Lado Vardzelashvili

But they were bombed during the war, the Orthodox churches in the Shida Kartli region, but not a monument to Stalin. ” Surprisingly, although the bomb fell on the central square enormous monument nearly hurt. Along with the “mission statement” of the President, the ruling party of the second and third tier urged the public to consider the feasibility of moving the monument Stalin in his museum. Moreover, as explained by the VC in the Ministry of Culture, Stalin Museum (also located in the central square in Gori), will officially become part of the Occupation Museum, opened in Tbilisi, and its exposure (including Stalin monument) will talk about “70 years of occupation of the country.” More recently, in Georgia, it was impossible to even conceive of such a “sacrilege” as the transfer from the center of Gori, Stalin monument. In 1989, at the dawn “National liberation movement” radicals, advocating for Georgia’s withdrawal from the Soviet Union had tried to raise the issue of demolition of the monument. “Well, really, how can you claim to secede from the state, the chief creator which is immortalized in the central town square? “- they said. In response goriytsy formed militia were on duty at the memorial and nights on end with pieces of rebar and hunting rifles.

Closer to the huge the crowd with a crane no one dared. One crane was used to demolish the statue of Lenin – the central square in Tbilisi (now the Freedom Square), where in 2005 President Bush spoke. In contrast to “our Joseph” who want to to protect the monument to Lenin in Georgia was not. NO IDOL statement Mikheil Saakashvili can safely be considered the beginning of a new era in the country. Hardly a sophisticated politician, always pay special attention to public resonance of their demarche, delivered to such an initiative without taking into account changes in the society. More recently, Saakashvili stressed that he was born on December 21 – the same day as Dzhugashvili.

At this time there is no “rage of the masses” in protection of the monument or in Gori, nor the whole of Georgia is not. Governor of Shida Kartli, a 29-year-old Lado Vardzelashvili told VK, that “the municipality is planning to hold a plebiscite in Gori, about the fate of the monument.” Certainly, his results have predicted by the authorities and monument perekochuet to the museum. “In place of the ugly buildings we erect a huge, beautiful monument to the victims during a missile strike on August 12 and all the bombing in Gori, Poti and other regions of Georgia. Each name – gold letters “- Mr. Vardzelashvili dreams. The competition for the monument has already been announced. Does this suck goriytsy, especially the older generation? This question I asked Guram. The old man looked at the monument and once said indifferently, “What is it? … After all that has done for us? Preserved state, which destroys us. ” One Tbilisi-based journalist recently named 12 August 2008 (when the rocket fell on Gori and the loss of Abkhazia and South Ossetia became inevitable) birthday of the new Georgia, finally goodbye to the past.


Why suddenly "exploded" self-interest, why do people have to use each other, instead of the communal life which was with them in Mesopotamia? It is programmed growth of man. Only in this way, rising over the growing selfishness in him, humankind comes to the love of interdependence and integration that exists in nature. RI: So why all the rest – still, vegetative, and living things – created by the Creator without the condition of development? ML: Man – this is the last stage of development: inanimate, vegetative, animal and man. And the man does not differ their animal state, namely the fact that "man" in it, his "I" is gradually developing. We see that the animal, as in life, and from generation to generation does not develop.

Only in man, in this special creation of nature, the ego develops from generation to generation, and in life. A small child about an adult – it's a huge difference in development. RI: But why man? ML: That's because it laid back and an additional goal – to become equal to the highest power of nature. Call it the Creator, or just nature – it does not matter. Man must reach the level at which is nature itself that is at the level of eternity and perfection. RI: Tell me, please, from this number – 600 thousand people? ML: In nature, there is a system that controls our world. It's called "Arich Anpin" (Long face).

By the way, all the terms in Kabbalah in Aramaic – the spoken language of ancient Babylon. This system works so that once there is 600 thousand people who can connect with each other as they did in the same ancient Babylon to the burst of egoism, then mankind will find peace … That is enough of a critical mass of today's humanity, so that through him was a wave of energy created in our society the same harmony, as in all universe.

Georgian Mensheviks

However, claims Georgian nobility in South Ossetia have been rejected by the Senate, decided to "Georgian princes Machabelovym refuse to recognize harassment of their feudal rights over the Ossetians' (Central State Archive of the GSPC, the Caucasus Fund Committee, on number 844, fol. Continue to learn more with: Connecticut Senator. 68. Essays on the history of Ossetia with. 128). By order of the emperor South Ossetians have been translated into the category of state-owned, state peasants, and thus excluded from the system of feudal dependence, and hence political control of the Georgian nobility, having received a special socio-economic status. It was a prototype for the political autonomy of South Ossetia, owing to its historically specific situation Transcaucasia. "Civil war" after the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917, coming from Russia, Georgia has attempted to annex the territory of South Ossetia, against the wishes of its people, which resulted in a surge protests of the Ossetian people.

