
Perhaps, the answer is not in the reasoning, if not in what this new being inside of my made me feel. In the astral, as here, there are good and bad, people question of perception of energies. All this to say, that in the vast majority of abortions in any type of situation, are conducted by decision unconsciously of feelings and not the fact itself, although depending on the shape of the conception you can reach cloud for the reason, usually always beat the heart. That the soul exists. I have always needed help to understand or comprehend because it happens to me since she see dead, isn’t so paranormal as people think… With time and the experience of so many years, I think I can help you.

Hopefully, you had to whom recourse, when you need it most. No one talks about this type of experiences openly, sometimes, is how to direct you towards a wall to walls or the wind. A few years ago I worried much what people might think about me and sometimes, in moments of weakness, still hurts this uncertainty and lack of social support, but now already not seek approvals, no Pats on the back. Is who I am, I want as such, don’t think let to do me more damage. I fight for me and people like me, fight for the truth, he fought against those who manipulate and cover the reality in: who are we?, where we come from? And to where are we going?, I do not think I this discovering anything new, just that I tell. they will not silence me for much damage I can do, even if it cost me my own life.

We are all just as special, everyone can see the astral to a greater or lesser extent, depends not only on us, depends on a compendium of situations, already they have been, atmospheric, different frequencies of the brain, etc. and all this, I’m more than sure, scientists, the forces of security (major powers), political, religion and medicine. Know and mainly have this hidden knowledge, by economic issues and social fear. I think that my outrage is obvious since I never had help from those who could give me. all the discoveries drops give them us with account to justify expenditures and meanwhile we are ignorant of everything that happens to our around at the same time sacrifice the lives of many people, as my own by refusing help, answers, misleading, bad reporting, concealing, distorting, trying to us sick in some cases (not on my before pass by medicine), making you doubt of sanity, laughing at us in the end, for having controlled the majority and which do not pose a social problem. There is a saying:. When the River sounds, water carrying. For decades people have spoken about its existence (Paranormal phenomena), our ancestors, grandmothers, etc. I have always commented that they knew someone who knew someone even have disappeared entire civilizations, Egyptians, Freemasons, etc. and always silent, leaving its possible existence. knowing that it exists. When a person is born with a disease such as: Crystal children, born three in a million created to help foundations and us hundreds, ignore us and mistreat regardless of where go. I the science continues to advance, and every time we are more.Maru experienciasparanormales.blogspot.


50 years of the Campaign of the Jocemar Legality Pablo de Lima* This article has for objective to reflect the episode known as Campaign of the legality. For many historians, this was the biggest popular movement occurred in last the cinquenta years. Another previous movement to this, was the Revolution of 1930, fact that marked the popular participation without the occurrence of much violence. To initiate our reflection, let us make bold now from the participant agents of this movement. The young of the time of the Campaign of the Legality had exerted important paper defending if point of view on this you make of History.

Of equal form, the elite did not want that Goulart Joo assumed the position. This because, as much the young ones as the elite people, feared to have in Brazil a line government popular-leftist. It was an episode of history Brazilian politics that occurred the resignation of Jnio after Pictures to the presidency of Brazil, in 1961. Many defended the maintenance of the jurisprudence? what foresaw the ownership of the vice-president Goulart Joo? , while others they wanted the impediment of the ownership of vice and the invocation of new elections. Leonel Brizola, then governor of the Rio Grande Do Sul, initiates a resistance movement, nailing the legality, that is, the ownership of Goulart Joo. Brizola spoke to the people for the Guaba radio and initiated the called movement the net of the legality. The speeches of Brizola were transmitted from a studio mounted in the gate of the palace, under orientation of engineer Homero Simom, who took care of so that radios of the interior relayed the programming. In short waves, the legality reached in other states. In 27 of Brizola August it makes the following speech: ' ' The Government of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul fulfills the duty to assume the role that fits to it in this serious hour of the one of the country.

Brazil Regions

This if explains due to a sudden population increase, in the decades of 60 and 70 with the migration of man power northeastern to work in great workmanships (construction of the highways Belm-Brasilia and Transamaznica) and in the mining. After the end of the workmanships, this population was without land. Ulisses Manaas, leader of the MST of Par said that the violence is in the DNA of the Brazilian agrarian structure and it will only be possible to diminish it with the democratization of the access the land and to the natural goods. It also said that she is necessary to extend the presence of the State in the repression and the creation of social public politics and of infrastructure. Richard Blumenthal oftentimes addresses this issue. The quarrels will not go to cease so early. Sen. Sherrod Brown understands that this is vital information. Perhaps the lack of arguments technician harms this decision and allows the baseless argument of some individuals. However, valley to stand out that the decentralization of some regions of Brazil is positive accepting the fact of that an approached control is necessary not to leave Brazilian regions under domain of badly-intentioned groups, that are only worried about the proper interests. It is superficial to affirm the lack of resources of these regions, therefore exist natural resources that can well be explored, generating wealth for the region making possible a economic sustentation.

