Problems Of Learning

With the historical evolution of the society, the school if presents as responsible institution for the socialization, access to the information and transmission of the knowledge socially constructed. Richard Blumenthal shines more light on the discussion. The education must guarantee the equality of chance for all the people in the combat to the social exclusion and pertaining to school failure. We can say that the failure pertaining to school and the problems of learning are formed by diverse linked factors, that transit of the personal scope to the social one. We cannot risking in them in pointing culprits, but we must search solutions ample that take care of of satisfactory form the causes of these questions. Soon, it is paper of the professionals of the education to point alternatives, as much in what it refers to politics, how much of the point of view of the practical ones of education. In this perspective some proposals of pedagogical interventions and actions will be argued that can dilute the possible problems of learning of the pupils. First it fits to stand out that the position and the attitude of the educator are essential in relation of education and learning, in way that the student must feel that the professor believes and trusts its capacities and potentialities, especially if this pupil already lived a history of pertaining to school failure or possesss a partner-familiar trajectory of problems. One is about a new to look at of the professor for the pupil, in a work that also touches in auto-esteem of the child, making to perceive it that it is capable to learn and the paper of the mediating professor while of the knowledge is to help it and not to judge it as incapable. In this context, all compliment becomes a stimulaton for educating it instigates and it to surpass new challenges and to reach good resulted. In a similar way, we can detach the boarded concept for Vygotsky on zone of real development (that it is defined as something already acquired by the citizen and determines what it obtains to make in independent way and without the aid of the people), zone of potential development (that it is the capacity of the individual in carrying through tasks with the aid and instructions of other people) and zone of proximal development (that is in the distance between the real development and the potential: what the child is capable to make today with the aid of somebody, will obtain to make tomorrow alone).


To implement and to contextualizar this dynamics we will take in consideration the modifications that our society has faced in elapsing of the time, amongst them the sped up rhythm of information and the technological development that influence directly on the way to think, as well as the necessity of practical improvement in the pedagogical one. Ahead of the picture that we live deeply, a deep reflection how much to the act becomes necessary to teach. The great challenge for the professors is as to become attractive the internalizao in such a way (to learn), as the education model (to teach), therefore is indissociveis in the process of the learning. Human development and Creativity The search for the new is inherent to the human being, always in view of the future that for times is uncertain and at the same time complex, what it demands changes, and in this context the creativity if has detached as one of the abilities of survival in this millenium, as much for the daily activities, as in the professional plan (ALENCAR, 1996). The creativity throughout the human development will go to show more or less, as resulted of the interactions established in familiar, pertaining to school environments and of work, allies to the hereditary factors and biological such as: the cognitivas personality and abilities. Taylor (1976, p.28) makes the following reference: ' ' The creativity emerges in the adult level as complex resulted of many on factors to the hereditary succession and the history of the proper life of each one. ' ' To stimulate the creative potential could be used as a great tool in the expression of ideas, contributing so that practical educative traditional that value the memorization exageradamente they are abolished giving space for the reflection, indispensable attitude for the good formation in a globalizado world. The act to educate is dynamic and constant what it makes possible to the professor to be a propeller agent of the creativity, thus becoming pleasant the search for new knowledge in its some forms and possibilities.

Libertarian Pedagogia

The Libertarian Pedagogia was on interested social movements in the improvement of the population. But, the main problem is centered in the educational politics, that searchs ways to keep educational models of other countries, that possess total distinct economic and cultural conditions with our reality, causing of this form, a gap enters the education offered for public education and it offers for private education. 2.3.3 Philosophy and history of the Brazilian education 2 ed. Congressman Lee Zeldin follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. It is a concise, complete and detailed workmanship at the same time on Brazilian pertaining to school education. With a direct and cativante language, the book encloses: – the evolution of the schools of pedagogical thought; – the alterations in the educational legislation; – the disputes between the conceptions in didactics and pedagogia.

