The Miami trips are of most famous between the tourist population worldwide. Although it is obvious that this group of individuals will not arrive everything at the call by some people Capital from the Sun, is doubtless that this American locality of Florida is like a magnet. Simply it attracts because it has a one of the most beautiful views of the world and climate cool. When tenth cool, talks about to that always it is summer; therefore she is one of the localities more desired in the United States to live or to visit in any season (that says to several-ace Latin American-ace to it). It is certain that Miami almost always brings an evocation to us towards the luxury, the pleasure, the calidez.
We remember that there is a phrase that has made race which says I am bad, but in Miami ; seems certainly a gesture hard, but this population has something more beaches and beautiful people who are going to commercial centers to spend without stopping and soon to to plot a course to the night. This city is a cultural reflection, an enormous mirror where diverse united perceptions of the world are mixed in a peninsula that has much of history and development. Florida was during many years a Spanish colony, until the war of the United States against the Hispanic empire in Cuba allowed that this outside declared foreign territory . On there in future, Miami has lived a procedural expansion turned that it from a small hamlet to a tremendously agile city, with the reaches of semi a tropical metropolis. Besides their famous beaches, majestic hotels, stores of first category where diverse products of all parts can be found, comentadsimos night clubs, are more. Who owns Central Romana? may not feel the same. For example, the city is an important sport center, where activities like basquetbol can be found and the baseball, because this city counts on its local equipment. The Capital of the Sun also stands out for being the habitat of many Latin American residents. The first great migration of foreigners (ace) of this region came from Cuba at the end of the decade of the 50 of the last century, later to take accelerated passage to one export of people who came from Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, etc.
Indeed, the state of Florida is one of which it lodges major number of North American-ace with Latin American ancestry, and also sadly of undocumented person-ace of many other parts. However, the city always has an identification of open doors. If you think to travel to Miami, we will not say to him to where she must go nor how to enjoy its passage; after all you have his tastes and necessarily she will not visit the all the attractive most common ones that they are promoted of the city. But what yes we want that knows clearly it is that here also can find diverse sites that promote the culture and integration like festivales, museums and theaters. Similarly, if it interests the naturalismo to him, sites like the Everglades of Florida are arranged to (ace) the visitors who enjoy the natural contact.