Debate On Education In Germany

Each year better opportunities and integration in schools Europe’s largest education fair, Didacta is devoted to current topics in the field of education and learning. In the foreground of the talks this year were, inter alia, the special needs of migrant children. The current debate, the news portal reported In a so-called society, where every fifth student has foreign roots, it is all the more important for the schools to adapt to their needs. For this reason, crowded classrooms and curricula too tight were discussed at the education fair that individual care of children who need special support, make it almost impossible. The integration difficulties of people with a migrant background in Germany are controversial, particularly in relation to the educational situation of children. The Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan recently called for integration instead of assimilation was even more explosive in an already heated debate.

Lack of integration is the result of lack of education for immigrant children, as well as outstanding student achievement according to education experts. Especially language deficits are the reason that migrant children leave the school scored early and often without graduating. Although their language and literacy 2001 has improved since the PISA study, the problems in the field of education have not been resolved. It is clear that the problem of education is a general problem. The teacher must assume multiple roles in principle. He is a role model, the motivator and in some cases represent the replacement of parents. Proposals such as all-day schools and a kindergarten duty to remedy. Nevertheless, promising such measures only then, if the parents are involved.

What Is Learning Culture?

Learning culture lacks our society a culture of learning that enriches learning’s employment with new, unfamiliar, interesting. Learning enrichment, is waking in skills. Learning something the human nature is private, as is the love of beauty and culture. Modern media apparently fulfill the task, to the attention of the people to evil (disasters, scandals, terrorism, murder, fraud, corruption, etc.). For more specific information, check out visit website. Something the horizon narrows so much, that people reconcile themselves with everything and accept as unalterable.

Learning broadens the horizon and is able to turn things for the better. It seems that the \”media culture\” is the opposite of \”Learning culture\”. To determine the learning culture media culture or vice versa? Love to the people, learning culture is practiced humanism. Learning culture promotes the individual in his consciousness in his relationship to life and to the world. The man longs by nature after learning culture a culture of better becoming, the increase in skills. Learning culture just because the man wears more and better, in the weighing equipment, than he could ever develop. These plants are the source arises from the culture in General. True learning culture defeated the darkness and makes new consciousness: the things of the world are like.

the people are as they are – learning culture will not change both. What happens between the things of the world (that we want to learn) and the people (who want to know the things of the world) can be changed. That, as the man with the things up, can be changed endlessly! Why should there be not good and less good methods? Looking for learning culture and teaches the best ways – they can be as varied as there are people. There can be no \”difficult learning specialist\”, unless it was made difficult, it not verges on idiocy, E.g. Latin is represented as \”tough language\”, although millions of infants have learned them easily without any \”systematic instruction\”? Learning itself can not ‘difficult’ and be cumbersome; can teach but are very cumbersome.

Schweitzer Foundation

Decide dolphins in North Rhine-Westphalia elections? -Ask WDSF below we publish the results of opinions of the NRW-parties and politicians on the subject of animal protection on the occasion of the NRW Landtag election on May 9th, 2010, and the controversial Dolphinariums in Duisburg and Munster NRW parties were asked by the whale and dolphin protection forum (WDSF) opinion on the continued existence of the two Dolphinariums in Duisburg and Munster. Another request by April 13, 2010 took place directly on the animal welfare policy spokesman of the parties. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from University of Cambridge. The NRW-parties of CDU and FDP obtained so far no position to this letter. Thus arises following whale recommendation of the WDSF (justification s.a. schemes): CDU – do not choose – disqualified! FDP – choose non – disqualified! Not pick SPD – – disqualified! Bundnis90 / Die Grunen choose the left – – choose party human environment animal welfare (welfare party) – buer – select on the topic of animal welfare has also “Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment” asked the parties to North Rhine-Westphalia: /…You can see the responses of the parties represented in the Parliament at a glance welfare Landtag nrw 2010 here. WDSF Note: The CDU and the FDP in North Rhine-Westphalia have with their statements for the categorical retention of Dolphinariums in Duisburg and Munster disqualified for the North Rhine-Westphalia State election on May 9, 2010. Voting against Dolphinariums: the left, odp and human environment animal welfare (welfare party).

