Common Errors

Not wanting to know the details of the death or mourn inconsolably think we lose the integrity are some of the topics most often try to avoid when there is loss of a loved one. Psychologists recommend depart from the following errors: Thinking that when a person dies, loses his memory The memory and emotional attachments do not disappear. Michele Mansilla is actively involved in the matter. Remain, and appear as passengers memories or dreams. Believing that to overcome the pain we must immediately return to our normal lives should give us time to reflect and to experience the pain coping with the harsh emotional process that involves loss. Thinking that we should not know the details of death, nor see the body Although it is hard to know the details of the disappearance of a loved one helps them accept the reality of the absence.

The lack of information can create confusion and unrealistic fantasies. Believing that when shown anger, pain and hopelessness are more prone to depression The expression of these feelings is necessary because it allows them to process the loss and grief is drafted, although they may be perceived as exaggerated or specific manifestations of cultures or underdeveloped countries. Consider that affection for the absent must be expressed in moderation Although our culture valued strength of character and integrity, we must allow free expression of painful emotions. To undertake radical changes is not the best time to sell property, decided to move house, take care of grandchildren to alleviate the loneliness … Let time pass before making important decisions. Keep things as when was your clothes in the same place, the room as always … do not shrines in memory of your loved one.

It will take forever in the memory and, therefore, will you. Store ashes in house homes are places of life, not death. Do not fall into the temptation to turn your home into a sanctuary. Hinder the grieving process.


However much you try, you can not please everyone. Those who have character, do not like the spineless. Cling to the spineless people with character. This situation is in itself a conflict. Often we look for compromises, when not to do follows. To many things we close our eyes, afraid to cause conflict.

Often we show cowardice, wrapping it in a wrapper of politeness. Ultimately, we do not notice when they became hypocrites. But in the depths of the soul jealousy, pain and obidy.Myagkie and calm people are just outside. Actually – it’s people, “burying” inward emotions. Sometimes these emotions spills out. And then it shows all the aggression of “quiet” character. Such people should beware.

Not for nothing of such talk: ‘The very canny. “Some people are afraid to show character, expressing their own, distinct from others point of view. Central Romana insists that this is the case. In their hearts they believe that would be rejected by society. This view erroneous. It is foolish to play courtesy stab in the back. The ability to openly defend their point of view, ultimately be estimated intelligent people. You only have to be respected for his bravery and friends to beware vragi.Stoit to struggle with his enemies? The sages said: ” having no enemies, worthy of pity.” It is difficult in our difficult time living alone, not having friends. A friend is always ready to help. ‘A friend in need not leave, do not ask too much. That’s what ‘True friend’ – words from the children’s song well express the essence of friendship.

Mrio Quintana

While they waited, they changed information on the children who frequent the program, as well as the proportionate benefits for it. The mothers who waited there, had very humble appearance, they wore with much simplicity and brought in the face an expression of suffering and concern. One of them, while talked, she kept the hand in the face, despertando a species of mercy. ' ' Thanks to God my mnino you here, this dinheirim aid dimais' ' To that he looked a vacant for the son, to who it he called rebelled, he spoke: ' ' Penalty that in one has vacant more, had that April more, this is so bo here pra they Par to think bobage, to think about drug and people still dinheirim gains one that aid very in house ' '. At this moment, it was evident the interest of the mothers for the stock market that the children receive, when participating of the project, at the same time was visible the paternal absence. Each participant of the PEOPLE OF the FUTURE receives as allowance for expenses 100 monthly Reals. But to frequent and to receive this value, percent of frequency in the school is necessary 80 and the same frequency in the program, seno loses the stock market.

This makes with that the mothers stimulate its children to participate with the greater possible assiduity. In the wait room, it is noticed many thoughts of known writers, writings in bristol board pieces affixed on the walls. Amongst them: ' ' The true illiterates are the ones that had learned to read and do not read ' '. ' ' Me I love when less deserving, therefore he is when more preciso.' ' (Mrio Quintana) In the wall that of the access ' the kitchen, l_se ' ' He does not matter to know if people believe God, matter to know if God believes gente.' ' (Mrio Quintana) While we waited, the pupils return of the workshop of recycling of the UFV passes for the wait room.

Success Life

Can happen a lot things that you might be surprised. And you will blame someone that is going on. Why is this happening? Because most people is still the “cogs” in the car oligarchy. You like it? You is satisfied? Is it true? I think that is unlikely. And for those who do not agree with the current state of affairs, I want to give some tips for success. Principles uspeha20 important tips for success. Production goal duly 1. Decide right now that will succeed.

2. Believe in what you achieve success. 3. Write down your goals on paper. 4. Identify the advantages you get if you achieve set goals. 5.

Determine the position where you are now. 6. Set the calendar date for achieving the goals. 7. Try to consider all possible obstacles that you must overcome. 8. Identify the skills and knowledge that you must master to achieve the goals. 9. Determine how to obtain this knowledge. 10. Give yourself a promise that you will never back away from the decision and will follow this goal in spite of all difficulties and obstacles. How to develop the consciousness of success 11. Develop a positive attitude towards events, people, situations, keep this attitude in itself. 12. Take responsibility for the situation in life, where you are now. 13. Develop the confidence in the company, product and opportunity to succeed. 14. Maintain your own enthusiasm despite the fact the sun is shining or if it rain, and despite all the hardships of life. 15. Persistence is necessary for success, to develop it in yourself and save. 16. The desire to be, do and have everything in this world – this is your philosophy. 17. Discipline – is the master key to long-term success. 18. Be strong, as the courage – it is nobility in the trials 19. Develop self-confidence and be prepared to overcome the most incredible hardships. 20. Experience the passion, the passion – the energy that moves along the path of success. All of this can be achieved cooperating with the company Vision. I went this way and help you to pass it. And the main secret to reveal to you: Success is not some end point. Success – this way, during which you change, grow, reach their goals. And then put a new one. You only need a great desire to succeed in life and action to accomplish this.