Tel Aviv Yarkon Park

In the modern state of Israel Tel Aviv is the first Jewish city. Founded Tel Aviv was in the distant 1909 and was in a suburban area of Jaffa. In 1914, there lived two thousand people, even after fifteen years Tel Aviv is Israel's capital. As for today, now Tel Aviv is a major metropolis with a population of over one million people. This is a modern city of skyscrapers, offices foreign governments and firms, the central offices of the largest banks and companies. Historical attractions here are a few, since the history of the city has only one hundred years. Nevertheless, in Tel Aviv is on what look. Special attention and deserves respect for Independence Palace.

Here in 1948 was proclaimed the state of Israel. List and other interesting places in the city, which is also desirable to visit if you come vacation in Israel, you've decided to spend here: Skyscraper 'Azriel Center', National Theatre of Israel 'Gadima', shopping and entertainment and cultural complex 'Tower Opera' ('Opera Tower') on the waterfront, the museum of Beit ha-Hatefutsoth ( diaspora, 1978 city) in Tel-Aviv University, the Museum of Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel, 1953) with an extensive collection of objects of different cultures and history library, art gallery Bruno Gelleri, as well as the house-museum of the poet Nahman Bialik, and David Ben-Gurion. As you can see and visit in Israel is that. Tel Aviv, as we have said, the center of business activity and nightlife, is the center of the Israeli industry, international trade, culture, Israel, entertainment. Where do you go – whether it's contemporary pamphlets or small alleys of the old southern neighborhoods – everywhere you can find cozy cafes or respectable restaurants, supermarkets and small souvenir shops, pubs, markets, markets, and much more. Activity on the local street quiets down except at dawn. If you're a fan of nightlife, you will be interested in such facilities in Tel Aviv as a night club "Docks", a Russian club "Blin" Youth Bar "Buzz Stop" restaurant "Caucasus".

As you already understood, no one institution in Tel Aviv, and Israel in general, focused on the Russian public. Also worth a visit Tel Aviv Yarkon Park. Here you will find a botanical garden, and also practically Japanese rock garden, bird park Tsapari. One of the best in Asia and is considered a local zoo. One of the best in Asia and is considered a local zoo. Tel Aviv yacht clubs ('Marina') – one of the most convenient for Mediterranean, the water park 'Meymadon' has every conceivable type of water rides and a children's playground, and extensive urban beaches are equipped with naisovremenneyshimi recreation and entertainment. In the yacht club in Tel Aviv can be rent equipment for windsurfing, scuba diving or any other active leisure. Plenty of sports facilities are concentrated along the boulevard Rokach. So it'll be in Israel, buy a ticket to Tel Aviv and visit this interesting city.


But there is a contrary view. Previous crises reinvestment was so global, that he would return to the previous rate of growth of the economy will not soon Optimists believe the crisis to restore justice. Pros: it's time to stop living in debt, inflating the financial bubble and immensely consume. Pessimists also believe that the end does not justify the means, and the price of sobering up too high. That only is unemployment, the turbulence of financial markets, the decline in production and increase confidence in the financial system as a whole.

This is not a step back, it's just the destruction of the architecture architecture relationships in the business world! Experts do not agree, and in the opinion whether there is any substantial restructuring of the economy country because of the crisis. Supporters believe the optimistic approach to the top of the optimization process. Pessimists tend to think that significant changes in control methods and approaches has not happened. Many companies send employees on leave without content, even redrew the staffing and nothing touching on the fundamental level. And maybe learn from China and develop investment in its own production at a sufficiently hard-state regulation? One can argue about the role of government in a market economy, but the socio-economic and political stability are not exactly necessities. Share the positive experience of countries is certainly useful. But and sovereignty should not be forgotten. In the search for the "golden mean" it is important to remember one's competitive advantages: vast natural resources, scientific potential and uniqueness of the mentality of Russian citizens.

