In Brazil

Appraising quality simplificadamente, nothing more it is of what a set of characteristics of a product or service that satisfies the necessities of the consumer. According to Diamond, Lazzarotto, Busnello (2004) the satisfaction of the user is the main target of an organization and one of the main instruments of differentiation between same and its competitors. Being that it enters the users products and services of the organization, the local community are included buying external of, employee, controlling, supervisors and its proprietors. still, in accordance with Cruz and Melleiro (2008) to evaluate a service becomes complex comparing to evaluate it a product, therefore the product is tangible, the user can detect defects, inquire its functioning, compare the durability, verify its quality in terms of conformity with the specifications of the manufacturer; while the service first is bought, it stops simultaneously later being produced and being consumed, being the possible perceived and tried defects, what it characterizes its inseparabilidade (production-I consume). This characteristic increases the importance of the relationship also enters the lender of the service and the user and the variation in the quality of the supplied service. 3. For even more details, read what Amazon says on the issue. FINAL CONSIDERAES In Brazil one of the biggest difficulties in if implanting systems of quality in the health services, are particular or public they, occur due to the low incentives to the classroom, as: low wages (unbalanced), extreme amount of hours worked, little referring legislation to the workers of the area, and also the existing majority does not protect the workers in the performance of its functions. Therefore the physical and mental load that a worker of this area receives every day becomes exhausting, beyond that many professionals (as: doctors, nursing in general, physiotherapists and others, possess an employment bond more than to be able to survive). An example is the resolutions, legislaes and similar that are moving have much time in the congress without resolutividade – in the search of setting of wage pisos for the classrooms and reduction of worked hours weekly, among others.