The Greens in North Rhine-Westphalia have created a year “on ice” the issue of the closure of Dolphinariums, intensively to be very concerned and examine a closure. The Bundestag group of the Greens in favour of years Dolphinariums. We hope that the Greens in North Rhine-Westphalia, if necessary together with newly elected Landtag groups of other parties, are the driving force, closing the Dolphinariums in North Rhine-Westphalia. Svenja Schulze from Munster, Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia SPD Bundestag group) said the WDSF although willingness to talk on the subject of Dolphinariums to, however would be an immediate closure of Dolphinariums for SPD Bundestag group out of the question, especially since “The Dolphinariums would meet the requirements of a serious attitude of the Dolphin” (s.a. the letter below). Anm.WDSF: Alone the delicacy in the Allwetterzoo Munster is located with its swimming pool size of 10 x 20 meters and its wooden barracks far from a “reputable Dolphin attitude” – here seems wrong local patriotism when Ms.

Schulze to play a role! Continue to Ms Schulze opposite the WDSF said that the termination of the Dolphin position Federal thing is – this is wrong, as well as Mrs. Rawert (MdB, SPD) confirmed in Berlin (see MdB Mechthild Rawert (SPD) on the WDSF event in Berlin. The respective State laws that can change only the State Government (in North Rhine-Westphalia the landscape Act, which allows the captivity of dolphins in zoos for alleged reasons of education) are applicable. “Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment”: the responses of some Parties not (yet?) in the Landtag in the overview are submitted.

Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki

Manuchehr Mottaki, Iran’s Foreign Minister was dismissed. Background of a power struggle. In the past few weeks, this turbulence took quite a bit of attention, since Ali Khamenei on the one hand and Mahmund Ahmadinejad, on the other hand the inability and inefficiency but accused the former Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki. Only on Sunday, the 12th December, Bassij gathered groups on behalf of students of at Tehran University in front of the British Embassy, to protest loudly and British flags to rip and burn. On the same day, different mullahs in the Iranian Parliament against the British Government raged.

You ereiferten are about how the British Ambassador could dare to call the arrests by the Government of Iran in his personal webblog arbitrarily and to protest against the arrest of human rights lawyer, as Ms. Nasrin Sotoudeh. Alaeddin Boroujerdi, head of the National Security Commission, demanded in a replica that is published on its Web site, referring to the statements made by the British Ambassador, that the Iranians should give a lesson in diplomatic code the British Ambassador and show him the right way to behave. The mullahs were of the opinion that the Iranian Government wouldn’t after their responsibility, if she allow the British Ambassador to criticize them or get his advice like could be. In the same chaotic Parliament session, some lawmakers demanded even the closure of the British Embassy in Iran. They then called that Iran should shut down the political contacts with the United Kingdom, have the British Ambassador from the Iran and withdraw the own Ambassador from the United Kingdom. Mottakis dismissal if you look but closer on the tensions between the two countries, soon becomes clear that the roots of the tensions are much deeper. A few days ago, sent the Government of Manuchehr mottak i in Senegal and announced his dismissal in the Iranian radio shortly after Mottakis departure.

PDF Mother

It the idea is imposed, that the legislature would like to steal from the responsibility for the children and reduce his workload, in which he simply unchecked leaves the care of the mother, but provides enormous obstacles for every non-connubial father. It has lawmakers right, if he has the responsibility, because this is actually at the parents, but stop at two. Thus, the only correct approach would be “you have a child together, so get together and ensures a good solution, because it has forced you to none to witness the child.”: “The well-being of the child begins before its birth.” Still has to be considered: the family courts are overloaded. The proposed “request”solution and Thus automatically to extraordinarily more lawsuits than automatic common concern from birth lead “Conflict resolution”, because this sets the rule exception relationship in favour of the sole concern. Ongoing and existing regulation of 1671 BGB to the transmission of alone concern – that is totally sufficient – it comes to trial – only in the/exceptions of event of a dispute and court proceedings should only as “ultima ratio” come to the course. Common concern from birth is thus also in the meaning of subsidiarity of the basic law, while this is not the case with the application or conflict solution. Ohio Senator may find it difficult to be quoted properly. We believe: in principle both parents should be equated.

