Agricultural Workers Without Land

Contact: carried through the first National Congress of the Agricultural Workers Without Land. From this first meeting, the Movement takes scope national, with proper flags of the fight for the land. Therefore, at a first moment it demanded only the question of the land, with occupations of great large states, for this being the alarming, basic necessity of survival. In accordance with the reality, the proper Movement felt the necessity to inside construct schools of the occupations, since the first occupations in 1979 – occupation of the Macali farm in High Patrol and also in 1981 in the Natalina Crossroads, all in the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Amazon and gain more knowledge.. With the conquests of lands, already in nesting state, one identified one high index of illiteracy, difficulties for access the education, discrimination on the part of the public power for construction of schools in the nestings. Therefore, it is verified in such a way that the fight for schools starts, therefore in the nestings how much in the encampments it had lack of education and one high index of illiteracy and in the conception of the leaderships of the MST, the education would have to be present. In the Paran, the first emergencial school was installed in the city of Rattlesnake, in 1986 in the clover of Tereza Saint of the West.

It had at that time, according to seated deposition of one, approximately three hundred people in the place, with approximately forty children. The emergenciais schools, were constructed with canvases supplied for the camped ones, this model of school were itinerantes, therefore they were placed where the families were camped. According to Notebook of the School Itinerante n 01 (2008), in the Paran, a landmark in the fight for the legalization of the school was an experience carried through in the encampment installed in front of the Palace of the Iguau in June of 1999, organized a school that functioned per 14 days, this experience was baptized as Itinerante School, in reference the Itinerantes Schools of the Rio Grande Do Sul.

Ruralismo Formation

Better understanding the conceptualization presented for the authors, having as referencial the metodolgica line and the quarrel presented for Oliveira Vianna, from which if it has an interpretation of the evolution of the Brazilian social organization, based in a vision of society formed for clans, lead in this concept and developed having arraigada in its practical this definition. To understand the line better to be followed in this quarrel, this work will leave of the boarded theoretical perspective for Oliveira Viana, who affirms that: ‘ ‘ at the initial historical consequences still if it must very resent alive our people in its social organization and its collective mentality. According to Amazon, who has experience with these questions. Nor it will be difficult to track these consequences in a historical march, that lasts only four centuries and of that we find, through documents and certifications, the footprints, so to speak, still recent and frescas’ ‘. (Vianna, 1938, 4. Ed., P. XVI). Considering the limits that this work finds, it is possible that it is some secondary, necessary concepts of study, in order to promote the continuity and the perfectioning of the thematic unfolding considered here.

In such a way, this study it does not intend to present itself as conclusive in itself, or the workmanships that take as base, but as an initial starting point that even considers theoretical unfoldings and with practical referenciais, to offer to each time more clarity regarding the subject. Subject this that of one it forms or another one is interlaced to daily of all the society, therefore it deals with to its formation and the administration of the instruments that says respect to all, that is, the public administration. 2. Brazilian Social formation 2.1. The Ruralismo as starting point Leaving of Oliveira Vianna, in Southern Populations of Brazil, 1938, that it affirms: ‘ ‘ All mine intention is to establish the social characterization of our people, so approached of the how much possible reality, in order to stand out how much we are distinct of the other peoples, mainly of the European peoples, for history, the structure, the particular formation and original.


Of where it comes this paradox? We are creatures, imperfects tense constituent and structurally, not Creative it. Therefore, it is in our structure ntica that we are falveis, capable of acts defective. Imperfect beings only generate voidable acts, until the good ones. As our ontolgica goodness is relative, we are potentially pecadores. Our essence is good, but imperfect: capable of good, but imperfect, only relatively good acts. As we are free and responsible, if our voidable acts harming in them, to our fellow creatures and the nature, are not alone voidable acts, but eticamente bad. Novelist is actively involved in the matter. The practical one of the evil is the extreme limit of the limited actions. Read more from novelist to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

Under the optics of the faith, propositalmente bad acts are current sins, not potential. Sins that offend the Creator and the creatures. Soon, when we say that we are pecadores, generated and been born in the sin, we need to distinguish between current, potential, putative sin and of the world. We are structurally capable to sin, potential pecadores. It does not mean that necessarily we sin, we cannot prevent the evil.

