In the Russian Church a lot of the saints, involved in healing, such as the Reverend Agapit Caves or St. Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky), which generally was both a bishop and a surgeon in the Crimea, he was even awarded the Stalin Prize for medicine in 1946, but subject not about that. It follows that the Orthodox Church with the same high respect for the medical practice, based on the service of love aimed at preventing and alleviating human suffering.
Healing the corrupted disease of human nature appears as the fulfillment of God’s plan of a man: “The very God of peace sanctify you in all its fullness, and your spirit and soul and body be safely preserved blameless the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ “(1 Thess 5 23). Earlier, at the dawn of medical institutions, hospitals, appeared at the monasteries, but now health care is separated from the Church, but, nevertheless, the Church blesses the building Hospital temples creates brotherhood and sisterhood, even founds courses nurses. That is, the Church seeks to harmony of relations of doctors and patients and should be the dictum of the Apostle Paul, that the human body is a “temple of the Holy Spirit, whom you have from God “(1 Kor.1: 19). Based on the foregoing, we can see that throughout its 2000-year history, the church showed and cares about the health of each and every individual, and nation, when the ratio of good government, and casual attitude to health is a sin.