Feeling Expression

Perceive the feelings and sentiments of others Exercise I Focus on short time his attention to the interlocutor. Ask yourself the following questions: What is his face, his posture? How he feels at this moment? These changes have you can see when watching a tv show. How do people react non-verbally, when he says another? How did he have on this? What feeling is he going: interest, surprise, indifference, doubt, frustration, irony You do not be able to check their answers, but this way you learn how to focus their attention on the expression of feelings of another person. Exercise ii Often we express our desires bluntly: "I want to buy a bun", "I want to get documents from his colleagues, etc. Before you express your desire – to watch the person to whom you refer. How he looks today? How he feels? Try to "read" information by watching expression on his face, posture, intonation, choice of words. Changing perspectives in the conversation you have the opportunity to test their impression by expressing it in words.

Often, this method helps to look beyond the facade and to better understand the point of view another. Example: Check your own feelings Head of Department, Mrs. K., submitted a proposal. Filed under: Richard Blumenthal. Its employee moves his eyebrows a little and nods: "Okay." Feeling tells her that he has a condition – its fluctuations, and expression on his face told her this. She checks his guess: "I have the impression that you do not quite agree," or: "You hesitate?" Or: "What confuses you?" Even if your partner does not show what he feels and how refers to what is happening, with the wording from another perspective, you can encourage him to talk about their feelings.

This method is more effective than specific issues. It gives an idea of the feelings of another person – information that is also important to positively address the issues. Example: To encourage the expression of feelings I realize this decision was not easy to you." – "Indeed, it was not easy." I would be in your place terribly angry. " – "Well, I was not so angry, rather surprised. I'm never on it did not expect. " Personally, I very quickly lose patience in such circumstances." – "You know, important to me is quite another " you'll see: if, along with thoughts of your interlocutor you can understand and his feelings, it will be easier to find constructive solutions to problems – this is a positive consequence of emotional intelligence.

Law and Love

You will immediately remember that you have long been in the kitchen faucet flows that stem from the sofa was broken and that the bookshelf in the hallway hangs on the "word of honor", etc. And then you apply the latest facility. Go to a psychologist. And you already go to a psychologist a year and it seems the situation has improved. You calm down and stop his visits.

And a couple of months it all starts again. And you just need something to understand her husband. You just need a tool. As this new tool are the manipulative regimes. The short answer is that gets a woman, knowing manipulation modes. She got what she wanted. Tender affection, loyalty, love, money, friendship, understanding, African passion. As a rule, women choose all together and they are right.

Why are you a man begins to obey? All this happens because manipulative modes are the correctors of human behavior. Mechanism of action of manipulation modes simple. Absolutely everyone has their own personal manipulative regimes, he needed to stabilize its own psyche and physiology, and therefore he needs, like water. So he starts looking for the carrier of psychological properties of its individual modes in the social environment, family, friends, at work. Broadcast manipulative regimes is broadcasting certain psychophysiological properties, so to speak clearly facial features. And your man is no exception. He looks for certain types of the non-stop, all my life. Now you understand the nature sympathies and antipany between people? As: "love of evil, a calm," "Love can not be forced," "Lawless Heart". Indeed, Lawless. Now you understand the answer, why are you to him with all my heart, and he This simple to explain: Do you offer the other person what you yourself consider valuable, but it is not necessary. What should your man? He needs a translation of its manipulation modes. They talk about what needs to be someone who you interested. The power of manipulation modes due to the fact that your man collects the crumbs of what he wanted, and suddenly you are appearing. And give him all at once. What gets your man? He gets a feeling of happiness and comfort to you that nobody will give him more than the state. Stabilization of psychophysiology gives man a feeling of comfort, pleasure, which eventually turns into a woman and a sense of gratitude is expressed in love for her, money, all that she chooses.