These performances from degenerating into armed rebellion in various political centers of South Ossetia – Cornice (1917), Tskhinvali (1918), Java, Hand (1920). Their reason was the "Declaration of the Rights of Peoples Russia ", adopted by the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR 2 (15) November 1917 providing for the right of the peoples of Russia to self-determination up to secession and the formation of an independent state. It is the proclamation of the law formed the basis of the integration of Russian provinces Georgian Mensheviks, their withdrawal from Russia, and the announcement in 1918 on the establishment of the Georgian Democratic Republic.

Legalism Philosophy

Confucianism goes back to the teachings of Confucius (Kong Zi – Teacher Kong) (551-479 BC. Oe.), Who saw his task in the preservation of ancient tradition. Confucius did not write treatises. His ideas were later collected by his disciples in the book "Conversations and suzh Denia. " The main theme of philosophizing of Confucius – the relationship of individuals, families and the state.

A solid state founded on a solid Xia family. Confucius saw no difference in principle between such institutions as the State and family. Administration of the state envisioned it like managing a family and was described in the family-related categories (state dar – "father and mother of the people," State – "one family"), and social ties identified with the interpersonal. Hear from experts in the field like Sen. Sherrod Brown for a more varied view. Con futsianstvo reduces the problems of the state and the family to the problem of human rights, his righteous life and self-improvement. Prescribes a specific person Confucius aspiration tion to the ideal "Noble man", which features rogo is the possession of the following main characteristics: the humanity, decency, propriety knowledge, wisdom and loyalty. Whenever novelist listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

To show them only in their relations with other people. The most influential of the followers of Confucius – Mencius (371-289 BC. Oe.) Expanded the theoretical basis conf tsianstva. Mencius regarded man as a creature of the good nature inherent virtues of the natural man way. Consequently quently, the management should be humane as well as good management people follow their own accord. The supreme goal of the state – the welfare and virtue of the people. The opposite view is taken by Xun Zi. He considered it a bad person by nature, seeking only profit and sensual pleasures. Only constant education in the old man can be improved by planting his good qualities. The task of the ideal ruler Xun Zi believed "Conquest ment" of their own people. Formation of Confucianism as state ideology pro comes into permanent discussions with representatives of schools, "the lawyers" (legists). Theorists Legalism – Guan Zhong, Zi Chan, Lee Ke, Shan – opposed by Confucians on the nature of the state endowment device. As the highest value legists nominate a single powerful state with a monarchical form of government is fundamentally different from Confucian family category. Traditions histo les oppose the principle of phase – a single law, the creator of which can only be edinovlastnym ruler. In contrast to tradition, law is not sacred, and which may vary according to the needs of the time. Unambiguous, mandatory for every law, with which compliance must be ensured severe punishment system, form the basis of the state. Guarantor of control on the basis of the law is shi. The term used to refer to legists as violence and the government itself. Under the doctrine legists, the relationship of sovereignty to the people can only be hostile. Legists advanced the idea of regular administrative division, developed a system of centralized control by the state through a unified state apparatus, the principle of assigning ranks and privileges for specific merit.

The Round Table

Creativity in the table Round table organized by the editorship of the "Novaya Gazeta Kuban" in the "round table" was attended by writers Victor Bogdanov – a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, poet, novelist, essayist, author of? collections, Valery Kuznetsov, a member of the Union of Russian writers, satirist, author of five collections of short stories and novellas, a member of the First All-Russian Seminar-meeting of young writers, Basil sluggish, a member of the Union of Russian writers, the author of five collections of short stories and novellas, a member of the Second All-Russian Seminar-meeting of young writers. Winners of marginal literary competitions and Paul Eugene – poet, novelist, author of five collections, and Tatiana Shkodin – Poet, author of two poetry collections. Each of these authors was able to contribute to the development of the Kuban literature. It was at this meeting about modern Russian literature and the Kuban, on the problems the writer community. Valery Kuznetsov: Since the beginning of modern Russian history writer was the most that neither is extreme.

It can be said on the sidelines of life. And this is a writer! Since then, the literary work in our country, slated for course. With no brakes and no restrictions (do not consider notorious for censorship since developed socialism), it raced to God knows where, without the creative compass, and the exact route. The powers that be felt at all levels Professional Writers' Union of unnecessary and therefore unused. As a result, both the society and its "engineers of human souls" came to be a mess, both in the Union, and in government, supporting responsibility for national culture, and in particular for the domestic literature, designed to be not only a chronicler of the country, human lives, but time itself.

