This loss of one? felt of itself? steady it is called, some times, of displacement or descentrao of the citizen. This double displacement-descentrao of the individuals in such a way of its place in same the social and cultural world how much of itself? it constitutes a crisis of identity for the individual. In the reality all the personages of the romance pass for this process? identity crisis. This if evidences at the moment where they look for the salesman of last so that the same ' ' venda' ' an identity mediated for the capable memory of providing a calmer and privileged life to them, representing the ideology that predominates in the Angolan society. The workmanship also points with respect to the memory of Flix in the intitled chapter ' ' Rain on infncia' ' (AGUALUSA, 2006, P. 94-95) when the same it describes scenes of its infancy: Taste to hear. Flix speaks of its infancy as if it had lived really it.
It closes the eyes. It smiles: It close the eyes and I come back to see the grasshoppers to fall of the sky. Quissondes, warlike ants, you know? , quissondes went down of the night, some door of the night with access to the hell, and was multiplied, to the thousands, the millions, the measure we killed that them. I remember awaking to tossir, to tossir very, to tossir suffocated, the eyes to arder, in way to the tobacco of the battle. Fasto Bendito, my father, in pyjamas, carapinha Russian all dishevelled, the threaded naked feet inside of a water basin, to fight that sea of ants with a DDT bomb. Fausto to cry out instructions for the servant among smoke. I laugh in a child amazement. Adormecia, dreamed of quissondes, and when they woke up continue there, in way to the tobacco, to that Acre tobacco of small trituradoras machines, with its blind fury and an ancestral hunger.