Such gear if reproduces in conditions of marginality, the almost absolute absence of labor laws and in the purchase of merchandises on the part of the intermediate and the plants in informal way. To use words of Hart (2005), the catadores appear as stakeholders of ' franja' in the field of the industry of reciclagem' ' (GONALVES-DIAS, 2009) Law 12,305/10 defined the New Politics of Solid Residues that, among others challenges considers the recognition of the catador as professional responsible for the selective collection, selection, improvement, commercialization and recycling of reaproveitveis materials, they are organic or inorgnicos. The proposal instituted by the law that conforms the New National Politics of Solid Residues, started to be argued in the end of the decade of 80. At the same time where professional social the conditions of life and work of the population argued that lived of the garbage, ambientalistas raised the flag of the defense of the Planet, to each day more compromised by the action human being. As for the people who survive from these residues, we need in them to abide by item XI of the article 7.
of law 12,305 that pontua as one of the objectives ' ' integration of the catadores of materials you reused and you recycle in the actions that involve the responsibility shared for the cycle of life of produtos' '. In this reading and, considering the priorities of the federal government, the cities must construct municipal plans of solid residues, being able to consider joined actions intermunicipais; the selective collection must count on the participation of cooperatives or associations of catadores. According to data of the IPEA, the implementation of this National Politics of Solid Residues must still more extend this market that, in 2010 middle, put into motion R$ 12 billion per year the annual production was of 150 tons of garbage/day and involved about a million of catadores. .