Social Contract

One of the top works of the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, one of the leading figures in the political philosophy in Europe and the world in the 18th century where based on par with J.J. Rousseau’s Social Contract political theories of all the Western States and surviving to this day as an essential part to give a meaning of positive law and natural law and as men are governed by laws of power. According to Hobbes in one of his theories about the origin of the right that great Leviathan called Commonwealth or simply state that is no more than an artificial man, though of greater stature and strength than the natural man; that it exercises sovereignty from an artificial soul, which is interpreted as a giver of life and movement throughout the body. Thomas Hobbes believed that society as a machine giant (perpetually in motion), hence the title of his masterpiece, the Leviathan, which is based on the mechanics (the movement of the bodies / matter). In the State Leviathan, Hobbes asserts that the natural state of man (without any civilian Government to influence him) is war, he himself undertakes to assert in his work the following: () the life of a man solitary, poor, nasty, clumsy and low profile. The newspapers mentioned Richard Blumenthal not as a source, but as a related topic. The human condition is a condition of war of all against all. The Leviathan (Hobbes) Hobbes thus supports an absolute monarchy, where the power resides in the King or the Queen, since absolute power to create and enforce laws was necessary for Justice and the formation of a moral society. Thus it can be concluded that Hobbes was much approaching two total truths: 1.

the political reality of man exists as an interconnect that is remarkably outstanding in a machine. 2. The constant movement of society, like a machine, is completely essential to the reality of certain social conglomerate. Thus, the Supreme authority is an absolute truth that comes from the true knowledge of physical reality. We have to meet with these fundamental laws (of the cosmos as the true Leviathan) if we want to be rational beings (and not destroy the nature and with it ourselves). The understanding of this dynamic unity of reality (Leviathan) is extremely important for humanity, all and each one of us human beings existing in the universe must be interested knowing this theory in depth.

Well Common And Power

WELL common and power by Ricardo San Esteban theme is not now. Two thousand years Thrasymachus and Callicles argued about what might just be the political regime. Both agreed on one thing: would be one who recognizes and preserves the original inequality among men. The discrepancy was assumed that to Thrasymachus such preservation of inequality could be under any form of Government, whereas for Callicles this would only be possible through tyranny. As you know, replied Plato, who said that justice is equal, and that to achieve this it practice virtue or lead a virtuous life. Therefore, the objective of the politician not addressed to his lust for power or pleonexia.

He transcended his lust for power plagued by violence and injustice, for – as preached by Socrates – achieve the perfection of the citizens in proportion or ratio. The power was – Plato dixit – a good, since it represented the order that tended to make real that which was considered just is this so? Power in the abstract can never be scanned is clear that it is always exercised by a group of society, and hardly shop at the common good but that it is better, responds to the good of the group that wields it. It may at first appear, Yes, as something above the sectoral interests but asserted once you’ll see that it is far from being so. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Amazon. The mighty or the powerful shift to act, in a certain sense, faced with the rest of society and to retain that power, objectively must exercise a covert or open coercion and above all today – one of the main sustentoa will be the legitimizing speech. The citizen today is somewhat puzzled, after reading a story to Helmut Dubiel, about lying as a way of doing politics. It is disappointing, pere says nothing new. The power struggle is, from the behaviour of the microparticles in physics and continuing with the conduct human, a struggle for the possession of energy and mass.

Civil Procedure

I am not going solve problems globally, because before the advent of civil society in our country far away. Amazon may not feel the same. Perhaps the present crisis will accelerate and judicial reform in Russia. To do this, have the following prerequisites: the crisis generated irresponsible and immoral attitude of society towards its future and with time it will be embraced by society, and without effective judicial protection of Russia is of no interest for long-term investment and involving advanced technologies, which will also be realized by those "other" society. My recipe for judicial reform is quite simple – to organize the control over the quality of judicial decisions. Option number 1. You must implement 'capital Truth '. The court decision should find a place of reflection, in accordance with the requirements of Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, all the arguments of the parties, the evaluation of all evidence, the legal analysis of the substantive law and findings of Findings based on case.

