Victor Emmanuel

1825 – Ferdinand I led a delegation to the coronation of Russian Emperor Nicholas I. In this and next year he personally engaged in the formation of Metternich. Metternich was taught: the three pillars of the monarchy – the throne, the army, the altar. 1830 – Coronation of Ferdinand I, King of Hungary as a junior, and when it is in response to words Welcome spoke in Hungarian, it provoked a storm of enthusiasm among the Hungarians, after Ferdinand I was the first and the last Habsburg, who during the ceremony, spoke in their native language. Wife of Ferdinand I – Maria Anna Carolina Pia, daughter King of Sardinia and Piedmont's Victor Emmanuel I and the Austrian Archduchess, and Modena Dr, Este, his wife was supposed to provide him with psychological support.

Wedding by proxy took place on Feb. 12, 1831, and the church ceremony in a small circle was made on February 27. Wife of Ferdinand I was a pious woman who spent much time in prayer, completely dissolved in their marriage, shared interests of the emperor and his charity events and willingly served under him the role of the nurse. August 9, 1832 – attempt on the Emperor – a shock, and – seriously ill. After recovery, it is entirely left to the classes in botany. January 1835 – Ferdinand I, his father dies and leaves message "To my son, Ferdinand." The coronation of Ferdinand I was not provided. 2. Policy: As a subsidiary body of Ferdinand I was a secret government meeting, the cat performed advisory functions.