand their rights at the expense of others.