Only in exceptional cases can and should consider whether a sole custody would be useful. But also here father and mother must be equated. The latter is only when the situation is on an equal footing. And it is this the first step is to respect the father and mother, what they are, namely father and mother Child. As simple as this also sounds, it seems to be so difficult.

But right here you can’t let anyone out of his responsibility. Footnote: 1) source: BVerfG, 1 BvR 420/09 of the 21.7.2010, paragraph No. (1-78),… Contact: Anja Paulmann Thilo Muhlberger under… is the opinion also online. There, she is available for download as a PDF file. Self-help group PAS Rhein/Main

“ARF” Promises A Complete Change Of Government

From October 22 to the internal situation in Armenia has demonstrated a tendency to a possible further deterioration. A number of forces that have taken in opposition to the current government, again drew attention to the threats of the republic, implicit in the signed on October 10 the Turkish-Armenian protocols. October 21, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmed Davutoglu presented these documents to the parliament of his country. In short, the Turkish minister reiterated Armenian public's worst fears: these three preconditions, which Ankara situation explained in the 18 years the question of establishing diplomatic relations with Yerevan normal, according to the Turkish version shall remain in force. That there is – and genocide denial, and Ankara's intention to continue to link normalization of relations with Armenia to Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement process. Instead, the authorities began to act with comments opposition parties. Thus, Chairman of the National neoconservative movement (NPD), one of the leaders of the Analytical Center "Mitq" ("Thought"), Eduard Abrahamyan, sure, referring to the preconditions that Turkey has brought about Artsakh Armenia now has to start the process for the recognition of the NKR in its present borders, cooperating with both members of the UN, so with its partners in the CSTO. But the main threat sounded all the same figures of the Party "Faction." At first Giro Manoyan suggested that Turkey is unlikely to ratify the Protocols to the April 24, 2010 He further stated that the Armenian diplomacy should by all means notify the international community that Armenia does not question the fact Armenian genocide and it will continue its process of international recognition.

Iranian Shiites

The long lasting religious antagonism between Shiites and Sunnis 9 among many other lines of conflict the conflicts in Syria plays an important role. This used historical events from the beginning of the Arab conquest and succession disputes. But now this antagonism of religious beliefs has taken a turn terrifying for the regime in the Iran. So far, the opponents in Syria was mostly clear: secular, Zionist, and Sunnis. So, certain State-loyal Shiite ayatollahs in the Iran could adopted legal opinions that justified the fight against unique enemies.

One of the most famous fatwas by the leader of the revolution in the Iran had in combination other fatwas of Shiite authorities also the purpose pursued the Muslims worldwide behind to bring in the fight against the decadent West. 10 Leadership playful lost world’s Shiite authorities after the events of the counterfeit election of 2009 however much of its leadership among the Muslims. Not only among Sunnis, where they had gained a reputation as fighters on the front line against the West is the part. It has so far, that Shia scholar from the Hawza Iraqi issued legal opinions which represent the regime in the Iran and his interpretation of Shia Islam as decadent and call to fight against Iranian Shiites. Thus, the situation in Syria and also in the Iraq will slowly become confusing for the Iranians and very threatening to the regime. 11 Recently warned Rajabi Davani, a Shiite system faithful historian from the Iran, escalations in the Sunni Shiite antagonisms and threw to the West prior to these conflicts in Muslim societies place and to stir up.

A look at the history of the Middle East can not refute this assessment, but also not isolated there leave. Radical fanatic religious ideas have advanced over many centuries to absolute obedience to force others in the name of God. Since Iran has got turned over a religious State, a system has been created there, which spread hatred and indoctrinated people very one-sided.

