In the central part of the Black Sea city of Sochi is located. In the vicinity of Sochi huge set of natural beauty. Indeed the nature of the Caucasus is unique and varied: a turbulent mountain rivers and fabulous waterfalls, mysterious caves and shady canyons. Sochi is the largest and most popular resort town. The city is divided into four regions: a very populous – the Central District in the west – Lazarev area, warm – Hostinsky area, alpine – Adler. Each of the districts has its own climatic features. Summer in the city of Sochi is warm and humid, temperatures can reach 40 degrees, but thanks to sea breezes, hot and dry days is very short.
Sochi is surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges that protect against cold winds and keep the accumulated heat, the fourth side is the Black Sea. The mountains that protect the city from cold air currents, contribute to the fact that winter in Sochi relatively warm, but slushy and rainy. In January and February due to cold air masses can drop temperatures to -10 degrees, but lasts a short time. In Sochi, is dominated by soft south-easterly winds. In the evening there is a change in the coastal sea breeze, and shortly before noon, followed by coastal breezes on the sea. The city of Sochi, on the similarity of climatic zones, low clouds, no fog, and the number of sunny days, ranked first in the world.
Sochi is very rich in vegetation, it is filled with beautiful palm trees, various trees, shrubs and flowers. One of the most significant feature of Sochi is healing water, which has a huge range of beneficial properties and mineral content of chemical elements. The parks and gardens all year round roses bloom and the yucca. In the Black Sea water contains elements that are well affecting the metabolism of the human body, cleanse the pores, normalizes blood pressure, strengthen the nails. Sochi resorts have experience treating various diseases. There are many mountain springs of mineral water and drinking balneology direction, rich in iron, bromine, silicon, iodine, boron, fluoride. Climatic conditions of Sochi have a great impact on the effectiveness of treatment, many times it is raised. Sanatorium treatment is combined with recreation. To further the nature and remained in its original form, the territory of Sochi is under state protection.