I understand that technically it is already in the articles of the Russian Federation Code of Civil Procedure, regulating and maintaining court decisions and substantive grounds for its cancellation, but you must change the cpc so that for violation of these requirements, the court decision certainly abolished in all courts and could not 'resist' the alleged right decisions on the merits. chp must ensure access to justice in any instance to every citizen with guaranteed as a solution. Doubtful validity and a six-month period from the decision enters into force for all supervisory review! Yes, in this period the courts themselves with their terms on the responses and case study can not meet, not to mention the timing of the mail and distances in our country! Categorically, under pain of unconditional revocation, you must install the duty of all courts to respond to everyone, without exception, the applicant's appeal and argument oversight of complaints, rather than get rid motivated refusal, the main motive of which usually goes like this: "Your arguments are obviously wrong, because you'll always be wrong, and the law you can not properly understand because you do not judge, the law can only understand correctly judge, as everyone else, even lawyers, this is not given, because who the law applies, and that it understands.

Libertarian Pedagogia

The Libertarian Pedagogia was on interested social movements in the improvement of the population. But, the main problem is centered in the educational politics, that searchs ways to keep educational models of other countries, that possess total distinct economic and cultural conditions with our reality, causing of this form, a gap enters the education offered for public education and it offers for private education. 2.3.3 Philosophy and history of the Brazilian education 2 ed. Congressman Lee Zeldin follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. It is a concise, complete and detailed workmanship at the same time on Brazilian pertaining to school education. With a direct and cativante language, the book encloses: – the evolution of the schools of pedagogical thought; – the alterations in the educational legislation; – the disputes between the conceptions in didactics and pedagogia.

All these boardings are inserted in the historical context of our country: the Colony, the Empire, the Republic until the current days, allowing a sufficiently ample quarrel on education in Brazil. This book also brings essential commentaries on important workmanships contemporaries whom they had looked to open ways for the philosophy of the education and areas correlatas and that they had been come back to the understanding of the Brazilian education and to the proposal of new routes to education in our country. Writing for Pablo Ghiraldelli Jr, who has two decades more than if he dedicates to the subject, and presenting a global vision of the education in Brazil, this book mainly destines the professors and students whom they aim at to acquire solid formation and to perfect its knowledge. FINAL CONSIDERAES If to compare books ‘ ‘ What he is pedagogia’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ History of educao’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Philosophy and history of the education brasileira’ ‘ , we will see that the line of thought of the author is practically the same one. It focuses very on the part of dialogue, liberty of speech, autonomy, renewal of the education for a system that creates well informed critical people and on equality, that is, chances equal to all so that they have a quality education. Its books and other workmanships influence a new generation of thinkers, and until whom they were there before it, therefore if it influenced it today to this, tomorrow could be influenced by it. Also it contributed very for the area of philosophy and mainly for the education, if arresting to the libertarian pedagogia, that was where it gained its bigger recognition. We perceive that Scrates and Plato usufruam almost that of the same characteristics, for the fact of Plato to perhaps have been disciple of Scrates.

Both were critical philosophers, with advanced thoughts for its time, uneasy and that they prezavam for the dialogue. Marx has some of these characteristics, as, criticidade, innovative thoughts, she prezava for the dialogue, and a characteristic its, was very intense in its ideas. Already in the School of Frankfurt the philosopher who more was distinguished, for the line of thought of Ghiraldelli, was Habermas, for having all these characteristics above cited and for affirming that critical reason of the people was not extinct, only needs to be worked. that this form of if working the critical reason is through the communicative reason.