Yes, we can prevent, not commit the evil. To be pecador potential only means that we are falveis, capable to fail, to practise bad, harmful ethical acts, to the fellow creatures and other beings. Potential the pecadora condition in them is inherent, remains until when we do not fail. ' ' A pecador time, always pecador' ' (Martin Lutero). For being limited, we are ontologicamente falveis, not morally bad. Our congenital fallibity necessarily does not take in them to sin. Having choice freedom, we can practise good or bad acts; acts that the brothers favor or harm, to the creation, we. To accept its limits means to recognize God as creative and I eat creature, attended for the involving, gratuitous presence of the Father, for the faith. But, it are of the faith, explicit or implicit, that joins in them to Salvador, our fallibity will inevitably take in them to the disaster.

Russian Federation

Public authorities and services must not only react to the situation, but also be able to timely and in full volume of the causes and conditions of congestion. By removing bottlenecks encountered by the competent government authorities should realize a timely response to the situation, establishing temporary special modes of traffic, for example: time reverse modes, up to a complete change in the mode of motion at selected street unloaded by means of redistribution of traffic flows with congested highways. Due to limited parking spaces, to organize separate intercept parking facilities for expansion of the roadway. No, this is not in this case is now serving on the traffic police, which is totally indifferent to this issue. We are talking about the body, which soon will replace it and will really serve the interests of the state on behalf of the entire society.

Note that due to congestion, a small accident on Ring Road, is able to create a serious traffic jam. In addition, by virtue of their special, high-speed dynamics of traffic, a slight accident, which arose on the Ring Road could lead to massive failure, and hence to many hours of gridlock that often occurs in winter. However, if you follow the logic, then even these measures can not properly rid the Ring Road from the terrible traffic jams. It is now too late to talk about what or optimization traffic since construction captivity around the Ring Road is closed. Most shopping malls, hypermarkets, industrial areas and terminals, where the vast majority of people coming by car, both from Moscow and area, as well as other subjects of the Russian Federation has already been constructed. Do not forget that along with the goods on these sites comes a huge amount and trucks. Commissioning of new residential areas near the Ring Road is also not for mountains. Proceeding from this time spent in traffic jams on the Ring Road, every year will only increase in times.

If now in the winter, especially after prolonged snowfall because of the impossibility of physically take steps to clearing of snow on the drivers are forced to stand 5-6 hours in traffic jams. In what could be carried out in a traffic jam and a 10 – 12 hours. Already, before the winter snow in Moscow at the time of declaring the onset of an emergency.

Federal University

The Jorge Blacksmith is associate professor of the Department of History of the Federal University of Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro. In its workmanship Brazil Republic that was written together with Thin the Luciana historian, searchs to analyze the structure politics of Brazil during the Republic, for this they cite the alliances politics that had been constructed, the economic conflicts and sproutings of popular organizations. In I capitulate eight Blacksmith initiates saying on the historiografia of Goulart Joo and the blow to it of 1964, the sample that, however they search to incriminate it for a blow as being Goulart the only present individual in this act, however tries in irreversible and unavoidable way to blame the collective. From there the author speaks of the historigrafos that try to personalize history. Showing the vision of the right, where enxerga as a corrupt demagogue who was influenced for Communists.

In against departure of the left, the president was a leader bourgeois of mass, thus executing the blow. An explanation that enters in consensus for the two sides of the historians is of that Goulart Joo was assumed the perfio of one populist politician. The blow for many was resultant of the crisis of the exporting agrarian area. Or that the economic crisis demanded an authoritarian regimen for regulation of the conflicts. After to cite the beliefs of the historians in relation to the blow Jorge Blacksmith appeals, as it writes, to the historical methods, for this it tries to reconstruct which the social interests of the participants of this historical process and conflicts. It starts speaking of the parliamentarism, where he was implanting pressas, with intention to hinder the military blow, the great interest is observed in if to keep the democracy, exactly thus Goulart keeps commerce with the socialist countries. Goulart Joo receives as inheritance a country with a great economic crisis, to try finally to this crisis, it travels for U.S.A.