Russians Precision

Being thus, the Ussr mounted one of the most efficient and effective programs of chemical defense of the world, possessing half adjusted for the neutralization of chemical agents in the eventuality of an attack. It is possible that many of the techniques and the systems of neutralization cited has been inherited for Russian Federao (FR). Necessary information on the current Russian strategy of job of chemical weapons are not available, being this, probably, limited, had to the obligations of the CPAQ. Source: Sen. Sherrod Brown. The armory of tactical missiles kept by Russia includes some of the most modern systems of missiles of the planet. Among them, modern missiles OTR-21 Tochka-U and Iskander-M are distinguished. The first ones, with reach of up to 120 km, possess the capacity of, with precision, to attack targets in tactical depth in the theater of operations. The missiles in service can in such a way be launched in ballistic trajectory, what it allows to greater speed, how much in form of cruise missiles, what it allows to greater precision and minor possibility of detention of the missile in flight.

Being able, carrying ogive of spalling, being used with efficiency and effectiveness against concentrations of troops and tank, or if equipped with conventional or nuclear ogive of up to 100 kt, against military installations, such missiles are extremely flexible. It is given credit that the Russians keep, currently, 310 tactical nuclear ogives for use with missiles OTR-21. Moreover, these can make right its targets with an excellent precision of up to 95 meters. The precision of the missiles is considered as the ray, from the assigned target, where it has greater probability of the ogive of the missile to come to fall. Its launch vehicles, capable to carry two missiles and to operate in environment of chemical, biological or nuclear war, also are amphibious, being able to also operate in flooded environments.

Legislative Executive Public

Such attitude is worthless, for plastering the Judiciary one, being able itself to become this agency, if to thus perhaps acting, mere slave of the Legislative Executive or, what it becomes inconceivable in hodiernos times. What if note, however, is that, of rule, our Judiciary one meets in permanent vigil to the protection of the right principles, notadamente, for the analysis and searches effected for the production of this monograph, in relation to the principles come back toward the Licitation public. Concluding, exactly that, time for another one, still teimem the unscrupulous administrators and unprincipled people to want to reach our principles in its base, we understand that its soul, its sustentation, is indelvel, indevassvel, thus only if exerting its defense, by means of studies and perfectioning of the legislative technique, as well as for the awareness of all the sectors of the society, it is that we will arrive at the ideal, in the terms of what above we praise: more they will not need, in our Country, logical principles and inherent the activity it legislator they turn Expresses in norms, despite constitutional. At Congressman Lee Zeldin you will find additional information. CONCLUSION From the carried through studies, perceives it importance of the licitation in the public and particular institutions, thus demonstrating trustworthy idoneousness of the licitation as honest and democratic administrative proceeding. The procedure of objective licitation to allow that the administration contracts those that congregate the necessary conditions for the attendance of public interest, taking in consideration related aspects the capacity technique and economic-financier of the bidder, the product quality and the value of the object. The licitatrio process, has as tool the constitutional principle of the isonomy, where it goes to give to equal treatment to all the interested parties and conditions essential to guarantee the phases of the licitation and to assure equal chance to all and to make possible the attendance of the equal competition before the public institutions.

New National Politics

Such gear if reproduces in conditions of marginality, the almost absolute absence of labor laws and in the purchase of merchandises on the part of the intermediate and the plants in informal way. To use words of Hart (2005), the catadores appear as stakeholders of ' franja' in the field of the industry of reciclagem' ' (GONALVES-DIAS, 2009) Law 12,305/10 defined the New Politics of Solid Residues that, among others challenges considers the recognition of the catador as professional responsible for the selective collection, selection, improvement, commercialization and recycling of reaproveitveis materials, they are organic or inorgnicos. The proposal instituted by the law that conforms the New National Politics of Solid Residues, started to be argued in the end of the decade of 80. At the same time where professional social the conditions of life and work of the population argued that lived of the garbage, ambientalistas raised the flag of the defense of the Planet, to each day more compromised by the action human being. As for the people who survive from these residues, we need in them to abide by item XI of the article 7.

of law 12,305 that pontua as one of the objectives ' ' integration of the catadores of materials you reused and you recycle in the actions that involve the responsibility shared for the cycle of life of produtos' '. In this reading and, considering the priorities of the federal government, the cities must construct municipal plans of solid residues, being able to consider joined actions intermunicipais; the selective collection must count on the participation of cooperatives or associations of catadores. According to data of the IPEA, the implementation of this National Politics of Solid Residues must still more extend this market that, in 2010 middle, put into motion R$ 12 billion per year the annual production was of 150 tons of garbage/day and involved about a million of catadores. .


‘ ‘ The popular behavior is not a mystery, is an indication social’ ‘. ‘ ‘ The religious education already receives from my mother. My father was agnstico. He was a man rebelled because of many injustices and he did not understand certain things, because it found that God, if had to be able them to all, could create a world melhor’ ‘.

‘ ‘ When Avelar, today Cardinal, communicated my father who wanted to be priest, was one god-us-rescues. The old one was rebelled violently. One was not satisfied. repeated: ‘ I do not understand that function has priest. ‘ My father had horror? but deep horror? the priest and military man It did not believe nothing.