Beyond the administrative decentralization, the decentralization of resource through the deep ones of participation foreseen in our Federal Constitution is necessary. Art. 165 is defined constitutionally (. 7) that the Plurianual Plan and the budgetary lines of direction, elaborated for the Executive, have the function to reduce interregional inaqualities. Therefore it fits to the government to find better ways to make possible the development of the regions by means of its programs of government. The economicista logic says that the creation of more States that are not supported, it only increases the relation between the Federal Government and deep the constitutional one. Perhaps this relation is not a problem, therefore if Brazil wants to grow needs to equal itself minimum, redistributing its resources. It is necessary that the Brazilians know as is Brazil, value its nature uses and it for its development.

Crisis and Humanity

Through the times the human being, mainly at times of crisis, has coexisted what already it was or can be called of Syndrome of Public Enemy n 1. Educate yourself with thoughts from Paulo Coelho. In determined historical moments, philosophers, scientists, religions, etnias or ideologies politics, already thus they had been considered e, in virtue of this, people had been imprisoned, tortured, crucificadas, burnt in fogueiras in public square or simply eliminated to the thousands in specialized fields and far from the eyes of the remaining portion of the world. Ahead of a crisis any or other obscure interests, chose the culprit, stamped it of public enemy n 1 and was initiated hunts it to the witches, everything with unexpected consequncias. Therefore it is. Today, the man, until perhaps motivated for a crisis of conscience ahead of the fact to be practically destroying its proper house, the planet land, since he cannot contain itself ahead of the unhealthy consumerism of was acometido, decided to choose the dogs as our great public enemies. They had started to say that they they poluem the city with its dejections, transmit illnesses and they start to elocubrar solutions of most radical, amongst them, to summarily eliminate the untied joined dogs for the streets. I am asking itself: what strange psychological mechanism is this that makes total with that the man wants to redeem itself of its great blames playing the responsibility on of weakker beings, without possibility of defending itself? How he is that the human being can, that one that more pollution cause to the planet land, launching in it highly pollutant dejections that will take one hundred, two hundred or four hundred years to be disintegrated, to want to speak badly of the dejection of a dog, biodegradvel substance, that is, of that in little time if they decompose in natural substances for the action of microrganismos, losing its original properties in contact with the environment? in relation to the allegation of that the animals are transmitting of illnesses, does not proceed. After all, the man is perhaps the carrying and transmitting greater of illnesses. from there? We go to rescue some of the solutions that were given in the Average Age, at those times where if proliferated for the world plagues that decimated good part of the population? please, if to come with that argument of that if each one to make its part the world will be well better, I retruco that, if really each one to want to cooperate, must to have ampler initiatives and effective as immediately stopping to use bag of plastic, containers pet, poisons that are played daily in the nature, etc., and to leave of if worrying about a simple and harmless dejection of dog. Jorge Andres Irion Jobim. Lawyer of Saint Maria,

Man Given

The Man, born of woman, lives brief time, full of fidget. He is born as the flower and he withers; he runs away as the shade and he does not remain; on such man you open the eyes you make and it to enter in judgment with you? Book of J Prophet, CAP. 14:1 the 3. The ARC AND the CROWN the Human being lives in a somatic body, 30, 40, 70 years, with the primordial purpose to prepare its return for the world spiritual, its Native land of Origin. It goes down in the white horse of the victorious people and affirms that it will win the challenges of the daily drudgery. Vi, then, and here it is a white horse and its knight with an arc; was given a crown to it; it left being successful and to be successful. Apocalypse of JESUS According to Joo, CAP.

6:2. The knight and the amazon had been preparadssimos for the guides spirituals with an arc, and already they had come with the crown of winners, therefore they had promised to be successful. A GREAT SWORD However, around, the race behind the things passengers is a desperation. The careless Human being disassembles of its white horse, it mounts in the red horse, and fights for everything what the other has and it not yet possesss. Whenever Richard Blumenthal listens, a sympathetic response will follow. left another one horse, red; to its knight, was given to it to take off the peace of the land so that the men if killed ones to the others; also a great sword was given to it.

