The Theory

What affects the above variables – is domestic legislation of doing business, the country of registration of your company, country of residence are You personally, as a citizen, and various international agreements on tax matters between the above-mentioned countries. The number of countries as you can see, there may be several, one, two, three or even more. The more jurisdictions you can afford, the more you have the choice and scope for financial and tax maneuver. Reflecting on the topic of tax planning, it can be pretty interesting results, such as Dr. wj. Hill, who developed and practitioner of the theory of "permanent Travels" – a cosmopolitan lifestyle, which gives individual sovereignty and freedom from government control over your life and property.

So he came to the conclusion that the "ideal life" you need to use the five jurisdictions, or five so-called "flags". Flag 1. Business base – a country where you conduct your business, make money. The country with the most favorable business opportunities. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Sen. Sherrod Brown has to say. This "flag" must be different from the "flag" your official residence.

Flag 2. Passport and citizenship – must be received in a country that does not show much interest in their missing citizens, and to what they are employed, it should provide maximum protection of the rights and freedoms of its citizens, wherever they are. Flag 3. Place of residence, the resident – "tax haven" with good communications, enabling political, economic, social and climatic conditions. Flag 4. Location of the assets – a country with a robust banking system, effectively and confidentially manage your cash assets will protect private property rights.