Each time the recording acts, whether the modification or registration of the llc is required to provide information about the legal address. Specifying jur. addresses are important for solving all kinds of legal issues related to the functioning of society. We are talking about such concepts as the definition of standing, jurisdiction, appointment of a fiscal authority, etc. In addition, jur.
address is the means of individualization jur. person. Try to understand what the legal address, and how exactly it should be omitted. In the broadest sense of the presence of jur. address means a lease agreement between the entity and the owner of the premises, subject which is the premise, or part thereof provided for accommodation and permanent location of the executive bodies of a legal entity. In fact, Russian law does not apply the term domicile, for in the literature there are different regulatory concepts such as the address of the location of the organization, its principal place of work, place of storage of documents, mailing address, etc.
According to the existing the law clearly laid down the concepts address does not exist. Part 2, Art. 1954 Civil Code states that "The location jur. persons determined by the place of his state. registration State. registration is done at the location of its permanent executive body or another body or person entitled to act on behalf of jur. person without a warrant. " Which implies that all these definitions satisfy the legislation. However, enforcement experience shows, for example, that the tax authorities need to specify "actual address" and explain "this is the place where the documentation, an accountant and director, licensing authorities do not lag behind tax and offer their refinement type checking at 6:30 am, the organization at this address was not found. " Again, the question arises about the mailing address, which also does not say anything specific, but which used for various notifications and in case of non-receipt of any information with the responsibility still lies with society. The following question remains open whether this can be as a mailing address to use mailbox of a liaison office or it could be only a specific address of any premises. All of these ambiguities and enjoy the company. And what a lot of reasons. For example change jur. addresses can cause a transition from one tax office to another. That, in turn, will result in a lengthy process associated, at best, with a reconciliation of taxes and payment of all imaginary and not much debt. Apart from this it is necessary to change statutory documents, various licenses, contracts, customs documents, etc. To avoid these inconsistencies need to clearly fix the basic concepts of law relating to the address and location of the enterprise.