International English Language

To date, English language – is most in common language throughout the world. In most countries it is approved by the state and public language, it uses a variety of international organizations, UNESCO and naprmer UN, about 80 percent of all information stored on electronic media, is presented in English. English has become the language of international business communication, information technology and the Internet. Obviously, in our century general globalization trend further spread of the English language will continue. Good or bad – to judge is not necessary, because the sooner this law, what a coincidence. In connection with the development of the market Translation services increases the demand for English to Russian translator. Every year, it examines the increasing number of people at the same time not simply for the sake of expanding horizons, English is the universal language communication between people of different nationalities and cultures. To be sure, this is the economic and political reasons related to the role played by the last British Empire, and now the USA – the most economically developed countries.

Although the linguistic characteristics of the English language also contributed to its spread in the world. In English, the words do not change on cases, people leave, the rules in English quite simple, in addition, this language has a high capacity. In this regard, English mugt learn without much difficulty, not only children but also adults. English has many varieties (British, American, Indian, Australian, etc.), its development never stops, increases his vocabulary. Therefore, the author of random text in English are likely to become not an Englishman, and not even American. Not surprisingly, the lion's share of all transfers is related specifically to the English language. When translating English text, the author of which is not a native English speaker, there are additional translation difficulties.

Meanwhile, the situation is fairly typical, customary international partners as the language for business communication is chosen English. The main difficulty in translating such a text is the presence of off-speed for the English language. To get the most accurate translation must sometimes make comparisons native language of the author of the text. Only as a result of this analysis, many 'clumsy' expressions are adequate. Therefore, if the text is in English, which should be translated into Russian, is a translation from some language and would translate better to do it with the original. The second most popular after English language is German, so it is not surprising that customers are interested in translation and technical translation from German

Statistics Of Exports Of Goods During 2009

Typically, in current market situation, the company aimed to develop, you need to enter new markets. If you look at the history, the most successful entrepreneurs have always been entrepreneurs – innovators, entrepreneurs, do not miss the opportunity and not afraid of the new. Everyone knows that new opportunities for your business to look, and look for it in foreign markets. Now, most entrepreneurs begin to seek new markets outside Russia, and beyond. Based on the fact that just recently formed a customs union among Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, for obvious reasons, entrepreneurs in a hurry begin to switch over to these two markets. Kazakhstan and Belarus in large quantities to buy Russian raw materials, equipment, metals, machinery, clothing, decoration materials and so on. But Russian businessmen in every way try to gain their trust.

The most promising area now – it's exports to Kazakhstan, exports to Belarus and other CIS countries, and, of course, do not forget about importing. If you trust the statistics, foreign trade turnover in these destinations, measured in monetary terms and is equal to the sum of exports and imports, increasing from year to year. During 2009 the foreign trade turnover of Russia amounted to 492,400,000,000 dollars. However, even in first half of 2010 external trade turnover of Russia increased sharply to $ 293,900,000,000 dollars, the Federal State Statistics Service, referring to the Bank of Russia. For comparison – Foreign trade turnover in the I half of last year amounted to 196,300,000,000 dollars. From the data presented the development of enterprises in the export and import is clear. Let's hope that this trend will continue in the near future to acquire or dispose of goods abroad for entrepreneurs of our country will become as common a process as the Russian deal.


Most people have no future without predstavlyayutsvoe Internet. Because the need for your own website is becoming more acute. Creation of sites – and this is an opportunity to promote their services or goods, and also opportunity to share their own ideas, to find like-minded people … What does it take, that there was a site on the Internet for a long time and successfully? Ensure the success will be able to develop a professional resource and its promotion. In this case, the choice of the Executive should be guided by his knowledge and experience.

The first thing we see – the design. The uninitiated user to think that good design – a mass of changing, moving pictures. Animation creates a special effect, but here's a flash heavy load for a long time, and this affects the level of attendance: not many will agree to wait a full load. It should be clearly aware that the creation of the site – this is including the work design, however, still more important is the proper organization of the contents of the website – its organizational structure should be easily supplemented in the future as needed. However, this does not mean that the design should be dismissed.

Of good design even a single site was not injured. With the help of simplified understanding of the structure, and it brings the satisfaction of staying on the site. Mainly due to what the user visits the site – it information, if he can not immediately see what he wanted, he leaves the resource. In this regard, the contents of the newly created resource is given paramount importance – it is more important than brightness and beauty of graphics. Proper organization and availability of information – above all else. In the event that planning and organization of the resource are well thought out, searching for information will not seem complicated. The size of the web-resource should also be given attention. If your path – a small business, then stretch to the information pages pyatidesyat simply makes no sense: it should be short and to the point (no more than fifteen pages). Site developed by hundreds of pages (and more) is needed for those firms that publish various editions.