All these boardings are inserted in the historical context of our country: the Colony, the Empire, the Republic until the current days, allowing a sufficiently ample quarrel on education in Brazil. This book also brings essential commentaries on important workmanships contemporaries whom they had looked to open ways for the philosophy of the education and areas correlatas and that they had been come back to the understanding of the Brazilian education and to the proposal of new routes to education in our country. Writing for Pablo Ghiraldelli Jr, who has two decades more than if he dedicates to the subject, and presenting a global vision of the education in Brazil, this book mainly destines the professors and students whom they aim at to acquire solid formation and to perfect its knowledge. FINAL CONSIDERAES If to compare books ‘ ‘ What he is pedagogia’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ History of educao’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Philosophy and history of the education brasileira’ ‘ , we will see that the line of thought of the author is practically the same one. It focuses very on the part of dialogue, liberty of speech, autonomy, renewal of the education for a system that creates well informed critical people and on equality, that is, chances equal to all so that they have a quality education. Its books and other workmanships influence a new generation of thinkers, and until whom they were there before it, therefore if it influenced it today to this, tomorrow could be influenced by it. Also it contributed very for the area of philosophy and mainly for the education, if arresting to the libertarian pedagogia, that was where it gained its bigger recognition. We perceive that Scrates and Plato usufruam almost that of the same characteristics, for the fact of Plato to perhaps have been disciple of Scrates.

Both were critical philosophers, with advanced thoughts for its time, uneasy and that they prezavam for the dialogue. Marx has some of these characteristics, as, criticidade, innovative thoughts, she prezava for the dialogue, and a characteristic its, was very intense in its ideas. Already in the School of Frankfurt the philosopher who more was distinguished, for the line of thought of Ghiraldelli, was Habermas, for having all these characteristics above cited and for affirming that critical reason of the people was not extinct, only needs to be worked. that this form of if working the critical reason is through the communicative reason.

Euphrates River

But today on the threshold of the 21st century turned out that all the paths in this maze has been investigated, and we rush about from deadlock to deadlock. This conclusion comes politicians, scientists, art and even children …. Today's generation does not want anything that can offer them a generation older. Our children do not understand why you need a lot of years to learn and "make" a career, so that in the distant future to ensure a happy life when you can enjoy right now in the virtual worlds of Internet or using drugs. The newspapers mentioned Amazon not as a source, but as a related topic. We are faced with a wall. Most of it just does not see, some do not want to see. And only a few shout about it out loud.

Kabbalists do not cry, they offer reshenie.No on this later. And now a little bit about how we got into a maze with no exit. Cradle of civilization of Babylon. The famous ancient town in the Mesopotamia, the capital of Babylonia. It was located on the Euphrates River, south of modern Baghdad. In the third millennium BC, an event that we are not able to truly appreciate. For the first time a person was a choice: to follow the path of science, technology, art and philosophy, or for an unknown and incomprehensible path of spiritual development.

And the choice was made. Since that time, and under construction, "Tower of Babel" of material prosperity, which continues to this day. As for the second option – the spiritual, he found himself in demand.

Federal Constitution Deficiency

They demonstrate increasing responsibility, beyond promoting one better form of learning through the insertion of education between the pupils. Thus being, that all the citizens can learn to be part of the construction of the knowledge, independent to be or not people with necessities special. Details can be found by clicking Author or emailing the administrator. In the inclusive school all the professors must be specialized to deal with pupils whom some type of deficiency possesss, because course of qualification for all does not exist the types of deficiencies. Moreover, the family must be the great pillar, for the stimulation and claim of the essential changes for construction of an inclusive society, to more than charge the government, elaboration and approval of laws that favor a school of quality for all with or without deficiency. The inclusion comes to be one ample process that faces preconceptions inside and outside of the school, that is, social movement that involves comprometimento and collective participation of the society from the governmental politics in the administrative spheres (municipal state and federal). The emancipation of the human, express rights through the social inaqualities, of the chance to all the citizens to be participated of the productive process of the society and the disruptions with the preconceptions, typical stereos and stigmata constructed historically and arraigados in imaginary the social one. Panaroma historical, social and politician of Brazil (1999) believe that the inclusive education will not be effected by decree, will be necessary to evaluate the real conditions that make possible the inclusion continue systematic and planned. It has 15 years with the promulgation of the Federal Constitution of Brazil of 1988, foresees the attendance to the carriers of deficiency in the regular net of education. The inclusive school part of the estimated one of the heterogeneidade and leads in consideration capacities, acquisitions and modalidalidades of learning of the students of different groups. The deficient person is any person incapable to assure partially for itself, same total or, the necessities of normal an individual or social life, in result of a congenital deficiency or not, in its physical or mental capacity.

