It the idea is imposed, that the legislature would like to steal from the responsibility for the children and reduce his workload, in which he simply unchecked leaves the care of the mother, but provides enormous obstacles for every non-connubial father. It has lawmakers right, if he has the responsibility, because this is actually at the parents, but stop at two. Thus, the only correct approach would be “you have a child together, so get together and ensures a good solution, because it has forced you to none to witness the child.”: “The well-being of the child begins before its birth.” Still has to be considered: the family courts are overloaded. The proposed “request”solution and Thus automatically to extraordinarily more lawsuits than automatic common concern from birth lead “Conflict resolution”, because this sets the rule exception relationship in favour of the sole concern. Ongoing and existing regulation of 1671 BGB to the transmission of alone concern – that is totally sufficient – it comes to trial – only in the/exceptions of event of a dispute and court proceedings should only as “ultima ratio” come to the course. Common concern from birth is thus also in the meaning of subsidiarity of the basic law, while this is not the case with the application or conflict solution. Ohio Senator may find it difficult to be quoted properly. We believe: in principle both parents should be equated.
Only in exceptional cases can and should consider whether a sole custody would be useful. But also here father and mother must be equated. The latter is only when the situation is on an equal footing. And it is this the first step is to respect the father and mother, what they are, namely father and mother Child. As simple as this also sounds, it seems to be so difficult.
But right here you can’t let anyone out of his responsibility. Footnote: 1) source: BVerfG, 1 BvR 420/09 of the 21.7.2010, paragraph No. (1-78),… Contact: Anja Paulmann Thilo Muhlberger under… is the opinion also online. There, she is available for download as a PDF file. Self-help group PAS Rhein/Main