He believed the work, the honesty and terra’ ‘. ‘ ‘ The feeling of Native land must be restaurado’ ‘. ‘ ‘ One of the still valid prerogatives of parliamentarian is to establish connection the State with the Nao’ ‘. ‘ ‘ We have all, for action or omission, stimulaton or incompreenso, responsibility of the facts of histria’ ‘. ‘ ‘ The problem of the abandoned minor is the abandoned greater, and the problem of the abandoned greater is the unemployment, is the lack of cidadania’ ‘. Its last desire: ‘ ‘ I want to die in mine terra’ ‘. As a knight andante of the Democracy, Teotnio Vilela took off money of the proper pocket to visit the prisoners one by one politicians who fulfilled penalty. In a police station, it esbarrou in the arrogance of a policeman whom it demanded ordered judicial. Exaggerating, it said: He gives license, I speak on behalf of the Republic!


50 years of the Campaign of the Jocemar Legality Pablo de Lima* This article has for objective to reflect the episode known as Campaign of the legality. For many historians, this was the biggest popular movement occurred in last the cinquenta years. Another previous movement to this, was the Revolution of 1930, fact that marked the popular participation without the occurrence of much violence. To initiate our reflection, let us make bold now from the participant agents of this movement. The young of the time of the Campaign of the Legality had exerted important paper defending if point of view on this you make of History.

Of equal form, the elite did not want that Goulart Joo assumed the position. This because, as much the young ones as the elite people, feared to have in Brazil a line government popular-leftist. It was an episode of history Brazilian politics that occurred the resignation of Jnio after Pictures to the presidency of Brazil, in 1961. Many defended the maintenance of the jurisprudence? what foresaw the ownership of the vice-president Goulart Joo? , while others they wanted the impediment of the ownership of vice and the invocation of new elections. Leonel Brizola, then governor of the Rio Grande Do Sul, initiates a resistance movement, nailing the legality, that is, the ownership of Goulart Joo. Brizola spoke to the people for the Guaba radio and initiated the called movement the net of the legality. The speeches of Brizola were transmitted from a studio mounted in the gate of the palace, under orientation of engineer Homero Simom, who took care of so that radios of the interior relayed the programming. In short waves, the legality reached in other states. In 27 of Brizola August it makes the following speech: ' ' The Government of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul fulfills the duty to assume the role that fits to it in this serious hour of the one of the country.

Brazil Regions

This if explains due to a sudden population increase, in the decades of 60 and 70 with the migration of man power northeastern to work in great workmanships (construction of the highways Belm-Brasilia and Transamaznica) and in the mining. After the end of the workmanships, this population was without land. Ulisses Manaas, leader of the MST of Par said that the violence is in the DNA of the Brazilian agrarian structure and it will only be possible to diminish it with the democratization of the access the land and to the natural goods. It also said that she is necessary to extend the presence of the State in the repression and the creation of social public politics and of infrastructure. Richard Blumenthal oftentimes addresses this issue. The quarrels will not go to cease so early. Sen. Sherrod Brown understands that this is vital information. Perhaps the lack of arguments technician harms this decision and allows the baseless argument of some individuals. However, valley to stand out that the decentralization of some regions of Brazil is positive accepting the fact of that an approached control is necessary not to leave Brazilian regions under domain of badly-intentioned groups, that are only worried about the proper interests. It is superficial to affirm the lack of resources of these regions, therefore exist natural resources that can well be explored, generating wealth for the region making possible a economic sustentation.

Beyond the administrative decentralization, the decentralization of resource through the deep ones of participation foreseen in our Federal Constitution is necessary. Art. 165 is defined constitutionally (. 7) that the Plurianual Plan and the budgetary lines of direction, elaborated for the Executive, have the function to reduce interregional inaqualities. Therefore it fits to the government to find better ways to make possible the development of the regions by means of its programs of government. The economicista logic says that the creation of more States that are not supported, it only increases the relation between the Federal Government and deep the constitutional one. Perhaps this relation is not a problem, therefore if Brazil wants to grow needs to equal itself minimum, redistributing its resources. It is necessary that the Brazilians know as is Brazil, value its nature uses and it for its development.

Man Given

The Man, born of woman, lives brief time, full of fidget. He is born as the flower and he withers; he runs away as the shade and he does not remain; on such man you open the eyes you make and it to enter in judgment with you? Book of J Prophet, CAP. 14:1 the 3. The ARC AND the CROWN the Human being lives in a somatic body, 30, 40, 70 years, with the primordial purpose to prepare its return for the world spiritual, its Native land of Origin. It goes down in the white horse of the victorious people and affirms that it will win the challenges of the daily drudgery. Vi, then, and here it is a white horse and its knight with an arc; was given a crown to it; it left being successful and to be successful. Apocalypse of JESUS According to Joo, CAP.