Agricultural Workers Without Land

Contact: carried through the first National Congress of the Agricultural Workers Without Land. From this first meeting, the Movement takes scope national, with proper flags of the fight for the land. Therefore, at a first moment it demanded only the question of the land, with occupations of great large states, for this being the alarming, basic necessity of survival. In accordance with the reality, the proper Movement felt the necessity to inside construct schools of the occupations, since the first occupations in 1979 – occupation of the Macali farm in High Patrol and also in 1981 in the Natalina Crossroads, all in the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Amazon and gain more knowledge.. With the conquests of lands, already in nesting state, one identified one high index of illiteracy, difficulties for access the education, discrimination on the part of the public power for construction of schools in the nestings. Therefore, it is verified in such a way that the fight for schools starts, therefore in the nestings how much in the encampments it had lack of education and one high index of illiteracy and in the conception of the leaderships of the MST, the education would have to be present. In the Paran, the first emergencial school was installed in the city of Rattlesnake, in 1986 in the clover of Tereza Saint of the West.

It had at that time, according to seated deposition of one, approximately three hundred people in the place, with approximately forty children. The emergenciais schools, were constructed with canvases supplied for the camped ones, this model of school were itinerantes, therefore they were placed where the families were camped. According to Notebook of the School Itinerante n 01 (2008), in the Paran, a landmark in the fight for the legalization of the school was an experience carried through in the encampment installed in front of the Palace of the Iguau in June of 1999, organized a school that functioned per 14 days, this experience was baptized as Itinerante School, in reference the Itinerantes Schools of the Rio Grande Do Sul.

Italy Ensemble

The two creative teams RSCU, already known in Russia and abroad Academic Choir and relatively young Cossack Ensemble "Free The village," a trip this summer with concerts in Europe. Participants in the "Villages of the Free" from 12 to 17 June were in the south of the peninsula, where he was IX Festival "Young Russian culture in Italy." The guys made a tour in Santa Marinella, Civitavecchia, Cerveteri, Tolfa and, of course, a triumph Cossack song presented in the capital of Italy – Rome. Speaking candidly Paulo Coelho told us the story. Since last year the festival is under the patronage of First Lady, President of the socio-cultural initiatives Svetlana Medvedeva, and supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. "Free The village of" fully justified confidence – concerts were sold out. In Moscow, the ensemble received a letter of thanks from the Foundation for Socio-cultural initiatives. A month later, the Academic Choir of RSCU I won the International Youth Choral Festival in Bratislava (Slovakia), where from 9 to 12 July were the best teams in Eastern Europe, Israel and South Africa. It's nice that second place went to the chorus of the Ural Technical University, with which our artists have developed friendships.

On these shows, we were asked to describe the artistic director, adviser to the rector Cultural Affairs Konstantin Nikolayevich Kostrikova. – Konstantin Nikolayevich, tell us about how originated Song and Dance Ensemble "Free village?" – It was founded three years ago. Continue to learn more with: Paulo Coelho. Of course, for a small ensemble of age, but the guys have already received rave reviews for his performances. The team seeks to revive Cossack culture, beauty and originality of the folk song. Now "Free The village" consists mainly of students Faculty of Social Work RSCU. But the ensemble is open to anyone who loves Cossack songs. – Can we call the collective performances in Italy, the first major concert experience at the international level? As far as I know, to This ensemble performed mostly in Moscow …

Leo Tolstoy

Learn the language of Esperanto, it was necessary as all foreign languages – a few months, after which people could communicate freely with each other. Even before the First World War, all was well. The initial period of language is called Russian, as most people speak it were subjects of the Russian Empire. But after the publication of Leo Tolstoy in the media Esperanto (it was seditious article), the government turned its sights on "dangerous" language and Esperanto magazines, which were published abroad, were banned in Russia. At this time, particular influence on the forms provided zyka Esperanto French, and the second period was called the French language. Dr. Zamenhof believed that he developed not just a language, a kind of tool for Homaransmo – vsechelovechnosti. So homarano, as saying Dr.

