‘ ‘ The popular behavior is not a mystery, is an indication social’ ‘. ‘ ‘ The religious education already receives from my mother. My father was agnstico. He was a man rebelled because of many injustices and he did not understand certain things, because it found that God, if had to be able them to all, could create a world melhor’ ‘.
‘ ‘ When Avelar, today Cardinal, communicated my father who wanted to be priest, was one god-us-rescues. The old one was rebelled violently. One was not satisfied. repeated: ‘ I do not understand that function has priest. ‘ My father had horror? but deep horror? the priest and military man It did not believe nothing.
He believed the work, the honesty and terra’ ‘. ‘ ‘ The feeling of Native land must be restaurado’ ‘. ‘ ‘ One of the still valid prerogatives of parliamentarian is to establish connection the State with the Nao’ ‘. ‘ ‘ We have all, for action or omission, stimulaton or incompreenso, responsibility of the facts of histria’ ‘. ‘ ‘ The problem of the abandoned minor is the abandoned greater, and the problem of the abandoned greater is the unemployment, is the lack of cidadania’ ‘. Its last desire: ‘ ‘ I want to die in mine terra’ ‘. As a knight andante of the Democracy, Teotnio Vilela took off money of the proper pocket to visit the prisoners one by one politicians who fulfilled penalty. In a police station, it esbarrou in the arrogance of a policeman whom it demanded ordered judicial. Exaggerating, it said: He gives license, I speak on behalf of the Republic!