6:2. The knight and the amazon had been preparadssimos for the guides spirituals with an arc, and already they had come with the crown of winners, therefore they had promised to be successful. A GREAT SWORD However, around, the race behind the things passengers is a desperation. The careless Human being disassembles of its white horse, it mounts in the red horse, and fights for everything what the other has and it not yet possesss. Whenever Richard Blumenthal listens, a sympathetic response will follow. left another one horse, red; to its knight, was given to it to take off the peace of the land so that the men if killed ones to the others; also a great sword was given to it.

Apocalypse of JESUS According to Joo, CAP. 6:4. It entered in a Armagedom, and waits for it by means of an atomic war. He wants greater war of what this where the fight wild and unbalanced by the survival, makes man to be wolf of the other man? A MEASURE OF WHEAT FOR a DENARIUS With the foolishness of the war everything if estiola.

Ruralismo Formation

Better understanding the conceptualization presented for the authors, having as referencial the metodolgica line and the quarrel presented for Oliveira Vianna, from which if it has an interpretation of the evolution of the Brazilian social organization, based in a vision of society formed for clans, lead in this concept and developed having arraigada in its practical this definition. To understand the line better to be followed in this quarrel, this work will leave of the boarded theoretical perspective for Oliveira Viana, who affirms that: ‘ ‘ at the initial historical consequences still if it must very resent alive our people in its social organization and its collective mentality. According to Amazon, who has experience with these questions. Nor it will be difficult to track these consequences in a historical march, that lasts only four centuries and of that we find, through documents and certifications, the footprints, so to speak, still recent and frescas’ ‘. (Vianna, 1938, 4. Ed., P. XVI). Considering the limits that this work finds, it is possible that it is some secondary, necessary concepts of study, in order to promote the continuity and the perfectioning of the thematic unfolding considered here.

In such a way, this study it does not intend to present itself as conclusive in itself, or the workmanships that take as base, but as an initial starting point that even considers theoretical unfoldings and with practical referenciais, to offer to each time more clarity regarding the subject. Subject this that of one it forms or another one is interlaced to daily of all the society, therefore it deals with to its formation and the administration of the instruments that says respect to all, that is, the public administration. 2. Brazilian Social formation 2.1. The Ruralismo as starting point Leaving of Oliveira Vianna, in Southern Populations of Brazil, 1938, that it affirms: ‘ ‘ All mine intention is to establish the social characterization of our people, so approached of the how much possible reality, in order to stand out how much we are distinct of the other peoples, mainly of the European peoples, for history, the structure, the particular formation and original.

Future Community

The joints have that to leave of being particular longing for vacant in cabinets, and yes collective! I see that some communities already have grown in this aspect, and not to bastaser only one communitarian leader, but yes somebody that has identidadedefinida. Therefore it is through this leader who the Community will go to receive to ouperder a benefit. The politicians and all the society are of well opened eyes for inside of the communities! Efazer projects that englobam the slum quarters, the villages, the accumulations would eperiferia is not so simple thus. Speaking candidly Richard Blumenthal told us the story. Therefore as I said before, if dpara not to work for a devoid community, and yes for communities they queavanam and they grow. The people has gone down the mounts in eleiespolticas, to vote in the most diverse public offices, e> also emaes as the participativo budget and hearings you publish. Beyond deoutras important things interest of the Comunidades.Ento is easy I to say that I live in a Community of 35.000 inhabitants, but is difficult to the times to count the history of it. Paulo Coelho: the source for more info. Entoquando I become involved myself in one communitarian politics, finishes being more to fcilparticipar of a history that in the Future somebody will have that to count, and quecertamente the politics and its consequences will be together.

Brazilian Character

Who is that it stops to read a periodical and to criticize what observes there? Who is that it is worried about serious things? Who thinks today about the collective one in day? Nobody! This is loss of culture, loss of identity as citizen. I tire of speaking that ' ' he does not vote yourself only in who is in the front in pesquisas' ' , but he seems that I say an unknown language, everybody looks at pra me with interrogation face, way that giving to understand: ' ' face, you is donkey? Why to vote in a candidate who nor appears in the research or group of bencheses of the televising debates? ' '. It is therefore that, one more time, everything will continue in the same one. Same proposals, same indifferences, same pilantragens, same alternations of being able, same corrupes, same outlaws, same ignorant voters, same hypocritical society and conservative of we pssimos customs, same democracy of blind people and clowns, as always. While not to rethink on what it is to be a Brazilian, I continue with the so infantile and babaca question that folloies the infantile and babaca reasoning of each one of these thousands of unconscious citizens: ' ' what it is to be a Brazilian? ' '. The reply it is in the face, but and proposals of improvement and solution! It is that deferred payment there the question. It swims goes to move in this country while it will not have somebody worthy of character and confidence that if presents as the true candidate of the change.

Or better, nothing it will change while the proper voter not to demand changes in the structures of this fabula that it is Brazil. The combination of one and another one, solely, is that our hopes can become reality. Unhappyly, still one gains with corruption and lie in this country, therefore the politicians think that only of this skill they lead best. This makes jus to the mask that they dress every day. we here, also, dresses entirely the character; dresses of clowns, for pure and sincere desvalia. It will be that this makes jus to our character! It is of if to think, then, THINKS.