Catalan Autonomous Government

The president of the formation, Albert Creek, assures that the minister of Dnsa has called to " disrespect judicial". Chacn dndi the model of linguistic immersion in Catalonia, and remembered that this there is " guaranteed the social cohesion and lingstica". (Source: Amazon). The TSJC has given two months to the Catalan Autonomous Government to adapt their system educative and to implant the Castilian like language to carry in the schools next to the Catalan. The president of Ciutadans (C' s), Albert Creek, have requested the resignation of the minister of Dnsa, Car to me Chacn, by dnder the exclusion of the bilingualism and the judicial disrespect. With regards the Catalan Government, Creek has assured that it only has left to apply " the bilingual model that demands the courts or to sit down in the bench by disrespect judicial". Creek, in an official notice, has evaluated the car of the Court Superior of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) in which gives a maximum term of two months to the Department of Education so that adapts its system educative with the purpose of to implant the Castilian like language to carry in the schools, next to the Catalan.

Creek has indicated its surprise by the declarations of the minister of Dnsa, Car to me Chacn, since " there are precedents of a no minister of the Government of Spain that calls to desacato". Therefore, Ciutadans requests its resignation " by dnder the exclusion of the bilingualism and the disrespect judicial". The future candidate of the PSC in the general elections and present minister of Dnsa, Car to me Chacn, dndi this Friday the model of linguistic immersion in Catalonia, and remembered that this one has guaranteed the social and linguistic cohesion. The president of C' s is outstanding of the resolution that the TSJC has observed that if they are not fulfilled the sentences can be abrir diligences by the penal route and therefore to transfer to the office of the public prosecutor the crime of judicial disrespect. Creek has asked that the Catalan Government fulfills " the sentence so that in the school year that now begins it applies to the bilingual system ". The president of Ciutadans has assured that the application of the car of the TSJC is easy: " we are only speaking that the system one adapts somewhat with sensible percent of classes in Catalan and Castilian. All the professors of Catalonia have capacity to give classes in the two languages, according to says the Conselleria". The application of the resolution, according to Creek, can be done " without needing a budgetary increase ". Source of the news: Ciutadans requests the resignation of Car to me Chacn to dnder " the exclusion of bilingismo"