Christian Architecture

In the cult of Christian architecture, with the greatest force appeared open new V-VI centuries. It could not be. And not just because of religious architecture was particularly important social and ideological significance, and to the creation of his unique works involved the largest master. So it was before and after the V century. The reason for the special role of religious architecture V-VI centuries lies somewhat deeper.

The fact that it is re-created without the direct predecessors in the 'pagan' religious architecture. Architecture of residential and commercial buildings changed gradually. Life in general is one of the most stable and conservative sides of human existence. But the whole Christian church activity is something entirely new. In V-VI centuries, in contrast to the first centuries of Christianity, we are dealing with a strictly organized church order supported public authority. This new social activities for their own purposes creates the necessary environment that builds around the appropriate architectural environment, generates a new direction in architecture.

Social need and service objectives underlie the emergence of new types of buildings and their formation. It was here in the program as express themselves artistic ideas, born at this time. Christian Church buildings appear in Greece in the V-VI centuries everywhere. In very general terms for the purpose of these new buildings can be grouped as follows. Facilities intended for worship, that the church sanctified communion people to faith and his death, open, so to speak, the way to eternal existence of the soul in the hereafter. This category represented the baptistery (baptismal) and the tomb constructions (tombs, mausoleums, Martiri – the sanctuary, dedicated to a recognized church martyrs). Both buildings are connected with the procedures messages directly to individual rights, and have to some extent an intimate nature. Anyway, their service designation did not imply large public ceremonies. In this area, grafted type centric architecture of the building, often dome, a kind of sanctuary, usually small in size. Period, which is released for mortal earthly existence as a Christian is not left outside attention of the church. Casual and festive activities of the Church is carried out primarily in the temple worship, in ceremonies, addressed to the whole mass believers. Here, the church appeared before their eyes in all its strength and magnificence. For these purposes, were constructed spacious building that can collect a large number of people, and its architectural expressiveness of a required state of mind praying. For these church buildings was the most suitable architectural style basilica. In its simplest form, this rectangular building divided by rows of columns or pillars on three passes – the nave. Average oil completed a niche – the apse, and the columns and pillars are the supports of the roof. These are the two main types of religious buildings, created by V-VI vekam.Tochnee would say – two basic types, as based on them quickly created more complex.

Japanese Poets

Specific poems by Japanese poets called haiku. Of course, the poems call them is not easy, but they have their fans. Their specificity is that these verses do not rhyme, as such, but, nevertheless, be read they are easy, lyrical and romantic haiku. I think that will leave nobody indifferent lines like Letting his gaze to the sun suddenly understand It is so lonely It's haiku. Haiku should consist of three lines. Haiku only able to convey not the event itself, and the feeling, emotion, feeling, momentary excitement of the event.

Poetry, unlike prose, can be briefly and accurately describe what is actually meant to say a poet. Through vivid images that are used in the poets his works, the reader gets an opportunity to reflect on what the author wanted to convey. The beauty of haiku is still in the fact that they can write virtually every person with even little creativity. Only remember some fairly simple rules and you can become a poet. First, a haiku usually consist of three lines.

Secondly – of 17 syllables. The second rule is written exclusively for the Japanese poets, with their unusual for a European language, so it can be easily broken. And one more rule – a haiku to be read easily, because they do not describe something specific, and ephemeral, airy, light feeling. There are poems dedicated to an event or a personality. These poems are called odes. There are poems that perfectly fit the music. These poems become songs, and if a poet and composer talent, songs become hits. There are lyric poems are political poems. It is very popular today, as it always give poetry a birthday or anniversary. Poems are written, usually in love, and how Typically, for loved ones. These poems are called love lyrics. Probably each of us once wrote poetry, but few have achieved in the tops of talent, professionalism, and only a few have become popular. Most come to terms with his talent, which can not cope with his own uselessness. Today poetry is used to a greater degree in order to admit a favorite in love, but in order to attract customers to your product or service. Advertising slogans can hardly be called poetry, in the sublime sense of the word. However, it quickly memorized verses advertising potential buyers, there are the subconscious, and as a consequence – His desire to purchase a particular product, after which the words were formed in rhyme. People who are mediocre, but firmly believes in his talent and even genius somewhere, called graphomaniac. They confuse God's gift to the eggs. Such people are simply pathetic. Poetry – lady capricious and will not be tolerated in the ranks of its adherents mediocrities. Poems and prose by contemporary authors on the literary site "hut-Reading Room