Alberto degrees 20 m, Mirentxu Marino 20 m, Sandra Martin 20 m the Central Electoral Board and the Provincial have declared illegal the concentrations in the day of reflection and in Sunday’s election. The police has received the watchword not evict the camping of Sun while not incidents. Yes it will report that the concentration is illegal. The prohibition of the JEC has provoked a cto named Sol. The campers were a successful silent scream at midnight. Eight in the evening.
New concentration convened at the Puerta del Sol before the closure of the electoral campaign. Since one hour before there were thousands of outraged people in the square willing to defy the ban of the Central Electoral Board, which on Thursday declared illegal the concentrations during the day of reflection and in Sunday’s election. The Provincial Electoral Board of Madrid also banned this new concentration, for which the 15-M movement had asked permission, referring to the agreement adopted by the JEC to justify its decision. The Police received the watchword not evict the camping of the Puerta del Sol while not incidents. Yes inform you of that mobilization does not have official authorisation. The demonstrators, young and not so young, wanted to respond to these prohibitions with a silent towards the heavens cry, as he decided the Assembly held in the morning. Right at midnight, the thousands of people who crammed the plaza sat down to the ground by a silence that sounded very high.
After the twelve bells ringing, applause and shouts broke the moment. Before, to the 23.44 hours, attendees have kept a minute of silence in protest with the covered mouths with carrocera tape and tape, after which, at 2345 hours, Madrid plaza has exploded in a unanimous cry and has chanted the people together never be defeated. Hundreds of people returned to participate in the evening Assembly movement organized again in the central square.