Of where it comes this paradox? We are creatures, imperfects tense constituent and structurally, not Creative it. Therefore, it is in our structure ntica that we are falveis, capable of acts defective. Imperfect beings only generate voidable acts, until the good ones. As our ontolgica goodness is relative, we are potentially pecadores. Our essence is good, but imperfect: capable of good, but imperfect, only relatively good acts. As we are free and responsible, if our voidable acts harming in them, to our fellow creatures and the nature, are not alone voidable acts, but eticamente bad. Novelist is actively involved in the matter. The practical one of the evil is the extreme limit of the limited actions. Read more from novelist to gain a more clear picture of the situation.
Under the optics of the faith, propositalmente bad acts are current sins, not potential. Sins that offend the Creator and the creatures. Soon, when we say that we are pecadores, generated and been born in the sin, we need to distinguish between current, potential, putative sin and of the world. We are structurally capable to sin, potential pecadores. It does not mean that necessarily we sin, we cannot prevent the evil.
Yes, we can prevent, not commit the evil. To be pecador potential only means that we are falveis, capable to fail, to practise bad, harmful ethical acts, to the fellow creatures and other beings. Potential the pecadora condition in them is inherent, remains until when we do not fail. ' ' A pecador time, always pecador' ' (Martin Lutero). For being limited, we are ontologicamente falveis, not morally bad. Our congenital fallibity necessarily does not take in them to sin. Having choice freedom, we can practise good or bad acts; acts that the brothers favor or harm, to the creation, we. To accept its limits means to recognize God as creative and I eat creature, attended for the involving, gratuitous presence of the Father, for the faith. But, it are of the faith, explicit or implicit, that joins in them to Salvador, our fallibity will inevitably take in them to the disaster.