Social Politics

INTRODUCTION In lower court this article comes to propitiate a quarrel directed the multifaceted ones of the social service since its sprouting until the current days, its dynamics of intervention and its main events fortifies that it as profession in a society that suffers with the most severe actions of the capitalism, thus leaving, its form of acrtico thought and adopting a form of critical thought to intervine in the social problems from some historical moments as it was the movement of reconceituao and the intention of rupture, the attempt of return of the traditionalism with the conservadorismo and the definitive rupture of the Social Service with the traditional one. Inside the quarrels on the subject in debate it will be dealt with primordially to the social matter and the public politics directed to the population of the agricultural zone, has debated this that comes taking its space from the popular participation in the base works and territorial quarrels where if the politics of social assistance argues, economic, educational, ambient and cultural. However, the Social Service assumes a basic role in the society, that is to keep a relation with the politicosocial conjunctures in accordance with the marxist source that is placed as support for the Social recital and the consolidation of the professional intervention with position politics from the rupture with the traditional Service, being this finishes based in the conservadoristas sources. SOCIAL MATTER AND the PUBLIC POLITICS IN the AGRICULTURAL ZONE the socioeconmico development of Brazil comes if giving in one it forms highly concentrative of income that excludes from the benefits and the public politics part of the significant population, raising the social inaqualities and affirming each time more the division of the society in classrooms in accordance with the model of capitalist production. Therefore, it is pertinent to affirm that, who suffers more with the centralizadoras actions from the State is the population of the agricultural zone. .

Brazilian Jose Graziano

The victory of the Brazilian Jose Graziano for the FAO Robert Ramalho is lawyer, public journalist and relations With the primordial objective to try to hang the scale for the Brazilian candidate Jose Graziano, the Itamaraty carried through two days before the election, a seminary in Rome on ‘ ‘ Cooperation Brazilian Technique: Agriculture, Alimentary Security guard and Sociais’ Politics; ‘ for the commission agents in the FAO. During the accomplishment of the event, five ministers had explained to the representatives of developing countries, especially of Africa, on the existence of the Brazilian social programs, showing, also, what the Country offers in terms of technique, financing and partnerships to other governments. Although the Itamaraty has affirmed that the seminary did not have relation with the election, the agency recognizes that the public-target could exactly be who would decide the result, what finished happening. It was exactly the majority of the 52 African countries, more interested and more benefited with action of cooperation of Brazil and that they represented one almost tero of the voters who had finished voting in mass in the candidacy it Brazilian Jose Graziano. The Brazilian Jose Graziano Da Silva United Nations finished being elect in this sunday (26.06.11) the director-generality of the Organization them for Agriculture and Alimentao (FAO) receiving 92 votes, against the 88 votes gotten for its adversary, the former-minister of Foreign affairs Spanish Miguel Angel Moratinos. As he informed the Spanish Agency of Notice EFE, in the first one twirled of votings Jose Graziano had five votes of advantage on the Spanish former-minister, both very to the front of excessively the four candidates to the position of director-generality of the FAO. success. In this stage, the Brazilian got 77 votes, followed for 72 of Moratinos, 12 of the indonsio Indroyono Soesilo, ten of Franz Fischler of Austria, six for the iraqi Abdul Latif Rashid and two for the Iranian Mohammad Saeid Noori.