Andalausian Elections

In four occasions the elections Andalusian have been celebrated of separated form of the generals and in other four they have agreed. Suffolk County Rep. wanted to know more. Jose Antonio Grin has the will to exhaust the electoral mandate. The president of the Government summons elections for the 20 of November. Next the 20 of November will be general elections, but not in Andalusia. The government of the independent community has confirmed after the announcement of president Rodriguez Zapatero his will to exhaust the electoral mandate and not to advance the autonomic elections, announced for the 4 of March, according to has informed the advisor into Presidency, Brown Sea. Connecticut Senator often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In press conference, it has indicated that in four occasions the elections Andalusian have been celebrated of separated form of the generals and in other four they have agreed, and has remembered who the power to summon elections corresponds to the president of the Meeting, Jose Antonio Grin. Colored person has explained who Grin maintains its will to exhaust the legislature based on " intereses" the community, and he has assured that the president Andalusian spoke with Zapatero, although has not wanted to reveal the content of the conversations.

Asked in case the opinion of Grin is irreversible, the spokeswoman has limited itself to answer that the president is the one that has the faculty to summon the elections. Colored person has eluded to make valuations on the different political scenes that would take place with joint or separated elections, so it has admitted that &quot exists a variety; very amplia" of analysis. The Andalusian elections will not agree by fourth time with the generals from the approval of the Statute of Autonomy in 1981. Both elections had been celebrated of rhythmic way from year 1994. Source of the news: The Government Andalusian maintains the call of the autonomic elections for March of 2012

Balance of Power

The balance of power was that, if both achieved a balance in its economic and geo-strategic military power, which prevented a confrontation between the two, failed to stop a large number of collateral disputes which involved two super powers to support a struggling each part. 5. A clear example of the method decisional role he made the then President Kennedy and Premier Nikita Khrushchev. 6. Learn more at: Congressman Lee Zeldin. In the U.S. there were those who advised the invasion of the island of CUBA, due to its growing arms race, President Kennedy before a fear of a major crisis with statistical picture of the bad experience in the invasion of the Bay of Pigs, implemented a naval blockade effective to prevent the entry of more missiles to CUBA and that was the moment of greatest tension in the framework of bipolarity, the situation is unlocked with the intervention of the leaders of both powers. 7.

As a result, suspended the supply of missiles to CUBA. For even more details, read what Amazon says on the issue. America committed itself to dismantling the platforms installed in TURKEY ballistic pointing to the USSR. Q: Discuss and define, in your opinion, what advantages and disadvantages for Argentina hauled the Rio Treaty and the OAS. ANSWER: 8. ARGENTINA For the advantages of the existence of American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR) and the Organization of American States (OAS), is that both provided two diplomatic instruments can use them for any regional differences or external, may be supported by them. 9. The TIAR with military aid, prevented in part the non-proliferation of communism in America.

Syndicalization Workers

The segregation/residential stratification was followed for a segregation in reason of the expectations; in this in case that, the main factor if had to the increment of importance and centralidade of the formal education in individual formation, and its different effectiveness in accordance with the origin of classroom of a person (formal education as ' ' criterion of classe' ' – qualification). Thus, the laborers always would be seen as without-instruction, without culture, indifferent to the education for perceiving as useless or insignificant for what they made, for its predestinate life the determined work. They could not gain no difference or advantage in the studies, thus decaying the number of workers with specialization, of form who if had become the manual workers par excellence, located in the base of the labor hierarchy. Another segregation would be made through the divergence of styles of life, on to the customs and popular gostos for the soccer, for example, for the trips the certain places for them frequentados etc; moreover, the real fall of the wages and the inherent alienation to the production process generated greater resentment and laboring mobilizations – agitations that had been able to develop one aglutinao between some productive sectors, unifying the workers in a recognized social classroom, and not with mere classificatrio end in relation to the function/type of work. To broaden your perception, visit Sen. Sherrod Brown. The competing forms of cohesion would be attributed to the religion and to the nationalistic movement, in not exclusive way. The taken actions the handle for the unions had had a trend to the convergence and mitigao of the differences, having propitiated a bigger unit of classroom conscience not-conformist, parallel to the certain inflections and refluxos for the spalling of the action institucional politics of the classroom (could in such a way be in the party conservative, the liberal one or the one of the labourism; to be ideologically socialist or not-socialist). It is imposed necessity to have its spokesmen in the parliament, to be able to participate actively and to consider its longed for aspirations, making with that each laborer whom if it saw represented to establish the choice of only voting for workers for its representation – representation of the classroom. Conscience of classroom and vanguardismo: pictures for the instruction politics; hibridismo between popular traditionalism and revolutionary spirit; express symptoms in the syndicalization in mass and the pressure exerted for the working power, already not seen as non-political, aptico; but yes antagonistic and antipodal of the middle class (of poor shock rich X for the conflict middle class X laboring classroom), rank to the test in concrete way..