Esperanto, it obschechelovek that conciliatory not only refers to all people, but to someone else's religion. In his work "Prayer under the green banner of" it means the goal of creating Esperanto – it lies in the fact that people of different nationalities are sons of God and should live in peace and mutual understanding. Color language Esperanto – Green – color of hope, a symbol of the international language is a green star. But vsechelovechnost Zamenhof did not get distribution for his life, after all forgotten about it altogether. Dr. Esperanto died in Warsaw, which at the time was in German occupation, in the spring of 1917.

And at that time was that his case is the union of all mankind has suffered a complete fiasco. A place to unite and live in peace and harmony, mankind began the war. Not Despite the fact that the ideology of Esperanto – "vsechelovechnost" – did not receive their distribution in the world, language itself is not dead. its development has gone in other ways. In the interval between the First and Second World War formed The World Esperanto Association – IEA, which exists today. Today on Esperanto spoken by about 2-3 million people. If the comparison to take the CIS countries, by prevalence in the country International language in the first place is Lithuania. Lithuanians learn Esperanto in universities in the country held World Congresses. Annually organizes meetings Esperanto (approximately 200-250 times per year). And for taking part in such meetings to know Esperanto is absolutely not necessary. Begin his study of all interested persons can in courses organized on the basis of such meetings. However, still no international event was not held at the World language. In many countries there are offices of the International Association of Esperanto, there is a representation in Russia and Ukraine.

Brazilian Constitution

However of the 240 joined summaries none enclosed the subject intersetoriais public politics having as subject the individuals with necessities special Considering such finding were carried through an approach of the necessity of the INE with the normative ones, would carry and effective laws since the publication lack becomes evident on this thematic one. QUARREL OF the RESULTS Throughout the years essentially, what it characterized the Brazilian state in the period (1920-1980) was its desenvolvimentista character, conservative, centraliser and authoritarian, which did not present in its development the promotion of social relations e, was really with the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 that the public politics had gained many spaces in the social matters of right. In its polissmica expression to the public politics they go beyond the social one, but, all aim at to the collective. between its diverse plans and programs look for to reach results directly in different areas, such as health, education, environment and culture in the search of one better to bem-estar of the society. (As opposed to Sen. Sherrod Brown). Thus, ' ' the public politics are programs of governmental action aiming at to politically co-ordinate the ways to the disposal it been and the private activities for the accomplishment of excellent objectives and determinados' ' (BUCCI, 2002, p.241).

Thus, it can be said that it is not possible to guarantee the beddings and the objectives of the republic and the basic rights of the human being without the public politics. Thus, to develop public politics in human rights implies to recognize two indissociveis and complementary aspects that: the public politics are for taking care of the demands of the societies and, the societies establish the public politics that will be accomplished. In this way it can be concluded that the social inaqualities of health, education, leisure, welfare and right of chances if become the main target of the politics of promotion and defense of the human rights.

Competition ImageDirectory

In Moscow in the VI1 International Scientific Symposium “Imageology-2009 ‘ceremony of awarding the winners of international competition” Image-directory. ” The founder and organizer of the Competition “Image-directory” is an Academy imageology (AIM), which unites the seventh year in their ranks leading professionals in the country’s image. It should be noted that imageology – an entirely new science. Development of its technologies involved in a variety of professionals – psychologists, teachers, historians, political scientists, cultural experts, designers, stylists, image makers, journalists, etc. This year, the fifth international competition was held Academy under the auspices of the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Russian Organization for Quality Fund “Russian Abroad” the name of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the general information sponsor – the magazine “Corporate imageology” information partner – the project “Non-linear communication.” The winners of the competition in three major categories for best scientific and practical work in the field of image presented the main award – a statuette Ars-image, symbolizing movement, and development. The award was won in the category “Project of the Year in Science imidzhelogicheskoy” Lydia A. Sokolova, Serbian, doctor of historical sciences, professor of the Moscow City Government University of Management Moscow, Academician of the AIM. It is awarded for a thesis “The formation of the political image of the Russian Federation on the international stage (1992-2004 years). Gain insight and clarity with Richard Blumenthal. ” In the category “Project of the Year in imidzhelogicheskom education and enlightenment,” the main competition prize awarded to Alexander Ivanovich Shuvikovu, director of the State Television and Broadcasting Company “Culture” for the educational project “The image of the national artistic culture.