The Cepal

This fact if must to the fear generated for the possibility of the Europe, joined, if to become one superpower, intervening with the relations you deal of the whole world and to increase the protectionism degree stops with the countries not-members. However, ' ' structural, conjunctural, circumstantial, geographic obstacles, politicians, economic and historical had acted against this processo' '. (MENEZES, 1990, P. 13). For the defenders of the Latin American economic integration, the same one would increase the market and the commerce, and consequently, industrialization in the region would grow, it would have the specialization in the production, and, if it would implant the economic production of scale, the efficiency and the competitiveness of the region would increase. Alfredo of the Mota Menezes detaches that ' ' the integration would be the ideal form to work and to defend, and, gradually increased well-being of the peoples integrados' '.

(MENEZES, 1990, p.15). These would be the common benefits that pressupostamente Latin America would stimulate route to the economic and social development. The Cepal (Economic Commission for Latin America), on agency the ONU (Organization of United Nations), was the institution that more fought for the regional economic integration. The Cepal considered to industrialization as base for the Latin American development. ' ' Without industries of first and according to stadiums, to substitute the importations, the economic growth of the region never ocorreria' '. (MENEZES, 1990, P. 17).

As Immanuel Wallerstein the Cepal contradicted the benefits of one economic policy of open borders and supported in contraposition a regulating paper of the governments in order to reorganize the national economies. The main recommendation was to promote the substitution of importation through the protection of the rising industries, politics that widely was adopted. Until certain point, the recommendations of the Cepal had been followed by the Latin American governments and effectively it had a economic improvement, even so limited, in the Fifties and sixty.