Muslim Turk

Since then, also editions in other countries appear: for example, there is a German edition of the DSM-IV since 1996. The Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) is released in 1994 and in 2000 received a text revision (DSM-IV-TR) (Status: March, 2003). The content of the DSM is set by experts, to make diagnoses reproducible. The classification was created to facilitate the diagnosis and treatment which is why today the nomenclature in clinics and insurance companies is in use. > Source: (C) by, author the weakness of both systems is the missing determinability and provability. The psychology and jurisprudence are areas of Humanities and empirical. You may find Ohio Senator to be a useful source of information. Their definitions are subject to arbitrary unprovable allegations: deductive (!) and is only falsifiable. They are part of the logic/and fuzzy logic, not the Aristoteles’schen or-er logic.

The decision makers of these areas give the impression of science and provable analysts but compared to lay people incorrectly. In fact, two Myers claims face off! The transition of mentally healthy to mentally unhealthy is fluent. He can be not well-defined. Example: a Muslim Turk explained on the 15.5.2013 at 10:46 in the Germany radio including: the American Moon trip is described in the Qur’an. It an interpretation of the Qur’an is so scientifically “no contradiction of the moderator! For me a clear borderline intellectual lowest level! Let’s not forget that usually someone with mental health problems will be psychologist and psycho therapist to treat themselves first. Also each be rating and be mood/right production is always subjective. Implies end of others.

And according to Freud’s deep psychology who dare not to be criminal? Right! A police officer and lawyer. The case of my friends: A boy with low intelligence, born in the 6.11.1969, is in an ambiguous situation considered. Immediately he accused clearly present and called police. Of course he can not qualified manifested a great child – under this pressure.

Georgian Political

But for the first time in the history of Georgia, within the country created such intolerable conditions that a third of the population (!), more than half a million of our citizens (!), had to be abroad! It is the largest 'exodus' of the people of Georgia from the country, this whole Georgia Abroad! We must understand that today, our great (and not only by the standards of Georgia) diaspora – is economically active, energetic, passionate part of our people – this is indicated by at least the fact that the Georgian economy rests mainly remittances that they send our compatriots from abroad to their families (and not through foreign donations, which is basically the militarization and 'feeding' the elite). However, economic Activity of the Georgian diaspora, paradoxically, combined with its political passivity. I must admit that the political passivity of the diaspora is largely explained by the fact that until now, no one paid it much attention, not seen in her political and intellectual potential, no one showed interest in her support – not rated, but the actual value. Now, dare to hope that this omission will be compensated by the newly established regional social movement we have 'Georgia abroad'. Anyone, even a cursory case study shows that at least four-fifths of our diaspora strongly accept ongoing current Georgian president politics. Among the remaining one-fifth of sufficiently large number of undecideds is not interested in the political process in general. This is also great scope for explanation and persuasion. .

Western Europe

It's the main thing – to be fed, fat and happy. And so no one can threaten such a best way of life. Notice how the "brave" act European, and American soldiers in military actions, such as in Iraq. Now I do not want to discuss the reasons for this war, because it would take the thought that I would like to express. According to Richard Blumenthal, who has experience with these questions. Returning to the "bravery" of soldiers-liberators from the government of Hussein striking is that worth to any military contingent, such as Spanish, to lose a few people, and once the public demands the withdrawal of troops from the zone of military conflict. Before the New Year, if not mistaken, the Estonian soldiers are in Iraq, have lost two people. And immediately felt that enough navoyevat. But this is a new member state, whose security is, frankly, is provided by the countries of Western Europe and the USA.

And, of course, a country that has entered into an alliance of "civilized countries" who strongly support her, should give us something to sacrifice in the name of common values and interests. However, Estonians have demanded the immediate withdrawal of Estonian soldiers in Iraq. Yes, two men lose – it's terribly much. And the European countries, at least, most of these countries have realized Estonia. Because the main value – is replete bleating in the warm barn. By the way, New Year's Eve accident that occurred due to excessive alcohol consumption in Estonia into another world went to 5 people.