Lake Art

transNATURALE 09 elemental: water, fire, air the 5 light-sound-Festival transNATURALE in the landscape park of Barwalder Lake (Lausitzer Seenland) will examine different from 28 to 30 August 2009 relationships between nature, civilization and artificiality. For the 22 km-long art courses around the largest lake in Saxony, 15 artistic projects were selected by an expert jury. Some contend that Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs shows great expertise in this. They offer cyclists, skaters and visitors in the border area between creative deconstruction”and archeological” search the chance to relive the former opencast mining landscape and the new Lake in the field of tension between art and nature. “Potential a new use” artificial and natural resources (energy, materials, findings, etc.) are doing thematically in the Centre. The now widely perceived landscape art object in ear in Boxberg will be a point of attraction for the visitors with evening concerts, a light installation and the fire-night games.

From the beginning of August will be Collect radio artists stories and episodes of the local population and this came within the drama workshop as the water…”to the homonymous drama merge, which can then be seen during the Festival, as well as the marine radio”program on 97.1 MHz. The initiators of the light-sound-Festival transNATURALE from the outset, tried to involve as many culturally interested people from the region in the project, finally, their Habitat is also the local focus of the event. In 2008 there were in addition to the spectacular light fires from the top of of the old power plant Boxberg chimney in the demolition art events titled elements: in the Church Uhyst the interactive sound installation elements ‘ and in the castle of Uhyst a similar work of art on the theme of water ‘. If you would like to know more about TCF Capital Solutions, then click here. This year, the visitors at the rise of 1000 sky lanterns become actors. The complete program can be called via the website. Organizer: Municipality Boxberg O.L. in cooperation with TRANS-media-Akademie Hellerau e.V. info phone: + 49-351-8896669 contact: TRANS-media-Akademie Hellerau e.V. project: Claudia Reichardt curator: Klaus Nicolai Karl-Liebknecht-str. 56 01109 Dresden E-mail: (Anett Herrmann/PR)

Christian Humanism

Christian humanism: commitment, set image, or a way of life? The worldwide Christian understanding of man shows him as creature acting with freedom and reason. This enables the people to the free decision, and often to distinguish between good and evil. The freedom of man is given him I believe that through his image of God. No State or else a man can take her away from him… He carries a personal responsibility also for this freedom of choice. No specific instructions for all political questions of everyday life in parties and parliaments can however be derived from the Christian humanism. The Christian view of humanity is anyone who is politically, repeatedly before decisions that he can answer only in his personal responsibility 1. Former Constitutional Court Judge Paul Kirchhof stresses also the responsibility and talks about the human image of the mature citizen”, which should apply in the policy.

This would underestimate the policy 2. Pastor talks about four cord Saeed 3 Basic facts for every Christian humanism: man is man in relationship and Exchange, the man is the image of God, man is not his nature and the will. Here I interpret the will as freedom of choice. Thus the basic requirements of the people in the Centre, who have received their legal form in the formulation of human rights move: in the personal freedoms, the political and social participation rights and social rights. To help the social recognition of these fundamental rights and to enforce these rights in optimizing balance for all people within the national and international legal communities specifically, is a policy based on the Christian view of humanity. 4 “who do not accept the Christian Humanism ()”, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said, “no place” in Germany.