Kor Church

In the Russian Church a lot of the saints, involved in healing, such as the Reverend Agapit Caves or St. Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky), which generally was both a bishop and a surgeon in the Crimea, he was even awarded the Stalin Prize for medicine in 1946, but subject not about that. It follows that the Orthodox Church with the same high respect for the medical practice, based on the service of love aimed at preventing and alleviating human suffering.

Healing the corrupted disease of human nature appears as the fulfillment of God’s plan of a man: “The very God of peace sanctify you in all its fullness, and your spirit and soul and body be safely preserved blameless the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ “(1 Thess 5 23). Earlier, at the dawn of medical institutions, hospitals, appeared at the monasteries, but now health care is separated from the Church, but, nevertheless, the Church blesses the building Hospital temples creates brotherhood and sisterhood, even founds courses nurses. That is, the Church seeks to harmony of relations of doctors and patients and should be the dictum of the Apostle Paul, that the human body is a “temple of the Holy Spirit, whom you have from God “(1 Kor.1: 19). Based on the foregoing, we can see that throughout its 2000-year history, the church showed and cares about the health of each and every individual, and nation, when the ratio of good government, and casual attitude to health is a sin.

Russian Federation

(According to the technical characteristics of tractor-trailer in Europe has a front axle load 4,500 kg) with trailer permitted to exit at some federal roads axle load not exceeding 4000 kg. Although the automated enterprise paying taxes, including transportation for the entire year. Must pay wages, rents, etc. Where can I take money for such a situation? Do not give optimism issues with the prices of petroleum products, which in the past 3 years have increased three-fold, whereas in the U.S. and Europe, only 40%. And lately there prices have fallen to the level of 2000.

Addressing the view of the role of road transport in the development of our the country and due to a severe crisis for the industry situation, you must take the following anti-crisis measures: 1. Abolish or adopt some changes:-Step Art. 12.21.1 and 12.21.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. (The penalty for violation shall be directed at the perpetrators of these violations). 2. Enter a two-year moratorium on price increases for diesel fuel more than 12 rubles. per liter.

3. To amend paragraph 23.5 of the Rules of the road to improve the overall weight and dimensions characteristics for the train to the parameters of the eu countries, namely: the upper-envelope – 4m20sm;-total weight – 44 tons;-axle load – 11 tons. 4. Repeal of article. 28 and Art. 30 fz 08.11.2007g 257-FZ "On the roads and road activities in the Russian Federation" prohibiting the carriage by road for 3 months because road services during the thaw should ensure the passage of trucks weak sections of road, and not "close" the country for several months freight transport. 5. Strengthen control over the work of all positions of the weight control, and mobile pbc eliminated as not relevant technical requirements. Adopt a single certificate weighing. In order to vehicle, loaded to the point of departure, an opportunity to weigh in and get the certificate and seal. Next on the route to the point of discharge claims for this vehicle from the regulatory bodies do not produce overload. At the moment we have a vicious practice, when the vehicle is en route weighed at different positions of the weight control up to a dozen times and has different weights, different from each other in order. Allow representatives of public organizations to exercise oversight functions of the carriers in these positions. 6. Given the complete inertia Ministry of Transport on issues of performance management, road transport sector performed in line with ever-increasing economic challenges, we consider it expedient to form a Government of Russian Federation Ministry of Road Transport. The above anti-crisis measures will help equalize the competitive capacity of Russian and foreign carriers, will give a vital impetus for Transport Russia will retain jobs for millions of workers.

Understanding Philosophy

If you want to learn about different philosophies, Jason Waller’s page might be a good place to start.  Waller is interested in Early Modern Philosophy (esp., Seventeenth Century Rationalism) and Metaphysics (esp., Persistence, Time, Space, Special Relativity, and Material Constitution.)   He also has an interest in the study of how bodies persist through time in Spinoza’s metaphysics.

Some of the papers Waller wrote include: Spinoza’s Attributes and the ‘Intermediate’ Distinctions of Henry of Ghent and Duns Scotus; Numerical Sameness Without Identity of Property Tokens; Defending a Pure Biological Interpretation of a ‘Form of Life’ as used in the Philosophical Investigations and more.

Jason Waller was a PhD student of Purdue University, Department of Philosophy.