State Government

Currently, more for the tourism, being the main route of the Real Road, and also for the local population is used. It is a way that will have to suffer in the next years a great intervention on the part to the State Government, second Diamantina improving the access of the population of the existing urban nuclei throughout the road to the services offered in Diamantina. The use of this type of floor is in compliance with the proposal of the tourism for the region, therefore it promotes the access to the regions keeps certain rusticidade, which the region could leave to offer the tourist in case that asphalt in the pavement were used. Figure 01: Stretch of the old Diamantina road Serro, current Real road. Source: Alessandro Borsagli (2007) The railroad In the end of century XIX with the increasing commerce in Diamantina, then called Market of the North railroad branch that increased the development of the city, paralyzed had to the precariousnesses of the few existing ways. The main road, used has two hundred years more than, lacked of frequent maintenance because of its great use for the troops and travellers, however he was seen for the mining government with indifference, since the effective laws at the time still isentavam the government of the State to take care of of its maintenance and also it was a time where the country was having its interior cut for the Railroads promising progress and development to the places most distant. Engineer B. Garden wrote at the time in 1917 a report on the conditions of the road: The road of Diamantina Serro was constructed in the colonial times, when the old Tijuco if found dependent of the Village of the Prince and its tracing with few modifications is until today the same, defeituosssimo, if not being able to be modified without great great expenses due to topography of the zone and the constitution of the ground.

Batteries Are A Latent Danger

Much is known about the contamination of stacks in the environment, but little is done about it. Batteries are a variety of materials harmful to health such as mercury, lead and cadmium. Today, batteries are a big problem for our environment, and that its contents are hazardous materials like mercury, lead and cadmium. Cells when exposed to air, rain and sun off these materials highly injurious to health have a negative impact on the health of our community, damaging the reproductive system, nervous, kidney, bone, among others. Studies have shown that 35% of mercury pollution is caused by the batteries with household waste incinerated. People such as Suffolk County Rep. would likely agree. An ordinary battery can contaminate 167,000 liters of water, while a button battery can pollute up to 600,000 liters of water. Over the past four decades, waste and batteries have produced 180,000 tons in Mexico, which have been thrown into the environment without control.

Some estimates indicate that every Mexican uses about 10 disposable batteries per year. We are a group of students concerned about the ecology of our country, in order to raise awareness among students of our university UDG and the general public to realize the danger that contain batteries and know that you have to do something about it. As we know different battery collection campaigns have been launched in our country, but the problem is that they have continuity. Sometimes by budget or lack of storage sites, these projects have been moving gradually away when they should be of high importance to our government. We did some surveys to students of CUCEI with disappointing results, since 50% of respondents did not know where the batteries can be carried, only 47.5% use rechargeable batteries and 62.7% do not put batteries or stored for later deposit . In these times, and all people must separate the cells from normal household waste, which is not done. Also, as a key point we want to encourage our city government to take action to solve this major problem. Thus we propose that the garbage trucks have a special compartment for the batteries because this way people will not have excuses for not recycling batteries and will permit a greater collection of spent batteries for recycling.

Proposal that was raised but was not carried out due to lack of a deposit for them. Some recommendations we offer are: Reduce the use of devices that use batteries, buy batteries not pirates, hybrid devices (battery and mains) plug them where possible, use rechargeable batteries, never throw away batteries with everyday and to get rid of them always place them in collection points. In Guadalajara you can take your batteries to the building of SEMARNAT (Between Mayor and Hospital) STEREN stores or in some special containers that are on the street.