Traditional Coaching

But before they act. It is difficult to get up early in the morning, open plan and step number 1. Coaching "charges" of human energy, through which he begins to stir. Coaching is not only responsible for question, "What to do?", but also forces us to make. GE: What is the reason for this activity? M.Sh.: I'll tell a secret, which you can use for the session "samokouchinga." For each person it is important to formulate the result, to that he wants to come. At the same time very difficult to maintain this "image of the future" before the eyes.

Therefore, it is popular letters to Santa Claus, pictures, on which we draw our dreams – and the wording of any fixation on the order work. One of the most important coaching – tools – coaching focuses on client results. Study objectives, discussion of how best to achieve it, the search capabilities – thanks to the experience of coaching a client reaches goal and "together" are very important to clarify the issues themselves. That relate to the client: see their usual tricks that lead to inefficiencies, ways to interact with colleagues and friends, attitudes toward personal resources (time, health, money). Aware of their values, attitudes, limitations. GE: In what situations coaching effective? M.Sh.: Traditional area of coaching – personal effectiveness.

Coach helps the client to determine their goals and move toward implementation. Often happens when a coach specializing in a particular area of business – finance, management, and marketing. But, thanks to a professional "working through" issues of a single sphere, client begins to better focus in other areas of their lives.

Financial Interests

Countries at war may have a financial interest in other forms of crime such as illegal arms imports. Thus, establishing alliances with other countries illegal. a Therefore, a controversial issue is the extent to which the economically more advanced countries to promote transnational crime. For example, illicit drugs, many officials in consumer countries are likely to attribute responsibility to the producer countries and fail to consider how an existing culture pharmacological permitted the use of illicit drugs to develop. Also ignore the demand side of the equation, since it focused and on the assumption that the proceeds generated by illicit drugs only appropriated by foreign producers and large distributors. Therefore, considering the considerable revenue generated by illicit drugs consumption in the countries themselves.

A second controversial issue is that transnational organized crime is seen by many officials to be the result of the increasing number and variety of individuals and groups to reach more economically advanced countries. Since these people and groups come from places scattered around the world, often from countries in transition or in crisis, that are perceived as difficult to control and tight integration. The newcomers are said to bring with them their social and commercial networks, which make it difficult for law enforcement and at the same time, facilitating the "conspiracy." No attention is paid to the same difficulties encountered by law enforcement before the arrival of migrants and the commercial "conspiracy" is already contained in the host countries long before they are "invaded" by foreigners.

Forest Lawn

The sun had just gone. Frog brought his evening concert. The bees got into the hives. Closed the petals of flowers and lowered heads, bird heads hid under her wings, and the deer lay down to rest in the tall soft grass at Forest Lawn. Gradually, all was quiet. Shining star from under the trees slowly emerged a month. -Is there anybody here? – Asked the fog. But no one answered, because there was no one.

Then the fog rose – light and white. He danced on the lawn, stretches over the lake, and then snuck into the woods. -Who are you, buddy? – Asked the flower, which could not sleep. Fog, not answering, continued her dance. -I ask you, who are you? – Repeated the flower. -If you do not answer again, I thought you boor. Now, I'll hug. And the fog is dense flower clasped his long hands are wet so that the flower quite damp leaves.

-Oh! Oh! – Cried the flower .- Take away, please, my hands, my dear friend. I like to bathe in the pond. The mist rose higher. "Who am I? – He cried. -I – a drop of dew on a flower, a cloud in the sky, the mist on the meadow. I was constantly changing his appearance: am and dew and rain, and streams. When I emerge at night in the meadow, people say: "That's up Fog. Strange-making – said the flower. -Can you tell me more about it? -Well, I can tell you this story – said the fog, and lay down a little distance, at the foot of the flower. -I was born deep in the earth, there is not take out your roots. There I and my brothers made their way in the dark as pure as crystal, underground key. One day we ran out in the sun, at the foot of the hill. We murmured on pebbles, lapped against the shore, beautiful fish frolicking in our streams, and trees bent over and looked at us like a mirror. -Ran, we ran Then poured into the lake and moved along its bottom. There was dark and uncomfortable. I crawled to the surface and lay in the sun among the round-leaf water-lily. The sun burned enormously, and I'm sorry, why not stay at the bottom. In the evening, the sunset, I suddenly felt incredibly easy and I flew Higher and higher Here I met many of my brothers, which suffered the same fate We flew across the sky. We make the clouds.

Case Work

Chtoby be a winner, look for the benefit of anytime, anywhere for example, pay attention to what goods this month, you offer a discount, so you can save not a bad amount of money. 6. imagine that a crisis is your chance to change lives for the better, if you are left without work, realistically assess their chances, try to improve their skills or learn a new activity in which you would be interested to work, it’s a great opportunity. 7.Vo during hard financial problems every month buy or even update your wardrobe, so turn the imagination and become a designer of his clothing, where at the lowest cost you will be a lot of new clothes and interesting experience. 8.Benzin – it is an expensive luxury, and therefore a very good way to save, I suggest not stand half – of the day in traffic inhaling fumes, and change seats on public transport, just imagine how many books you have time to read or listen to new album favorite band or even just take a nap, while not sacrificing their time. 9.B currently very popular lunch and dinner in restaurants, once again popular, but not helpful for you and for your wallet. On average, one campaign, such as sushi for two people the average check is up from 2000 rubles, without a limb, it all depends on your appetite. Imagine now that for 2000 rubles a family of three people can eat a week, far more useful and nutritious food.

