Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin as soon as time will get your own website. It is reported that the government press service starts subsite of the Prime Minister in the portal of the White building. At the source of the next year premier resource will get its own DNS: one of its variants – 'Now everyone hungry, visiting the web page of the Russian government, oversees the tab' Prime Minister ', beyond which lies a little surprising information: biography premiere plus record his speeches seems several photo '. How assured sources surrounded premier newfound site quite no way does becomes prompt about Putin-president: portal 'flooded' information on the newly-head with the government since May 7. To create a website press-service premiere began in early July.
In the portal development, design design, structural fill, protection from within the powers hacker attacks participated seems state seem private companies. Key moment newfound site will become what Prime on therein appear 'appropriately his status seems personality' scribbling "Rossiyskaya Gazeta". Sakzhe reported that structurally similar external resources will differ from the presidential In particular, the page will be located full archive of speeches by the presidium of the Government, in statements During the working visits of various kinds seem to welcome speeches like the introductory words. Significantly increase the number of audio like video, will complete photobank. The site is similar will provide the most interesting Articles about Vladimir Putin: seemed seemed Russian so seems foreign 'production'. But perhaps mainly expertise becomes time-line – scrolling horizontal tape everyone can see seemed seemed seems in what indoors Prime fulfills its obligations.
Which regions seems empire Putin visited only where going arrive visiting or working trip – behind this henceforth becomes observe public. 'Shadowing' per Premier simplify a special interactive map that literally illuminate those geographical location in which the prime minister has visited the premises, but placing it in what are still waiting. According to RHS 'News', up, up until unit Putin Site recognize about life Prime seems communicate with him dozvoleno through portal Belyi building. Must say that crowning seems undergo modernization seems dressmaker reissue. 'In its stylistics portal Government starts harmonize with subsites Putin' – reported press service government. Specifically, expand set interactive services improve speed characteristics, increase capacitance seems diversity information only herself electronic page becomes bilingual. On final shaping portals Putin seems Belyi buildings leave near year. T meanwhile that newfound resource premiere afford all visitors opportunity interactive dialogue premier yet to usual 'paper' contacts through adoptive Prime.