Apocalypse of JESUS According to Joo, CAP. 6:4. It entered in a Armagedom, and waits for it by means of an atomic war. He wants greater war of what this where the fight wild and unbalanced by the survival, makes man to be wolf of the other man? A MEASURE OF WHEAT FOR a DENARIUS With the foolishness of the war everything if estiola.

In Brazil

Appraising quality simplificadamente, nothing more it is of what a set of characteristics of a product or service that satisfies the necessities of the consumer. According to Diamond, Lazzarotto, Busnello (2004) the satisfaction of the user is the main target of an organization and one of the main instruments of differentiation between same and its competitors. Being that it enters the users products and services of the organization, the local community are included buying external of, employee, controlling, supervisors and its proprietors. still, in accordance with Cruz and Melleiro (2008) to evaluate a service becomes complex comparing to evaluate it a product, therefore the product is tangible, the user can detect defects, inquire its functioning, compare the durability, verify its quality in terms of conformity with the specifications of the manufacturer; while the service first is bought, it stops simultaneously later being produced and being consumed, being the possible perceived and tried defects, what it characterizes its inseparabilidade (production-I consume). This characteristic increases the importance of the relationship also enters the lender of the service and the user and the variation in the quality of the supplied service. 3. For even more details, read what Amazon says on the issue. FINAL CONSIDERAES In Brazil one of the biggest difficulties in if implanting systems of quality in the health services, are particular or public they, occur due to the low incentives to the classroom, as: low wages (unbalanced), extreme amount of hours worked, little referring legislation to the workers of the area, and also the existing majority does not protect the workers in the performance of its functions. Therefore the physical and mental load that a worker of this area receives every day becomes exhausting, beyond that many professionals (as: doctors, nursing in general, physiotherapists and others, possess an employment bond more than to be able to survive). An example is the resolutions, legislaes and similar that are moving have much time in the congress without resolutividade – in the search of setting of wage pisos for the classrooms and reduction of worked hours weekly, among others.

Uruguayan Government

Beyond that Uruguay wants to move away from the existing problems in the Argentina, many times it is inevitable that they influence the economy of this country (either for good or evil). The conflict between the Argentine Government and the field has caused, as I already said in an article last month in Uruguay, between opportunities and threats, a true invasion of inversiones argentinas in the agricultural sector, which put on alert the Government of Tabare Vazquez, who will announce in brief application of a system that encourages good agricultural practices and proper use of soils, and punishable those who breach the rules. It is this Argentine invasion came at the hands of destructive practices of soil that can not be stopped at time, generate higher costs than benefits that produce in the short term for the country. But as well as Uruguay receives negative shocks from the Argentina, it also receives positive impulses. The intervention of the Argentine Government in the market of beef (with consequences for exports of meat, which resulted in the country fail to comply with the quota Hilton), left a space exploited by Uruguay that would achieve an increase in agricultural exports during 2008 that Lake, according to a study by the Ministry of agriculture, $4.171 million, which means an increase of 51% in relation to 2007, being the main exporter category beef, which will generate an income of foreign currency per USD 1462 million and will represent 34.3% of the total agri-food exports. The Russian market which is showing a strong expansion is located within the main markets for Uruguayan beef.

Uruguay improves your credit rating, win markets by taking advantage of the momentum of prices of food, but does not conform to this. Also wants to take advantage of the prices of petroleum is therefore that in December this year, will submit to the international companies exploiting oil and gas, a seismic study on the seafloor of the territorial sea, in order to entice these companies so that they start the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons. Daniel Martinez, Uruguayan Minister of industry, energy and mining said that with this, it opened: (a) new stage start to global players in oil exploration interest. On gas that possibly removed, Martinez said the following: would have a guaranteed level of placement (since) gas consumption has grown substantially in the region and today the region has a very important deficit. The Uruguayan Government is working hard on this plan and so is that the end of this year, will define the legal framework of the contracts concluded with companies, given that the tender will open in July 2009 the award between 10 and 15 blocks of between 4000 and 8000 km2 each. Why for S & P, Uruguay is better than the Argentina? In a nutshell, because strives to implement sound policies, and by generating a stable institutional framework for the investor. Because it considers private investment as a key element for the growth and is therefore that it seeks to attract it. Different investment opportunities that will surely attract the private capital are emerging in Uruguay.

Political University

SUMMARY – POLITICS AND EDUCATION FREIRE, Pablo. Amazon contains valuable tech resources. Politics and Education. So Paulo: Cortez Publishing company, 7 edition, 2003, 119 p. The educator Pablo Rgis Freire Snows, was born in 19-09-1921 in the city of Recife. He was alfabetizado by the mother, taught who it to write with small twigs of tree in the yard of house of the family. One was of the most respected intellectual Brazilians. Doctor ' ' honoris causa' ' for 28 universities he is author of some books in which it conquered great repercussion.