So maybe we will take care of their welfare in general? and more often to eat at home the whole family. 10.Rabota – this man’s work, for which he receives financial compensation, someone is physically, someone intelligent or creativity. In order to achieve success in their work, the case that you do should interest you, sometimes we forget that the work should work and the crisis is exactly the time when it is necessary to actively promote their ideas, suggestions, look for clients, just as in the first place you’ll be able to help themselves. Each individual person, so he decides what to do during a crisis, be silent listener who quietly waiting on the sidelines or the master of its destiny, which only plays the main role. In any case, the crisis is over, and as usual after every recession, there will rise. Only whether to postpone the time for later? Take matters into your own hands and soon we will hear about you.

Ufa Advertising

To determine the right vehicle with the first step is to determine – what advertising campaign! Whether you're advertising a new product / store, increase brand awareness, maintain interest, or information about the ongoing promotions, etc. For each goal requires a different carrier. You should also determine to whom targeted advertising – to reach most of the population or some separate group. If all of these issues are specific answer, yes it is a concrete, otherwise everything else is useless, then you can proceed to the choice of carrier. And you should consider a way to feed the advertising message, since each supports its own ways, the concept and forms that pursue their specific goals. The efficiency also affect the timing and seasonality (of goods, the audience).

Can be a good season to advertise, but at this point in the selected carrier will not the audience that will some useless and will not bring the expected result. And all of these items as it is strange form a "closed ring" with a budget advertising campaign. Fit strictly in the budget is very difficult to light – is not effective, and only upon full analysis of the goals and objectives, the most suitable carrier, seasonality, and budget to give the best option for cost and outcome. Unfortunately, this process takes a decent amount of time and should proactively address this issue. Rush is one of the main enemies of the campaign. Advertising media, it will focus only on the republic and in particular the city of Ufa.

Game Participation

If you promise to win more than five hundred rubles, be prepared to ensure that you not only get the promised money, but also to the fact that participation in the game essentially empty your wallet. Here, the law of an arithmetic progression. The greater the amount promise you, the easier it is to win and the more potential winners, the more you pay. Do not send sms, read to start at least the "Rules". Read them, incidentally, very difficult, as they recruited small white type on a red background. From the very first lines it appears that the sts is not well-known television (in passing, site owners pour their namesakes of dirt that they do not paint).

Hey, guys, if you do not like this "and barely caught stealing live television station, "then why use their logo? Although a naive question. Clearly the same reason – the logo sts is the Russians have a no confidence. However, the ctc of guessing – it's some modern television systems. What a system and what their present anywhere no further clarified. But (unless of course you managed to read through the rules until the end, without losing sight), it turns out one small but important detail. For sms you take from 7 rubles, and much more. "The cost of a sms to short number 8385 about 150 rubles depending on the operator The campaign cost of access operating at a rate of five rubles a day, the rate of a hundred and ten days of access, so the total access price is five hundred and fifty rubles, payment access is done by sending three sms paid number.

Coworking – The New Trend Of Social Activity

When you think about the business that you first come to mind? That's right – the competition! But is it always people who have their own business trying to survive in these harsh economic conditions? Under an hour, some are beginning to help each another, looking for any possible interaction points of contact. An example of such a successful symbiosis can be a phenomenon of "coworking." In the Russian market a completely new phenomenon that came from the West. What is "coworking"? Freelancers, or individual businessmen together and pool their savings to pay for rent, and in which all work together. In English the word Co-working is translated – "working together". For more effective of freelancers, usually engaged in some one thing. That is, creating such a community, they seek to mutual assistance and cooperation. The joint office is a fairly large room with kitchen, one or more of negotiation and are equipped with necessary office infrastructure – from Wi-Fi-Internet to printers and scanners (furniture – by itself) – to serve all the "guests".

As Russian coworking offices only take a phase of active action, often this distinctive experience results in a complete lack of responsibility – no one really meet any of the cleaning, not for protection, the fee is paid irregularly, problems arise. Quite a different look to provide some of the business centers of jobs in the lease. Here is the center itself is responsible for ensuring that the employee has been provided with all necessary office equipment from ending cleaning. Bring your clients or partners in this office is profitable – they immediately see that the man is irrelevant serezno.Mnogie aspiring entrepreneurs and freelancers often do not have the ability to shoot own office, so that such service is an ideal outlet for start-up. Office rental is often unnecessary and a waste of money and work at home some time relaxing and not conducive to work. Since coworking offices and Lessors of jobs to help small and medium businesses in starting and further development, it is safe to talk about the social direction of such projects. It is possible that savings in the initial phase will bring in the world of big business rather strong and got stronger players.