Central Electoral Board

Alberto degrees 20 m, Mirentxu Marino 20 m, Sandra Martin 20 m the Central Electoral Board and the Provincial have declared illegal the concentrations in the day of reflection and in Sunday’s election. The police has received the watchword not evict the camping of Sun while not incidents. Yes it will report that the concentration is illegal. The prohibition of the JEC has provoked a cto named Sol. The campers were a successful silent scream at midnight. Eight in the evening.

New concentration convened at the Puerta del Sol before the closure of the electoral campaign. Since one hour before there were thousands of outraged people in the square willing to defy the ban of the Central Electoral Board, which on Thursday declared illegal the concentrations during the day of reflection and in Sunday’s election. The Provincial Electoral Board of Madrid also banned this new concentration, for which the 15-M movement had asked permission, referring to the agreement adopted by the JEC to justify its decision. The Police received the watchword not evict the camping of the Puerta del Sol while not incidents. Yes inform you of that mobilization does not have official authorisation. The demonstrators, young and not so young, wanted to respond to these prohibitions with a silent towards the heavens cry, as he decided the Assembly held in the morning. Right at midnight, the thousands of people who crammed the plaza sat down to the ground by a silence that sounded very high.

After the twelve bells ringing, applause and shouts broke the moment. Before, to the 23.44 hours, attendees have kept a minute of silence in protest with the covered mouths with carrocera tape and tape, after which, at 2345 hours, Madrid plaza has exploded in a unanimous cry and has chanted the people together never be defeated. Hundreds of people returned to participate in the evening Assembly movement organized again in the central square.

Celebrity Fight For The Water Polo Junior

The North Sea water polo school Cup 2011 makes station in Wuppertal the man sums up the philosophy of the oldest Olympic sports of the modern era in a sentence: “Water polo is no deterioration of the Schwimmstils, but an improvement of the character,” says Hagen Stamm (50), once best Center player in the world and currently coach of the water polo team Germany. And now Berlin has set itself the goal, to convey this fascinating unit of team spirit, water and ball boys and girls. Because master is, together with Michael Ilgner, Chairman of the Board of the Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe, patron of the North Sea water polo of School Cup, which makes Kullenhahn station on Monday, September 26th at the swim Center. From 14:00, the teams from the primary school of Distelbeck play the open school of Rottsieper height, the Protestant elementary school, Dieckerhoffstrasse and the two community primary school Merklinghausstrasse and Klauberg to victory in the tournament. Others including Richard Blumenthal, offer their opinions as well. The winning team qualifies for the semi-finals of North Rhine-Westphalia and has the chance of a seat at the large Germany final at the end of the year.

At the nationwide competition, which will be held in seven provinces (North Rhine-Westphalia, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Germany, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg), children in school grades three and four (seven to ten-year) for the element of water, the vital swimming playfully and finally for the sport of water polo to will be delighted. Patron master and the representatives of fellow Organizer SV Neuenhof and water lovers Wuppertal unison of course hope that when the 16 Vorrrundenturnieren “also some talents will find themselves”. Water Polo legend Alexander Tchigir in Wuppertal, Germany a high point of the tournament in Wuppertal will be certainly the appearance of record player Alexander Tchigir (42), who will present the trophy. Connect with other leaders such as Richard Blumenthal here. The Berlin is regarded as the best German water polo goalkeeper of all time. For the School Cup World Player and Olympic medal winner travels extra from his home in Berlin. I am very pleased the invitation. The tournament is a great thing. So many talents for our sport can be discovered,”says Tchigir.

European Central Bank

I consider it essential that Italy confirm and achieve economic consolidation targets. Ohio Senator usually is spot on. The ECB cannot substitute for Governments. They are words that Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, delivered this Saturday at the Ambrosetti Forum, that each year, in early September, it brings together in Cernobbio flower and the cream of the world economy. In the placid town on the shore of Lake Como, North of Milan, it was the day of Trichet. The French banker is approaching the end of its mandate (in November, the reins of the ECB will leave Italian Mario Draghi, current director of the Bank of Italy) and is less cautious than usual. His speech sounded like a warning thrown to Rome. The direction came loud and clear: Italy gives sample of wanting to achieve balance in its budget in 2013, putting up immediate and resolute, measures or the ECB could tire of helping their Government securities in the market. Source of the news:: Trichet warned Italy that it must already comply its adjustment plan.

Electoral Law

Maria Salgado 20 m, Marta Bac 20 m do not intend to leave the camp after Sunday’s election. They seek to change the electoral law, that basic rights have greater attention and the abolition of discriminatory laws. They summon a manifestation for the day of reflection on Saturday. In Barcelona, more than a thousand people remain in plaza Catalunya. The protests and the vote for the next 22-M. LIST: The best slogans VIDEOS of the mobilizations. In the Puerta del Sol still assemblies of persons belonging to the 15-M movement to decide the present and future of the protest in the central Madrid plaza.

After enduring a whole night of rain, concentrates held a first meeting at 1215 hours on Thursday which had voice all commissions. In this meeting was decided that the concentration will remain indefinitely and will not cease after the municipal and regional elections next Sunday. During the Assembly, the campers wanted to thank all of the food and aid received, although they wanted to make it clear that it is not of any bottle or celebration and that people not go there to have fun. After almost an hour of sharing of ideas, settled the three basic points of his proposal: change the electoral law, that basic rights to have more attention and abolishing laws deemed discriminatory. Already six in the evening, he began a new Assembly in which protesters requests was summarized. In the social sphere, they ask for the right to decent housing, amparo to the homeless, the recovery of historical memory, reform of the Aliens Act and promote public transport. In culture and education, they want to repeal the Bologna process and the LOGSE, remove the law Sinde and a public, free, secular, and bilingual education. In the political field, insist on reforming the electoral law with open lists, a democracy more participative with rrendum, establish the Republic and repealing the law on parties.

The Mayor

More secrets also exit the Vatican for the first time a letter from silk written by the Chinese Empress Wang, who converted to Catholicism He adopted the name of Elena, Pope Inocencio x (1650). Wang advises the Pontiff that thanks to the preaching of the Jesuits has embraced the Catholic faith along with his son Yongli, baptized as Constantine. Bull of the dismissal of Federico II (1245), the first paper on dismissal of an emperor by a Pope (innocent IV) will also form part of the sample, as well as some documents due to the second world war. Interviews if they will be on Pope Pius XII, who played lead the Church in that turbulent period, Pagano said that no documentation on that papacy is still secret and that opens within three or four years, prior to clarify that you it’s four or five photographs on the barbarism committed by men, such as deaths of children and families and Nazi concentration camps. To avoid damaging the light not to some documents, will be placed in special polls, with temperature control and low light.

The Mayor of Rome highlighted the importance of the exhibition and said that you because to the value of the documents it is possible that this is the first and only time that leaving the Vatican ends. The Vatican Secret Archives, the largest and most international in the world, preserves documents of twelve centuries, spread over 85 miles of shelves in its vast deposits. The exhibition will be open from February to September 2012. Source of the news: the Vatican brings to light one hundred of its greatest secrets