The vision of that the field is seen as place without progress, subsidiary and provisory way, comes directing the public politics of education of the Brazilian State. Thought to supply the demands of the cities and the ruling classes, generally installed in the urban areas, these politics if have based on pedagogical concepts that place the education of the field with priority the service of the development urban-industrial. The constitution of pertaining to school nuclei for the populations peasants in the urban limits, associated to the organization of a system of transport of students of the agricultural zone for these nuclei, discloses to the underlying idea to these politics of that the children and adolescents of the field possess the same interests, motivations and necessities of that lives in the urban areas and that they must be educated for one future life in the city. In the paradigm of the Education of the Field, for which if it intends to migrar, one praises it overcoming of the antagonism between the city and the field, that pass to be seen as complementary and of equal value. At the same time, it is considered and one respected it different existence of times and ways of being, living and to produce, opposing the one that it intends to be the domination of the urban one on the agricultural one and to accept varied models of organization of the education and the school. This thought has guided the fulfilment of the right of universal access to the education and the legality of the didactic processes local consisting, added to the defense of a project of social development, economically just and ecologically sustainable. In this project of development, the school of the field has a strategical paper. The necessity of change of the paradigm of the agricultural education for the one of the education of the field if of not only for the critical analysis of the agricultural school as well as of the desenvolvimentistas proposals for the field, in general centered in the agronegcio and the indiscriminate exploration of the natural resources.
Tag: summaries and summaries
Political University
SUMMARY – POLITICS AND EDUCATION FREIRE, Pablo. Amazon contains valuable tech resources. Politics and Education. So Paulo: Cortez Publishing company, 7 edition, 2003, 119 p. The educator Pablo Rgis Freire Snows, was born in 19-09-1921 in the city of Recife. He was alfabetizado by the mother, taught who it to write with small twigs of tree in the yard of house of the family. One was of the most respected intellectual Brazilians. Doctor ' ' honoris causa' ' for 28 universities he is author of some books in which it conquered great repercussion.
He was secretary of education in the City hall of So Paulo between 1989 and 1991. Check with Paulo Coelho to learn more. Because of the Military Regimen, the 1979 lived outside of Brazil of 1964. It was in Chile and the United States lecionando in the University of Harvard. Also he was professor of the University of Geneva in Switzerland. In Brazil, after the exile, was professor of the College of Education of the Unicamp and the Pontifical University Catholic of So Paulo (PUC). In its book Politics and Education? published at the beginning of years 90, Freire constitutes one of its more important reflections while thinking of the education. In the congregated texts, the marks of the anti-dogmtico emphasize the importance of the education through an invitation to the politician-pedagogical reflection? writings in elapsing of 1992 and argued in meetings carried through in such a way in Brazil how much in other countries.
The texts contained in this workmanship disclose the freireano thought in the direction to approach aspects concernetes to the critical and politicized construction of individual knowing. It treats the education it stops beyond the classroom, becomes related it all a context of social oppression and absence of democracy. ' ' For Freire, citizen means? individual in the joy of the civil laws and politicians of a Estado' '. citizenship ' ' it has that to see citizen on condition that, it wants to say, with the use of the rights and the right to have duties of cidado' '.
Politics and History
The other, putting in full light the paper of the unconscious one attributing to the libido, to the sexual pulses the great part of the responsibilities for the individual behaviors occulted ambition and the appetite of being able proper of the politician. (REMOND 1988, 2003, P. 20). You criticize concerning them that the Annales makes is of that History politics is a superficial history, of the conjuncture accidents, where they did not hold reality, therefore Economic and Social History, according to Remnd: Its estimated were that the collective behaviors had more importance for the course of the History that the individual initiatives, that the phenomena registered in a long duration were more significant and more decisive than the movements of weak amplitude, and that the realities of the work, the production, of the exchanges, the state of the techniques, the social changes of technology and relations from there resultants had more consequences, and, therefore, had to hold back greater attention of the observers, that regimes politicians or the changes in the identity of the detainers of a power whose decisions, if understood, only made to translate the state of the forces social, or to reflect realities previous choices politics. (REMOND 1988, 2003, p.16.). Still salient Remnd I repudiate concerning it of the Annales: ' ' It was, therefore, probably inevitable that the development of economic and social History if made to the costs of the decline of the history of the facts politicians, from there in ahead launched in a discredit pparently definitivo' '.
(REMOND 1988, 2003, P. 14.). Locked up this point above displayed the author it says of the return or ressurgimento of History politics in years 60 or 70, where in the sample that the facts are linked between itself, that is, the economic one, the social one, the cultural ones are not and nor they can be dissociar of the politician, where all determinative and are determined in the historical process. Moreover, the author believes that the return or ressurgimento of the approach politician if of the one for the fact of the magnifying of the paper of the State the society, and with this, a bigger attention to the facts politicians. The interdisciplinaridade is another point detached in the return of history politics in the questions historiogrficas of the present time, where this usufructs of techniques and methods of similar sciences as it is the case of the mathematics of which it loaned the data static, as well as quantitative history, and also, science politics as great allied in the object relations new to approach. The institutions that had contributed for this renaissance of History Politics had been: VI Section of the cole Pratique de Hautes tudes in Sciences Sociales and the Fondation Nationale you give sciences Politiques. In the direction of the French historiografia Remnd it detaches names as Charles Seignobos and Andres Siegried, where first of its contribution on the diversity of the temperaments politicians and as concerning electoral geography, beyond enaltecer the work of Jean Jaques Chevalier with its boarding on the renaissance of the ideas politics, of the institutions, chains of thought and personalities. In short, author makes a rocking of the trajectory that History politics passed throughout the historical process, in one first moment being hegemonic in the historical explanation, at as the moment receiving you criticize they disqualified that it they placed and it in the ostracism, finishing for at one third moment saying of the return of history politics waiting that this is not only one fashion of the moment or one ' ' veranico of maio' '.