The Ideal

It is made with whole clusters, without even crush them and relatively high temperatures. Whole grapes in the absence of oxygen situation, there is an intracellular fermentation by phenomena caused by its own metabolic enzymes. The fruit yields and carbon dioxide breathing, being in an enclosed, the gas returns to be made by it and produce fermentation without microbes (yeast). There comes a time when the grapes burst, ending the continuing maceration and fermentation by yeast, but to a lesser extent than in the development of breeds. The skins are kept along with the must during the first six days of fermentation so. This wine just keeps its properties for about two or three years.

The result is wine with aromas of fresh fruit. The ideal temperature to drive the carbonic maceration is 30 to 32 C, resulting in better-structured wines, and getting shorter times barreling, which improve the utilization of the facilities. This may be interesting to take the hot hours of the day, although low temperatures and below 15 C, it is necessary to apply a warm vintage, alcoholic fermentation is done with the wort – resulting red wine and in the absence of the solid, being a very critical, as the fermentation should not be interrupted by that bacterial problem, it is advisable sulphite slightly and keep an yeasts if necessary, develop it in good conditions in a time of 2-7 days. By the same author: Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs. This second part of the carbonic maceration process is done in conventional deposits, as if it were a development of white musts.