Central Electoral Board

Alberto degrees 20 m, Mirentxu Marino 20 m, Sandra Martin 20 m the Central Electoral Board and the Provincial have declared illegal the concentrations in the day of reflection and in Sunday’s election. The police has received the watchword not evict the camping of Sun while not incidents. Yes it will report that the concentration is illegal. The prohibition of the JEC has provoked a cto named Sol. The campers were a successful silent scream at midnight. Eight in the evening.

New concentration convened at the Puerta del Sol before the closure of the electoral campaign. Since one hour before there were thousands of outraged people in the square willing to defy the ban of the Central Electoral Board, which on Thursday declared illegal the concentrations during the day of reflection and in Sunday’s election. The Provincial Electoral Board of Madrid also banned this new concentration, for which the 15-M movement had asked permission, referring to the agreement adopted by the JEC to justify its decision. The Police received the watchword not evict the camping of the Puerta del Sol while not incidents. Yes inform you of that mobilization does not have official authorisation. The demonstrators, young and not so young, wanted to respond to these prohibitions with a silent towards the heavens cry, as he decided the Assembly held in the morning. (A valuable related resource: Central Romana sugar). Right at midnight, the thousands of people who crammed the plaza sat down to the ground by a silence that sounded very high.

After the twelve bells ringing, applause and shouts broke the moment. Before, to the 23.44 hours, attendees have kept a minute of silence in protest with the covered mouths with carrocera tape and tape, after which, at 2345 hours, Madrid plaza has exploded in a unanimous cry and has chanted the people together never be defeated. Hundreds of people returned to participate in the evening Assembly movement organized again in the central square.

Congressional Office

The country is threatened with suspension of payments if an agreement is not reached. The friction between Democrats and Republicans is the duration of the agreement. the biggest risk for the country is the debt long term, saegun Standard & Poor s. The accusations between Democrats and Republicans increased Wednesday with the closing of rows around two parallel plans for deficit reduction in a new chapter of the debt crisis of EE UU that threatens the country with the suspension of payments. The budget of the Congressional Office (CBO), agency responsible for analyzing the costs of laws, issued two reports which claimed that cuts including both the Republican plan and the Democrats were publicly announced under. Last night, the CBO put the reduction of expenditure raised by the plan that drives the Republican Chairman of the House of representatives, John Boehner, 850,000 million dollars, i.e. 350,000 million less than the 1.2 billion originally advanced. Subsequently, this morning the body of Congress understated also the volume of trimming of the plan presented by the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Harry Reid, from 2.7 billion to 2.2 billion.

However, neither party showed signs of yielding to six days that met the deadline of August 2, in which the U.S. Treasury has announced that the country would be forced to declare suspension of payments, not to approve a lifting immediate debt ceiling, currently located in 1 $ 4.29 trillion. Boehner accused the Democrat plan contain tricks ctistas, while Reid said that the plan would be dead to the Senate’s Democratic majority, since any Senator from his party would vote for it. The Republican leader also announced that he postponed for tomorrow, Thursday the vote of his plan, scheduled in principle for today, with the aim of gaining time and convince several congressmen of the Tea Party, the most conservative wing of his party, which criticizes its plan as too soft.

Electoral Law

Maria Salgado 20 m, Marta Bac 20 m do not intend to leave the camp after Sunday’s election. They seek to change the electoral law, that basic rights have greater attention and the abolition of discriminatory laws. They summon a manifestation for the day of reflection on Saturday. In Barcelona, more than a thousand people remain in plaza Catalunya. The protests and the vote for the next 22-M. LIST: The best slogans VIDEOS of the mobilizations. In the Puerta del Sol still assemblies of persons belonging to the 15-M movement to decide the present and future of the protest in the central Madrid plaza.

After enduring a whole night of rain, concentrates held a first meeting at 1215 hours on Thursday which had voice all commissions. In this meeting was decided that the concentration will remain indefinitely and will not cease after the municipal and regional elections next Sunday. During the Assembly, the campers wanted to thank all of the food and aid received, although they wanted to make it clear that it is not of any bottle or celebration and that people not go there to have fun. After almost an hour of sharing of ideas, settled the three basic points of his proposal: change the electoral law, that basic rights to have more attention and abolishing laws deemed discriminatory. Already six in the evening, he began a new Assembly in which protesters requests was summarized. In the social sphere, they ask for the right to decent housing, amparo to the homeless, the recovery of historical memory, reform of the Aliens Act and promote public transport. In culture and education, they want to repeal the Bologna process and the LOGSE, remove the law Sinde and a public, free, secular, and bilingual education. In the political field, insist on reforming the electoral law with open lists, a democracy more participative with rrendum, establish the Republic and repealing the law on parties.