But you made, it little less than a god, crowning it of glory and beauty, pra to dominate the workmanships of your hands, under its pstudo colocaste' ' Sl 8,5; J 7,17-18. But, not satisfied with asprerrogativas of image and similarity of the Creator, the man and the woman, created eamados in the Son before the creation of mundo' ' , forgotten that tambm' ' they are dust and to the dust retornem' ' , they had been rebelled against its Author, to recusandoser to it only similar, but ' ' as deuses, turned in the good and nomal' ' Gn 3,5.19. The vase did not want more being vase, but the Potter; the creature, Creator. More info: CIT Group Inc.. Tenebrous foolishness! ' ' There of that it contends with who omodelou, vase enters the vases of the land! By chance it will say the clay to that aooleiro: what you are making? How perversion is yours! To treat the Potter comoargila! Therefore, it will dare the workmanship to say to it made that it: ' it not me fez' , and one vasosobre the potter made who it: ' it nothing understands of the craft? I go to break this eesta people city as if he breaks the vase of the potter, who cannot serconsertado' more; ' Is 29,16; 45,9; Jr 19,11. Without a doubt, the pretension of criaturade to be Creative alone produces vase trincado: the tragic history of the sin the sample. The irresponsible revolt of the human beings affected its deeply relaescom God: infidelity, idolatria; between itself: Caim killed Abel; with the creatures, of which it is guard: ' ' He blessed them to god and he said to them: Headquarters fruitful, you full the land and you submit it; you dominate on the fish of the sea, the etodos birds of the sky the animals that crawl in terra' ' Gn 1,28.