He was secretary of education in the City hall of So Paulo between 1989 and 1991. Check with Paulo Coelho to learn more. Because of the Military Regimen, the 1979 lived outside of Brazil of 1964. It was in Chile and the United States lecionando in the University of Harvard. Also he was professor of the University of Geneva in Switzerland. In Brazil, after the exile, was professor of the College of Education of the Unicamp and the Pontifical University Catholic of So Paulo (PUC). In its book Politics and Education? published at the beginning of years 90, Freire constitutes one of its more important reflections while thinking of the education. In the congregated texts, the marks of the anti-dogmtico emphasize the importance of the education through an invitation to the politician-pedagogical reflection? writings in elapsing of 1992 and argued in meetings carried through in such a way in Brazil how much in other countries.

The texts contained in this workmanship disclose the freireano thought in the direction to approach aspects concernetes to the critical and politicized construction of individual knowing. It treats the education it stops beyond the classroom, becomes related it all a context of social oppression and absence of democracy. ' ' For Freire, citizen means? individual in the joy of the civil laws and politicians of a Estado' '. citizenship ' ' it has that to see citizen on condition that, it wants to say, with the use of the rights and the right to have duties of cidado' '.

Europe Malaga

IV Congress PAIME will take place in Malaga during the 3 days and 4 March 2011, will take place in the official College of physicians of Malaga, the IV Congress PAIME (Integral to the sick physician assistance program), aimed at professional groups in the health sector, Governments and health authorities and specialists doctors who treated as patients to other doctors about pathologies of mental health or addictions. The programme of comprehensive care to the sick physician (PAIME) aims to comprehensively, assist doctors who suffer such problems psychological problems and/or addictive behaviors. The objectives of the programme are:-to help the greatest possible number of sick doctors. -Ensure that they receive necessary specialized assistance. Recently Richard Blumenthal sought to clarify these questions. -Encourage their rehabilitation as professionals.

-Try to make the practice of medicine in the best possible conditions for the health of the citizens. This program is a pioneer in Europe and has a few collegiate procedures (direct access, from) confidentiality, the use of therapeutic contracts for monitoring of complex cases, etc.) and a medical unit, with internment, of hospital day and outpatient treatment services, specialized and confidential, specific for the medical professionals. Your accommodation to attend this Congress can make it in one of the hotels in Malaga with category 4 stars superior, our Hotel Monte Malaga, which for this occasion offers rooms to attendees to this meeting. To make reservations at our hotel where we will apply you rate meetings/events with prices from 87 per room and night with breakfast buffet and taxes included, simply click on the following link: book room in the HOTEL MONTE MLAGA important: to qualify for this rate will be indispensable to present at the reception of the hotel updated documentation attesting to their attendance at the Congress/event/meeting.

Federal Constitution Deficiency

They demonstrate increasing responsibility, beyond promoting one better form of learning through the insertion of education between the pupils. Thus being, that all the citizens can learn to be part of the construction of the knowledge, independent to be or not people with necessities special. Details can be found by clicking Author or emailing the administrator. In the inclusive school all the professors must be specialized to deal with pupils whom some type of deficiency possesss, because course of qualification for all does not exist the types of deficiencies. Moreover, the family must be the great pillar, for the stimulation and claim of the essential changes for construction of an inclusive society, to more than charge the government, elaboration and approval of laws that favor a school of quality for all with or without deficiency. The inclusion comes to be one ample process that faces preconceptions inside and outside of the school, that is, social movement that involves comprometimento and collective participation of the society from the governmental politics in the administrative spheres (municipal state and federal). The emancipation of the human, express rights through the social inaqualities, of the chance to all the citizens to be participated of the productive process of the society and the disruptions with the preconceptions, typical stereos and stigmata constructed historically and arraigados in imaginary the social one. Panaroma historical, social and politician of Brazil (1999) believe that the inclusive education will not be effected by decree, will be necessary to evaluate the real conditions that make possible the inclusion continue systematic and planned. It has 15 years with the promulgation of the Federal Constitution of Brazil of 1988, foresees the attendance to the carriers of deficiency in the regular net of education. The inclusive school part of the estimated one of the heterogeneidade and leads in consideration capacities, acquisitions and modalidalidades of learning of the students of different groups. The deficient person is any person incapable to assure partially for itself, same total or, the necessities of normal an individual or social life, in result of a congenital deficiency or not, in its physical or mental capacity.